Weird Scrabble Contest

I’ll just bet you weren’t aware, but this is National Scrabble Week and it’s also Weird Contest Week.  In honor of both, we’re having a Weird Scrabble Contest.  In true Scrabble style, we are asking you to find words among the following random letters you might have if you were allowed this many letters when playing Scrabble.


1. From among the letters listed here, find all the possible you might put down on a Scrabble board if it were your turn.  All the words have to have something to do with communication.  For each word, you cannot reuse letters unless there are more than one of that letter listed (just like it is in real Scrabble).  Each word is a new turn so all the letters you used for the previous word come back and are able to be used for the next word.

2. Post your words in one comment at the bottom of this blog post.  Make sure you leave your first and last name and an email address so we can contact you should you be our winner.

3. You have until midnight PST tonight (August 6th, 2012) to post your answers.  The one who finds the most words will win a gift from Art of Eloquence.




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Happy Father’s Day

 This Sunday was Father’s Day so Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!  I’ve been reading, lately, about the sad state of celebration of fathers out there.  Most people go to a lot of trouble for Mother’s Day, taking mom out to dinner, buying her flowers and a special gift.  Fathers don’t seem to merit the same attention. 

It may be just that taking mom out to dinner is more appreciated because she gets a break from all the nights she has to cook her own dinner or the fact that mothers do have a more difficult time during the pregnancy and birth of baby, but fathers seem to be getting short shrift. 

The Bible compares fathers to our heavenly father.  Often absent in a child’s life these days, a father is an important part of a child’s upbringing.  Divorce most often gives custody to the mom so dads don’t usually get equal time.  Though moms are working outside the home in large numbers, more dads see less of their children than do moms. 

What did you do to celebrate dad this year?  I got to thinking about it and realized that the gifts we give frequently send a message to dad communicating how much thought we put into the gift and just how much they are appreciated.  Here’s what I mean.

The tie is a traditional Father’s Day gift that usually says I didn’t put much thought into this because it’s not really a priority for me.  A silly tie says even worse, that we would rather amuse ourselves than find a special way to honor dad.  Dad doesn’t usually appreciate the tie gag gift as much as the giver does. 

A shirt can be a practical gift, but it can also say that you didn’t really spend much time or thought on dad this year.  Many’s the time my dh appreciated the tie or shirt because he could use the clothing.  He spent most of his time and money for things the kids needed or wanted.  So little was sometimes left over for what dad needed or wanted, but how many dress shirts or ties can dad really use?  If you’ve given dad a tie or shirt for the last three or four years, you might consider an alternative gift. 

Tools can be a practical or special gift, but only if dad really uses or wants them.  Often a tool is a cop out gift that was purchased because it was the right price or was for sale where ever we happened to be shopping. 

What to do?  Ask dad what he’d like to have or do this year.  Think if there is anything special he’s been putting off buying.  What’s his favorite food?  Hobby?  Interest?  Work around your budget and come up with something uniquely dad. 

What is a good father? What did you do for Father’s Day?  Share.

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Day 22 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Shoes

Today’s video is one that I can never get through without crying.  The precious gift of a child for his mom who may meet Jesus tonight.  It’s called The CHRISTmas Shoes and sung by Newsong.

The video is like a mini movie and just as precious as it could be to show the love of a child for his mother on CHRISTmas Eve.

This is the Love of Christ right in the heart of that little boy and how he shows the man in line behind him a glimpse into the kind of love that Jesus has for us.

Tomorrow is another great video. Until then…

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Day 20 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Offering

Another debut video for the AoE countdown to CHRISTmas is Casting Crowns with CHRISTmas Offering.

I bring an offering of worship to my King.  I thought about these words.  As we juggle the crowds at the mall and the hustle and bustle of the holday season, we need to stop not only to thank the Lord for the gift that Jesus has given us, but also to offer ourselves as a gift to Him.  To worship and to allow Him to do with us what He wills.

We are winding down the countdown to CHRISTmas this year.  Tomorrow is another in just a few more until we celebrate the most precious gift we have ever received: the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus.

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Give Grace A Chance

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!


After reading my title, I have that song stuck in my head now, don’t you?  “Just Give Grace a Chance…”  Continuing Grace Month with excerpts  from my article, “10 Quick Ways to Disagree in Grace” we come to numbers five and six.  I pray these tips have been a blessing to you and I would ask that you please pass along the link to my blog posts as there are so many Christians struggling to find comfortable or more effective ways in which to disagree.
Sometimes Christians find that they may disagree with other Christians over doctrine or how they interpret scripture.  I have seen Christians lash out at a sister or brother in Christ and I have seen others stand idly by in fear of what their response would bring.  This is a HUGE topic that I actually address in several of my communication studies, but I want to address a portion of this here today: new Christians.
5. Give new Christians a Chance
Before I ever came to accept Jesus, I didn’t know His Word.  I cannot accept what I do not know.  I had to spend time reading the Bible before I could grow in my faith.  The closer I grew to the Lord, the more I wanted to live my life for Him.  I didn’t start off witnessing. It wasn’t until later that I decided not to participate in things like Santa and the Easter Bunny.  Be sure not to stumble a fairly new Christian because he is not yet ready or willing to make a change.”
We don’t want to stumble a new believer before he has an opportunity to walk with the Lord.  It’s so important that we discuss things and not argue the point.  Most new believers will need time to sit with an idea before they can really understand it.  Most people have the same issue with almost any new idea.  Nobody wants to be told they are doing things wrong, but often we do need to hear it.  It’s so much easier to share what we believe than to accuse or badger.  This allows us the freedom to speak.  It’s also much easier for the recipient to hear us discuss our different belief.  This allows the other person the freedom to listen and understand.
Another issue we face with gracious disagreement, is when we notice the other party isn’t “buying it.”  LOL  As we attempt to discuss issues, we may notice that the other person isn’t accepting our facts.
6. Address their Concerns
If they ask you a question, by all means answer!  Sometimes people may not come out and ask, but you can tell they have a concern by their body language or their facial expression.  If they object, by all means address it.  Calmly share what you know about their concerns.”
Some will come out and ask you how you know X to be true.  Others will squinch up their faces or shake their heads from side to side.  This is a red flag clue that something needs to be addressed.  Do so.  Remember, that addressing their concerns doesn’t mean telling them the are WRONG or getting them to agree you are RIGHT.  It simply means that we should graciously attempt to clarify why they are having trouble with our idea and see if we can discuss it further.  Along the way, the other party might learn you are right or YOU might learn something about the other person that will allow you to explain your position more effectively.
I’ll be back on Wednesday with some more tips on disagreeing in grace.  Check out our newsletter subscription below.  We will have a free gift coming out tomorrow for all subscribers.  It’s an activity book that helps parents and kids discuss what Jesus did for us.


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Valentine’s Day…GIFT!

All this month, I’m talking about communication in situations other than making speeches.  Well, today is Valentine’s Day and that is an area where speeches aren’t appropriate.  Real communication between couples and loved ones is vital to the health of the relationship.

But how do we communicate that love?  How does love speak?  What does love say?

Well, here are some things that do NOT show love:
* Unloving actions and words
* Ignoring
* Watching TV while listing to someone
* Deciding in two seconds that something or someone is not worth listening to and tuning out

The giving of gifts and dinners out can be important tokens of appreciation, but are not what really communicates love.  If you’d like a very special gift that goes into great detail about what really communicates love, it’s free!  It’s called “Expressions of Love.”  Here are a few ways you can get it:

1. “Like” the Art of Eloquence Fan Page over on Facebook and you’ll find a link to a page where you can download this treasure that will help you improve a rocky relationship or enhance an already good one!  You’ll find a treasure trove of fun and creative posts with articles, tips and regular free gifts on communication skills in every area of life!

2. Subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter.  The newsletter with the link for this freebie has already been sent out, but if you subscribe this month and email me, I’ll forward the link to you!  What you’ll find in our newsletter this year is some amazingly powerful material that we ONLY provide for our newsletter subscribers.  This year we are providing four excerpts from each of six Art of Eloquence studies in all areas of life where communication is extremely important.  In addition, you will receive periodic free gifts, articles with tips, notification of special events, and exclusive offers including membership in our brand new Book of the Month Club where we are practically giving away an Art of Eloquence communication study each month!  Each Book of the Month download is only $5!

3. Join our Art of Eloquence Yahoo group where you’ll receive daily creative and fun communication tips, links, other info and our regular free gifts!

Or do all three to make sure you receive the maximum number of creative and fun scriptural lessons and gifts on communication skills!

The relationships in your life depend on effective communication in order to grow.  Don’t miss these opportunities to give you the best chance to nurture your relationships and other important situations with good, effective and easy tips that will make all the difference in your personal and professional life!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: for More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Valentine's Free Gift for All Subscribers!

What’s New at Art of Eloquence Newsletter subscribers will get a free gift soon for Valentine’s Day!  If you are not a subscriber, you’ll want to subscribe before our next newsletter comes out so you don’t miss out!

What’s New at Art of Eloquence offers exclusive articles, special offers, free gifts and other communication fun ONLY for subscribers!  We do not give out this information anywhere else (on our site, blog or Facebook Fan Club Page!) but just to those on our mailing list!

If you are not subscribed, you can do so easily by clicking here!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  From the folks at Art of!

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