How to Communicate Love Part4: How do you know?

dumb questionPulling this month’s blog series all together, here’s what we learned from this blog series so far:

Words don’t always communicate love, but specific details communicate love more effectively.

Actions communicate love.

Thoughtful, personalized, and even inexpensive gifts can communicate more love.

How do you determine what your spouse considers showing love? Listen!

1. Listen to the comments your spouse makes when he/she receives a gift.  Listen to what they don’t say.  Read between the lines.

2. ASK!  Trust me when I say that it doesn’t ruin the mystery if you go right up to her and ask what kinds of ways she likes to feel your love.  It doesn’t destroy the space/time continuum if you ask your husband how he feels love from you.  Ask and ye shall receive…the knowledge you need!

3. Pay attention.  Pay attention to the little things your spouse does.  Garner clues from the comments they make either about others or themselves.  Did she just say she thought it was adorable how the husband in that movie did something for his wife?  Did he just make a comment that gave you a clue about what he needs?  Pay attention.

There are as many ways to communicate love as there are lovers.  In order to find what works for your spouse, you need to listen, ask and pay attention.  Use words, actions and gifts and strategically tailor them to your spouse.

Happy Valentine’s Day…all year long!


Don’t forget to check out our Valentine Special where you can get two e-books that will help you and your spouse build a happier and stronger relationship!  Plus our free bonus gift, 28 Days of Love: 28 scriptures, sayings and beautiful illustrations that will help you become better able to express your love for your spouse.  It can be Valentine’s Day all year long!


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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How to Communicate Love Part3: Gifts

heart candy boxOkay so we talked about words and actions that show love, but there is another way to communicate love and that’s with gifts.  Does your gift need to be an expensive trinket or token?  Not at all.  In fact, the most precious gifts don’t cost much at all!  What they do cost is thought, time and preparation.

I have an incredible niece. She’s a treasure.  She recently had her 16th birthday and I wanted to give her something special.  Instead of a nice article of clothing or an expensive piece of jewelry, I created a photo album for her to keep her memories in.  I purchased a special photo album in her favorite colors and filled the first few pages with things that she loved as a child.  I included a letter I wrote to her about how I watched her grow and what a lovely young lady she had become.  I added pictures of her and her brother and some trinkets of things she treasured.  And I told her to fill the remaining pages with treasures from her life as she begins adulthood.

The idea behind a special and treasured gift is to make it personal and infuse it with meaning.  Personalize your gift.  Let it be a reflection of what you know about them, what they need, their hopes and dreams.

It’s the thought that counts isn’t an expression we should remember because it excuses us from giving an appropriate gift or spending a lot of money. It’s one that should remind us of the way our gift should make the recipient feel: special!

Check back next week for my wrap up article and how you can find your spouse’s love language!


Don’t forget to check out our Valentine Special where you can get two e-books that will help you and your spouse build a happier and stronger relationship!  Plus our free bonus gift, 28 Days of Love: 28 scriptures, sayings and beautiful illustrations that will help you become better able to express your love for your spouse.  It can be Valentine’s Day all year long!


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Day 20 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Offering

Another debut video for the AoE countdown to CHRISTmas is Casting Crowns with CHRISTmas Offering.

I bring an offering of worship to my King.  I thought about these words.  As we juggle the crowds at the mall and the hustle and bustle of the holday season, we need to stop not only to thank the Lord for the gift that Jesus has given us, but also to offer ourselves as a gift to Him.  To worship and to allow Him to do with us what He wills.

We are winding down the countdown to CHRISTmas this year.  Tomorrow is another in just a few more until we celebrate the most precious gift we have ever received: the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus.

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Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!


Many years ago, I received an email from someone who wanted to unsubscribe from my newsletter.  It said,



*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Birthday Bash Contests Coming in August


It’s Birthday Bash Time Again!


Art of Eloquence will be celebrating its eighth birthday this November.  Each year we’ve had a Birthday Bash to celebrate where our customers won free prizes, but this year will be even more exciting because there will be EIGHT different ways to win!

AND…much more than eight prizes awarded!

Say tuned to Communication FUNdamentals blog, What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter or the Art of Eloquence Facebook Page for details coming soon!

It’ll be our biggest Birthday Bash EVER!  It’s our birthday, but YOU could walk away with the gifts…the FREE GIFTS!

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“Shopping w/my daughter”

Technology can be used for good or for evil.  It can be a source of miscommunication and a reason society has been lax in learning to communicate effectively.  However, it is also a tool that may be used to aid in effective communication and strengthen relationships.

So yesterday I was at Walmart with my husband and my son doing our weekly shopping and getting a few Christmas gifts on our list.  As I was coming back from sneaking a gift for my son (Shhhh! Don’t tell him I told you, now!), I saw my dh on the cell phone.  It was my 19 y/o sophomore college girl who now lives 1800 miles away!  We are a tag team, my dh and I.  I handed off the Christmas gifts to him to put away in the trunk of the car and it was now my job to keep my son occupied as we continued to shop.

I talked to her for about a half hour or 45 minutes as we were shopping talking about everything from her classes to her friends and what she wanted for Christmas.  It was almost like she was right there with me at Walmart.  I passed the phone to my son who got a chance to tell her all about his Young Marines troop experience in the Veteran’s Day Parade that morning.

Vets Day Parade 021

All in all, I think we spent an hour on the phone catching up and spending quality time communicating our love and building our relationships.  (A big thank you to Verizon’s plan for allowing us to talk Verizon to Verizon without using our monthly allotment of minutes!)

Life is busy and, these days, our loved ones can live so far away; but technology can be a huge blessing to those who use it wisely.

A reminder from your friends at Art of!

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Free tips on conflict resolution

My friend, Penny Raine, is having Favorite Friday Freebies on her blog.  She is posting all the free and nearly free items she can find.  Too cool, huh?  She’s asked others to help her find freebies.

I have been offering freebies, gifts and special offers to my newsletter subscribers.  These are all things that are ONLY available for my subscribers.  Well, this month I have started to give away a series of articles on conflict.  I have been giving away tips you can use to avoid conflicts or to resolve conflicts with family, friends and business acquaintances.  These articles will eventually be compiled and turned into a book on conflict, but you can gain all the benefits of my experience right now by simply subscribing to my newsletter, “What’s New at Art of Eloquence?”   The newsletter is free and we will NEVER sell or give away your email address!

In addition to this exclusive series on conflict, you will receive other freebies, special gifts and exclusive offers ONLY for our subscribers.  Click here to subscribe!

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JoJo’s Top 5 Reasons for Giving Educational Gifts

Top 5 Reasons for Giving Educational Gifts

5. It’s got ZERO calories
4. It won’t spoil their appetite
3. It’s sugar free
It’s always the right size
1. Education NEVER goes out of style!

Give the gift of self-expression!  Even shy kids LOVE this fun speech course!

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