Huge Announcement on Tomorrow’s Show!

GTS Logo ThumbnailSometimes things happen in your life, things you didn’t expect.  Sometimes someone will tell you something, you didn’t want to hear, things that will change your life.

We don’t usually embrace change very well, us human beings.  We often like things to stay the way they are.  We feel comfortable that way even if things aren’t the way we wanted.  We Christians long to follow God, but when we hear Him communicate with us, we often resist change even if we know it’s God’s will for our lives.  Even if we know God will use it for His glory.

Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever had someone tell you something that you didn’t want to accept because you knew it would rock your entire world?  I did.  Just last week!  And I have come to several difficult decisions as I attempt to follow the Lord’s will for my life.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you are not alone, but you might have an inkling that it has something to do with tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup show.  You would be correct.  Tune in tomorrow for some shocking news about the show and join the discussion about communication FROM God, how we can hear it, how we can follow it and what happens when we don’t!

Isn’t it amazing how God can take disturbing news and turn it into something incredibly fun?  Tune in tomorrow and hear what fun!

Tomorrow (Thurs.) 8am PST/11am EST

Join us live via computer:

Join us live via phone:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Can’t join us live?  Listen to the audio on demand!

If you can’t be there live but would like to contribute your thoughts, post them here or shoot me an email.

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Rights of vs Consequences of Free Speech: Open Discussion on Grace Talk Soup this Morning!

GTS Logo ThumbnailOpen Discussion Show today on Grace Talk Soup!

Americans know they have the right to free speech, but what many don’t understand is that there are consequences that come with those rights. You may have the right to disagree with someone, but do you have the right to yell at him? You may have the right to state your beliefs, but don’t others have the right to be offended by what you say? Let’s discuss this fine line between what we have the right to say and the natural consequences of that right.

What say you?  Come share!  8am PST/11am EST

How to join the live show via your computer:

How to join the live show via your phone:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Missed the live show?  No problem!  Click here and scroll down the Past Episodes. Find the orange Listen button next to the archived show audio you wish to hear 24/7!

We LOVE feedback and we are always looking for new show ideas!  Got a specific communication topic you want us to cover?  Got some feedback for us on this week’s show?  Post it here!

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Hilarious Commercial

Though it is logical and mathematical, search engines don’t have human intuition or insight.  How often have you searched for something like “Whale Songs” and come up with 200 versions of New York, New York?

Well, there’s a new search engine in town and its name is that has the most hysterically funny commercials illustrating the frustrating communication with the technology involved when using the world wide web for information.

Today’s Grace Talk Soup is about communication technology and whether it has hurt or helped our communication skills.  Tune in live 8am PST /11am EST each Thursday morning or..scroll down to our Past Episodes and listen to the audio recordings at your convenience!

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Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool

Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool?
By JoJo Tabares

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

Humor has been shown to be an essential component of learning for young and old alike!  In order to teach, you must have your audience’s attention.  If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, did anyone come to understand the beaver’s plight and struggle for logs?

Those of you who do not yet have teenagers, may not have had occasion to notice the strange eye reaction to being lectured.  You are familiar with REM: Rapid Eye Movement?  Those with teens have likely experienced REAM: Rolling Eyes At Me!  However, this phenomenon is often completely eliminated if you preach with humor!

Humor allows us to approach threatening subjects in a non-threatening way.  Research shows that most people find it difficult to receive information from someone who has little or no sense of humor.  Additionally it shows that when people laugh together, they not only enjoy themselves, but they are more receptive to new ideas.

Humor is one language that everyone can understand. It breaks down barriers between people. If you can share a laugh with someone, you’ve connected with that person. The defenses come down, and there’s a desire to continue the dialog.

Humor is also a model of efficiency.  It can generally get your point across with less effort and verbiage!   A picture is worth a thousand words and humor is worth a thousand dollars!  Entertainers make good money.  Is it because they cure cancer?  Solve world hunger?  No it’s because they solve world boredom!  They make you laugh and the really good ones make you think!

As a homeschool mom of two very bright and fidgety children, I use humor in almost everything I do.  I use funny quotes, entertaining games and exciting activities to teach and mold the young minds in my charge!   Humor allows me to hold their attention just long enough to implant some knowledge –sometimes without them even noticing!  Shhhh….


JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

If you want to learn more about humor’s effects on communication skills, when to use humor and when not to, listen to today’s Grace Talk Soup Podcast!

Listen to our live show every Thursday 8am PST/11am EST

Via Computer:

or via Phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Listen to our audios on demand:

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Have a cause you want to promote?

GTS Logo ThumbnailGrace Talk Soup is our weekly podcast where my co host and I share tips and techniques for more effective communication in various situations life brings us.  Carla and I a serving up God’s Word with side order of Grace and Humor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST.  Our live show has some great fun as the audience participates in much of the show!  Grace Talk Soup also receives HUNDREDS of downloads of our past archived shows a month!

Just in the last few months we have talked about subjects such as Defending the Faith, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, Cultural Differences in Communication and How to Talk to Someone Who is Grieving!  And the feedback has been amazing.

We are holding a constest each week where you could win free air time for your favorite cause, ministry, business or blog!  Just help us promote the show each week by posting our link and a bit about the show or inviting others to attend then email us to tell us where and how many times you posted sharing a bit of information on your cause/busienss. You will be automatically entered in the contest!  The one who posts the most that week, will win free exposure for their cause as we read all about it and post your link in our chatroom on the air during the show!

You can enter as many times as you like each week!  Each week is a new chance to win!  Put our TalkCast badge up on your blog/site and that gets you an entry each week!

Grace Talk Soup has a fan club over on Facebook too!  We’re over 500 members strong!  Come join us and hear about all the latest shows and get inside information and freebies that only our Facebook fans have access to!  As we talk about the issues for the shows, you can post relevent information about your cause or ministry there as well!

Grace Talk Soup’s menu is up on the site for the next several weeks so go check out what’s coming up!  And remember: Life can get a little spicy sometimes. Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!

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Need Some Grace Talk Chicken Noodle Soup

What is wrong with THIS picture?! This has not been a good week for me or for my Grace Talk Soup co host!  She has had some family emergencies and will not be able to make the show today.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

I’ve had a cold for over a week now.  Just the old sore throat and stuffy nose thing.  Nothing to write blog about.  I thought it was going away til the other day when I got hit hard with, I don’t know WHAT.  I don’t feel like I have the flu because I don’t really have any body aches or fever.  But BOY HOWDY do I feel awful!  I kind of feel like I did when I had sun stroke, but I haven’t been out in the sun!  I’ve been at the pool watching my son’s swimming lesson but I’ve been under a canopy or in the shade almost the whole time.  My head hurt so badly that I felt sick and was shaky.  I slept most of the day yesterday and I still feel like I was run over by a semi with an attitude!

Needless to say Grace Talk Soup‘s menu has changed for today since Ethel the Editor isn’t able to be here to share all her fabulous and fun tips for self editing.  We will be rescheduling her show for a later date.

Since we normally don’t have too much time to get into the issues I blog about each week, I thought I’d take the opportunity to do that today.  I’m calling it Communicating with JoJo and I would love it if you would come to the live show (8am PST/11am EST) and offer your comments on the this week’s communication issues from right here on Communication FUNdamentals.

I would also appreciate your prayers today.  I have so much to do today, but it’s hard to get anything done when you’re always inspecting the inside of your eyelids!

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Have you ever seen a FIMMpersonator?

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

FIMM 400x4001Have you ever seen/been a FIMMpersonator?

FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) is the Art of Eloquence mascot and resident MIScommunicator.  He sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue!  He is a cartoon character who started off on my blog.  People loved to read  FIMM’s wacky misadventures so much that he quickly became very popular.  It’s so much more fun to learn communication skills by pointing miscommunication out in OTHERS, especially when it’s so funny.

Very soon FIMM’s Fame grew and we moved him to our website where he now has his own video.  FIMM has been a guest on Grace Talk Soup, a speaker at the Say What You Mean Convention, a tShirt line over at CafePress called FIMM Wear, a fan club on Facebook, and now his own eBook, FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths which includs the best of Foot in Mouth Man’s misadventures!

While nobody communicates as badly as FIMM, everyone is a FIMMpersonator at times in their lives.  Even Ronald Reagan, The Great Communicator must have had times when he stuck his foot in mouth.  We all do.  I take those times, exaggerate them to the fullest extent of the funny bone and post it once a month.

After more than two years of writing for FIMM (and for the first two he had WEEKLY episodes!) I was running out of ideas so I had FIMM get married and have quintuplettes: Timm, Jimm, Slimm, Kimm and Enrique.  Thankfully in blog years, kids grow up pretty quick so now I am beginning to FIMMerize his children so I have introduced some FIMM Faux Pas that involve his now 4 year old’s.  But, I’m always on the look out for a good FIMM storyline.

That’s where you come in this week!  Most of the FIMM episodes are taken from real life, things I’ve done or seen.  So this week, I thought I’d ask for ideas from your life.  If I use your suggestion, I’ll give you credit when I post it too.  Have you ever seen or been a FIMMpersonator?  Share your story here!

JoJo’s Answer:
There are several FIMM episodes that come from real life, things I saw and one thing I actually typed!  Due to a typo, I said something like…”Unfortunately, so and so and his wife are no longer speaking…” making it sound as if they were getting a divorce or something.  What I had meant was that they were no longer on the speaking circuit.

What about you?  Ever see or been a FIMMpersonator?  Happens to the best of us!  Share your story!

Have you ever seen/been a FIMMpersonator?
Please post your answers here as a blog comment. Then post this question on YOUR blog and come back here to link your blog post so all of us can read about YOUR readers!

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Today is a very special Grace Talk Soup show (8am PST/11am EST) where we and our listeners will be sharing how to talk with someone who is grieving.  Grief comes in many sizes and shapes.  Having almost lost my daughter to a heart problem, a miscarriage and the miracle birth of my son which might have resulted in a lifetime of illness or death, I still cannot fathom some of the grief others go through.  And though I have had my share of struggles of various kinds, I have been especially blessed not to have had to deal with a terminal illness of a close family member or a lifetime of various other struggles which plague many on this fallen world.

If you have struggled, dealt with grief of any kind or have some insights to share with us this morning about what you would have WANTED others to say that would have eased your pain, please come to the live show.  You can either offer your words of wisdom in our chatroom or call us on the air!  We welcome your thoughts!

To join us live via your computer:

To join us live via your phone:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

This video is from Touched By an Angel and has Wynonna Judd’s precious 151st Psalm. This song so touches my spirit. The loss of a child is devastating, but the love of God has the power to comfort.  Though we may suffer pain in this fallen world, may we always be able to feel God’s love for us.  May it so fill our hearts during these times that we have the power to testify and be a witness in the silence when words are not enough…

All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
every dream that reaches out
reaches out to find where love began
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
every corner of creation
lives to testify

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I will be a witness
in the silences
when words are not enough
as long as I have breath
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountain to the valley
From the river to the sea
every hand that reaches out
every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
will speak what God has done

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I will be a witness
in the silences
when words are not enough
as long as I have breath
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I will be a witness
in the silences
when words are not enough
as long as I have breath
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

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Be Our Guest!

We have some fun planned for you this Thursday! I also have a reminder about how you can get some free advertising for your ministry/business. And I want to remind you about our membership drive for the GTS Facebook Fan Club where you each member can get a free gift! See below:

This Thursday Grace Talk Soup is having an Open Discussion show on how culture and accents and nationality can affect communication and we would LOVE for you to call in to share!

Do people misunderstand you because of an accent? Do you find a gesture means something different where you grew up? Do your kids correct you because you are from NY and say “are eng” instead of “ore ange” (Orange)? We want to hear from you on the air!

How does your culture affect your communication? Do you have funny stories? I do!! Do you have some helpful information about communicating with people from different cultures? Come share it on the air!

Join us live via your computer:

Join us live via your phone:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

If you can’t join us live, can you email us your experience so we can read it on the air?

Don’t forget our contest this week!
Post our link on your FB or Twitter page, your blog, email loop, Yahoo group, newslette or wherever and then email us to tell us you did so…

and you could WIN free advertising for your ministry, blog or business on the show! We’ll read your info on air and it will be part of our archived shows!

We are so close to reaching 500 members on the Grace Talk Soup Facebook Fan Club! When we do, we will be giving each member a free gift!

Come join the fan glub and/or share the Grace Talk Soup Fan Club link with your Facebook friends! The quicker we get to 500 members, the faster we can give away your free gift!

We love your feedback so please reply if you have any suggestions or comments for the show!

Lucy Linguist
Ethel the Editor

Co hosts: Grace Talk Soup


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Defending the Faith Mini Series Audios

Did you miss Mini Series May over on Grace Talk Soup?

If you did, you missed an amazing 4 shows!  But not to worry!  The audios are available on the show’s site so you can listen on demand any time you like!  However after a while, they can get lost in the archives.

Our first mini series was from my most important study, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  We shared tips for answering four of the world’s most common questions and misconceptions about the Lord and I have posted the direct links to the audios here:

1. Introduction: Why do we need to learn to share?

2. “I’m a good person; why do I need God?”

3. “Men wrote the Bible and men make mistakes.”

4. “What about all the horrible things done in Jesus’ name?”

The feedback on this Grace Talk Soup, our first ever mini series, has been amazing!

Everyone learned so much!  If you want to learn even more of the 18 most common questions and misconceptions about how to share and defend your faith, we now have SWM Defending the Faith Online classes you can register for along with our eBook of the same name.  Not only will this help you share and defend your faith, but it will help you and your household strengthen your own faith as well!

Check out what others are saying about our Defending the Faith course:

“This is such a needed class and I can see how easily both boys are learning some of the ways to respond (and ways not to respond) to some of the common things people say. I can see how they are understanding their faith in new, deeper ways and making their faith their own. This class has also helped to facilitate discussion in our family around the dinner table. You have a way of presenting things in a straight forward way that is so understandable.Thank you JoJo” -Marcie, Homeschooling mom of two

What’s so different about Art of Eloquence University?

* They are ongoing! You pay a one time-fee and you can continue to attend FOREVER!
* You can start at any time because each class automatically starts over again when it is finished!
* Classes are available online from the comfort of your own home!
* You can access the class on YOUR schedule!
* Your membership in the class is good for anyone living in your home! No need to pay extra for additional students!
* Choose from an increasing number of Art of Eloquence study titles! We are adding more all the time! (One flat fee per class title)

Start preparing now for your family’s future.

The world is a more complicated place and it requires so much more communication skill in order to carry out the Great Commission and even, according to statistics, for teens to get through college with their OWN faith in tact!  Let Art of Eloquence help prepare your family to share and defend the faith in grace.  Click here to find out more about our unique Online Classes!

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