It’s Natl Win with Civility Month

August is National Win with Civility Month!  With all the horrible things you hear people say to each other these days, isn’t this a wonderful thought?  How can we celebrate this month?  What can we do to further civility in America and around the world?

Let’s not compromise our beliefs or leave unsaid the things that should be said, but let’s find ways to promote civility this month.  Not like these guys to my left here! lol

I posted about this on my Facebook wall last year asking folks to repost it on their FB wall in support of civility and was disappointed it didn’t get as much participation.  This year, I’d love to get more support for civility and let’s make it fun.  How can Art of Eloquence do this?  If you have an idea for us, please post a comment here!  We’ll discuss the ideas and implement the one(s) that we feel will work for us best.

So let’s hear from you!  How can Art of Eloquence celebrate civility this year?


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Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook?

If you’ve been on Facebook for a while, you have probably come across a post or two that brought to mind the following question: “Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook?”  I ran across two such issues this week.

Sally Socialite:

Posted on a Facebook group of about 4000 people was a notification that one of its members was leaving.  She said she was a member of a few other active groups, one of them had to go and THIS one was it.  She wished everyone well and informed them that she would formally leave in two days.

While she had left a few comments, she wasn’t the moderator or even a regular contributor.  So announcing to almost 4000 people that you are leaving the group seemed a tad arrogant.  Further, there’s really no nice way to say that you’d rather spend your time on three other groups, but “THIS one is it” doesn’t even come close.  Lastly, if you’re going to leave a group, why not leave now?  The implication, to me anyway, was that she was waiting around to see who begged her to stay.  No one did. In fact, though the group had comments on every other post, this post remained the one without a single response.

I think the polite way to leave a large group is to quietly unsubscribe.  If you are the moderator or a frequent contributor whose absence would be noticed, you can simply say you aren’t going to be able to contribute to the group any longer.  You might cite a job change, more household responsibilities, a health problem (or anything other than preferring the company of another group over this one) as the reason.

Stanley Sob Story

While it is more common to find a Facebook bio that claims your potential “friend” is Superman, Einstein and Michael Jackson all rolled into one, I found a few who like to complain.  I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t find this technique in How to Win Friends and Influence Facebook.

He says he works at an entry level job where he “gets no kind of respect” and lists several grievances against the company which he refers to by name and by specific location-just in case any management, who might have noticed, wasn’t sure which franchise was involved!

First, reading this makes me feel like I’m eavesdropping on a private conversation and/or participating in gossip.  While his purpose may be to elicit compassion, the use of profanity (not to mention poor spelling and grammar) doesn’t endear me to his plight.  Lastly, I can’t see myself having a meaningful friendship with someone who keeps private all personal information save the sordid details of his unfortunate career.

I’ve said it before, Facebook is a public venue where you meet and greet.  Be careful what information you give away, especially to your employer and especially in this type of economy.  First impressions are just as important online as they are offline at a party.  Nobody wants to feel as if they are second best (or was that 4th?) and very few are attracted to a vulgar complainer.

What say you?  Have you encountered some things people have said on Facebook that left you thinking, “Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook?”


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JoJoisms & Free Gift

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It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week and I hope you’ve been enjoying many giggles over the last few days.  Laughter is essential and not only to the learning process as we were discussion earlier, but to our health.  They say laughter is the best medicine.  You should have several doses per day!

I love making people laugh.  I do it with my kids. In fact, my son has gotten so used to it that he often says, “Mommy, say something funny!”  No pressure or anything! ROFL

Well, in case you haven’t been reading my blog, my articles, my Facebook fan page, my newsletter or my studies, (shudder, the thought!) you know that I started a thing called JoJoisms.  JoJoisms are where I reveal life’s truths…as I think of ’em.  They are one liners with insightful commentaries on life.  Here are a few I wrote about communication:

JoJoism#18 “Persuasion is when you want someone to listen to you; annoyance is when they want you to listen to them!”

JoJoism#28 “I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.”

JoJoism#29 “I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…”

JoJoism#49a “A reason is what I have for not doing something for you.  An excuse is what you have for not doing something for me.“

JoJoism#82 “The opposite of stop isn’t go, it’s pots.”

I’ll stop now before…JoJoism#107: “My mouth punneth over.” JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ‘em!


If you enjoyed these, I have a free gift for you!  I created and illustrated my first Book of JoJoisms on communication.  Click here to download a free copy!


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Using Humor on Purpose

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Later on, I’ll share about the humor (and problems) that comes from ineffective communication, but for now Communication FUNdamentals Week continues with the humor that used on purpose.  Humor can be used to creatively express yourself in order to entertain and amuse.  I posted this poem I wrote on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page last week and it was met with a goodly amount of comments from folks who “felt my pain.”
Exerciser’s Lament 

The scale says more; my clothes, they tore.
I’m often winded at the store.
Though I’m not sure and it’s a bore
Now exercise is my new chore.
My legs are sore; I’m on the floor,
Endorphins are just pure folk lore.
Just shut the door; I want to snore
And with my bones I am at war.
If you’re going to complain, you should do it with a little style.

Last week was also Limerick Week and in order to celebrate, I posted this little limerick authored by yours truly.

On Celebrating Limerick Day

May 12th is Limerick Day
I’m exceedingly happy to say
Because it’s such fun
To rhyme and to pun
I ask you to try it your way!

Care to try your hand?


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Business Communication Seminar Today

If’ you’re a Christian working a small business, you need to join me this morning!

You may not realize it, but almost every aspect of your business involves communication skills. The more effective you are, the more success you’ll have in your business.

Jill Hart of CWAHM and a sampling of Christian Work at Home Moms join me this morning (9am PST/12pm EST)  to share tips and techniques for better communication with your customers, co workers, suppliers, employees and more.  We’ll discuss tips for customer service, sales, marketing, your blog, website, dealing with co workers, social networking like Yahoo groups, Facebook and Twitter.

Join us via your computer:

Or call in to the show:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

The audio will be available immediately following the show, but if you listen in to the live seminar, I’ll be sharing a voucher code to purchase Say What You Mean When You’re in Business for HALF OFF!


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NEW Facebook Advertising Trick!

I don’t normally post on Thursdays, but I began to notice a new Deadly Communication Sin of Advertising the other day that was confirmed for me just yesterday.  Since this one is new, it’s not part of my article, “The 12 Deadly Communication Sins of Advertising,” BUT you should be aware of it.  Here’s how it works:

You receive an email notifying you that you have a new comment to a Facebook post.  It says you should check out this link for special deals on XYZ. You click on the link to see why someone would have posted this as a response and you find that their comment ISN’T THERE!  Since your post was about how you needed prayer for your mom, you assume that it must have been a mistake.

Three days later you receive another email comment to another Facebook post from this same new “friend.”  It, too, is a link they want you to visit and it, too, is no longer showing.  Again, you notice that your post has nothing whatsoever to do with their links and that the posts they are commenting on happen to have lots of responses from your friends.

The next day, you find another one and suddenly you see a “deadly communication sin of advertising.”  Posting a link as a comment makes it clickable and sends it to every single friend who replied to your Facebook post.  Since it’s no longer there, most think it was a simple mistake, but some might actually click on the link out of curiosity and perhaps purchase from this spammer.

The problem with this technique is that the spammer will eventually frustrate her friends and their friends and, as the old Breck commercial used to say, “and so on and so on and so on…”

I’ve seen a similar advertising trick on Twitter.  You receive an email that you have a reply to your Twitter comment.  It directs you to their website only you realize that you and he aren’t following each other on Twitter.  He doesn’t have to.  To send a direct message, a Twitterer must both be following you and have YOU following him.  To send you an @ reply, a Twitterer doesn’t even need to be following YOU!

Fortunately, you can block a Twitter Twit or Facebook Fool who is spamming you, but beware of their tricks.  Sometimes these links are viruses.  Sometimes they take over your account.  I had one recent Facebook link that I clicked on because a good friend had it posted on her wall.  When I clicked on it, I found that it not only automatically made me a member of their fan page, but it posted the same thing on MY wall as was on my friend’s wall in order to entice others to click on it.  I was able to remove the post on my wall, but I am unable to UNlike their fan page.  And each time I tried, I found another post on my wall that I had to delete.

Remember JoJoism#27:  “Technology’s a wonderful thing…until it isn’t!”


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3rd Deadly Sin of Advertising: Feigning Ignorance

3rd Deadly Sin of Advertising: Feigning Ignorance
Have you ever known someone who posted something on one of your business email groups knowing that it probably wasn’t allowed but they would rather ask forgiveness than permission? When caught, they usually say something like…”Oh! I am so sorry. I didn’t realize that wasn’t allowed!” Now sometimes they truly had no idea that a certain rule exists, but many times they secretly hope they will get away with it and rely on the kindness of people to forgive their little sin.

Be careful! I have seen people do this once too often and it can backfire in a big way. The net is a surprisingly small world. Many of your group members are also on other groups with you. Once they get to know you, you have a reputation. It’s wonderful to have a reputation for being honest, trustworthy, kind, uplifting… But a reputation for posting “Ooops! I didn’t know…” emails will catch up with you.

Similar to this is the Facebook practice of sending ads to your entire friends list.  I think folks may be interested if you are doing something brand new and if it isn’t a recurring event, but to email 3000 of your closest Facebook friends every time you list something on Etsy, Craigs List or eBay get’s a bit tiresome for most of your friends.  I’ve had people do that to me generating several emails  an hour for a few days only to start all over again a few days later when they have another sale.  Contacting them to ask them to stop sending me a notification on every item, they usually say, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I had no idea it was going out to all my friends.”  I’m not sure I believed them even at the time because the link you click to send an email says it is going out to all your friends.  However, I was sure they knew when it was sent out six more times the very next day.

Aside from the fact that Facebook takes a dim view of ads on a personal wall (that’s why they created business fan pages), your friends will find your spam annoying but they will quickly see through the excuses you give for not knowing what you should have known, especially if they are the ones who told you.

What’s your experience with this deadly sin of advertising?  Who has been a victim of someone feigning ignorance of the rules? Did it color your opinion of them and their business?


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When to be “Specifically General”

On Monday, I talked about the need to be specific, even oddly specific.  Today, I’d like to talk about when it’s necessary to be “specifically general.”  While being specific can help you avoid confusion and frustration, being general has the advantage of not ruffling feathers and allowing you not to discuss personal issues if you don’t want to.

1. Say you get a phone call from a distant relative asking you to fill her in on all the details of a personal family matter.  She is not directly involved and is just being nosy.  You don’t want to give her any details, but you feel trapped as she has you on the phone.  What do you do?  There is no law that says you have to answer every question you are asked!  You could simply tell her you don’t want to discuss it.  You could ignore her question and move on to a more neutral topic.  OR…you could be specifically general.  You could tell her that it’s going as well as can be expected.  You can, then, feel free to change the subject or tell her you were in the middle of something (whatever it was you were doing before she called) and you don’t have much time to talk.

2. Facebook may not be the place to discuss personal issues so when someone posts on your wall and asks you something rather personal, what do you do?  Again, just because someone asks you something doesn’t mean you have to answer.  You could delete the post if you think it might open up a can of worms you don’t want to deal with in a rather public forum like Facebook.  You could reply to the question on the phone or in a direct message to the person who asked.  Or you could post a reply that is specifically general.  If Sally comments that she loves your new sweater and asks how your business did last year, you can reply only to the first part of her comment.  “Thanks!  My dd got it for me for Christmas.”  and you could add, “We did well, thanks!”

3. Aunt Martha doesn’t believe in homeschooling.  She asks how your son did this week with math.  Normally, he does well, but last week he had a big problem understanding fractions.  Instead of opening up a can of worms giving her the details of little Johnny’s frustrating week with halves and eighths, you could just tell her, “He just finished studying fractions this week.”

4. When leading a meeting or teaching a homeschool child there can sometimes come an obscure question that takes your conversation off track.  Just because someone asks a question that might be a good topic of discussion, doesn’t mean now is the time to digress.   It’s not rude to say, “That’s a great question, but we really don’t have time to go into that right now.  Let’s discuss it tomorrow.”

As you can see, being specifically general has its advantages as does being oddly specific.  Each according to its purpose for the communication at hand.  Got any stories about being oddly specific or specifically general you’d like to share?

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Do your posts “L@@K” like spam?

I had an experience on Facebook last week that got me thinking about how important it is to be careful that our communication doesn’t resemble something that people could take the wrong way.  It isn’t enough to be genuine, we have to communicate that we are.  If you use the language of scammers and spammers, people will wonder if you are.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, people will naturally conclude that it’s a duck.  Here’s what I mean and what we can all learn from Pst Spence.

Last week, I received a friend request from someone with an odd sounding name:  Pst Spence.  We had several mutual friends, his page looked normal and he was in ministry so I accepted.  I never heard from him until he sent me a personal message on Facebook with a gloriously formal sounding introduction, “Calvary Greetings to you…”  It was a rather long message where he asked me for prayer and to donate toward a relief effort for those in Australia who were affected by the flood.  I don’t make it a habit to send donations to people I just met so I sent a reply saying that I’ve been praying for them.

The next day he sent a reply stating that prayer was good, but that they needed MONEY!  I was taken aback!  A minister who doesn’t think that much of prayer?   I was busy that day with a sick son and many other projects so I decided not to answer him.  The next morning I received a message from him asking if I’d received his reply and stating that he was “still expecting my donation.”  Still…EXPECTING!?  In this reply he asked me to send my donation Western Union and NOT by Money Gram.  I went back to his first message and noticed that he had put in quite an elaborate address and instructions for the donation.

Next I went to his page because I felt this was a scam.  He had unfriended me and put a note on his page saying he had reached his limit of Facebook friends.  He asked everyone to “like” his fan page.  Curious because he didn’t seem to have ANY friends anymore, I went to his fan page and found no real information on it and only 13 fans.  A few days ago, this man’s Facebook page seemed normal, yet only a few days later, he had no friends and nothing to speak of on his wall.  I reported this to Facebook because the manner in which he was speaking, the words he used and the nature of his Facebook page and fan page, all SCREAMED scam.

To my utter amazement, he had the audacity to send me another message the very next day.  It simply said, “Still waiting for a response.”  I thought to myself, “and you’ll be waiting quite a long time, too!”

At the risk of creating a blueprint for spammers, I’d like to share some of the things in his messages that caused me to believe he wasn’t genuine.  Then I’m going to take some of these same things and show how well-meaning, yet untrained communicators can mistakenly appear the same way.

Spam and Scam Red Flags

1. Unusually formal or flowery greeting

2. Poor grammar or incorrect word usage

3. Sender is someone you just met or don’t know well

4. Asking for money, especially in a more demanding way (Expecting your donation)

5. Most of the detail is in the directions for acquiring the donation rather than the cause

6. Asking for the money to be sent in an usual way or by an unusual method

7. Persistence

8. Language becoming increasingly hostile

Now I know many of you wouldn’t be this blatant, but let’s look at a few of these and see how you might (perhaps) sound like a spammer.  Sometimes, perfectly genuine people fall into the habit of doing things that just feel like spam.  This causes folks to become uncomfortable and/or unlikely to continue the online relationship.  Here’s a list of things that “feel” like spam. I call them Pink Flags.

Spam and Scam Pink Flags:

1. Sending private messages asking for donations or announcing sales to people you don’t know well.

2. Posting mostly or only when you are selling something

3. Poor grammar or word choice, especially to people with whom you are not close.

4. Not being careful to be respectful when asking for donations, especially if sent to people having financial difficulties of their own.

5. Sending more than one message through in a short period of time.  (Once a day or several times a day)

6. Posting several times in an hour about things you have for sale.

7. Posting ONLY things you have for sale on your personal Facebook page or Yahoo group while never responding to or posting things of a more personal nature.

8. Posting MOSTLY things you have for sale.

9. Creating events several times a week/month, inviting all your Facebook friends and then sending constant updates about them.

I’ve known several people, good people, who are in business.  They have good businesses and they try hard to be honest and trustworthy.  However, they have some practices that make it appear, like this scammer, such that they could get in trouble even though they are not scamming.   Here are a few scenarios that illustrate what I mean.  Perhaps you’ve seen them?

Persistent Paula:

Paula sells handmade jewelry.  She’s on Facebook where she also has a fan page.  She’s very excited about her creations and so she posts pictures and sales items about six times a day both on her fan page and her personal Facebook wall.  She also sends out messages to all her personal friends on Facebook each hour with updates about how well her business is doing.  Finally, she tags about 20 or 30 different friends each time she posts a particular type of product picture on her personal wall.

Paula is a sweet girl and everyone is polite, but secretly, several have almost unfriended her due to the sheer volume of emails this generates for them.  In fact, sometimes Paula has posted pictures of her products directly on her friend’s walls or on THEIR fan pages.

Connie Cause:

Connie is the sweetest little thing you’ d ever come across.  She’s a stay at home mom whose kids are all grown and she’s got a passion for getting involved.  She’s the kind of person who is always donating and doing for others, but she is completely unaware of how to communicate her passion effectively.

Connie sends blanket emails to each of her Yahoo groups every day, sharing with them about all the causes she supports.  She addresses her emails to reflect her faith-filled love for people using terms like “Blessed Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus.”  She asks for donations and, because she has a lot of groups she belongs to, she gives all the information to donate up front so that people can have all the information ready to donate.  Unfortunately, Connie doesn’t realize that some of the groups she belongs to don’t allow ads. She doesn’t have much time for interaction on these groups because of all the wonderful causes she supports.  In fact, most of her posts have numerous typos and other mistakes because Connie is in a hurry each day to get these messages out giving her the ability to help even more of God’s children.

Most people on Connie’s groups feel like she is only there to get their money.  Many question whether all her causes are legitimate because of the typos and the fact that only two lines tell about the cause while six lines share how to pay.

We must be careful to say what we mean in a way that allows the listener/reader to hear what we say the way we meant it.  Otherwise, we risk appearing like a spammer, losing friends and having our Yahoo groups or Facebook privileges revoked.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication.  Her Christian and humorous approach to communication skills has made her a sought after speaker.  JoJo’s articles have appeared in various homeschool magazines and websites such as Dr.  Her Say What You Mean curricula is endorsed by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and her eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business, has been used by direct sales leaders and small business owners alike.  For more information, please visit

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Pssst! Wanna get married?

This week, I’m talking about Facebook Faux Pas.  Communication on Facebook is often seen as somehow different from communication elsewhere so things are regularly done (said) over Facebook that would NEVER be tolerated in person. On Wednesday, I told you about the issue of adding people to Facebook groups without asking their permission or gaining their consent.  Today is about dating.

Over the weekend, I received another in a series of Facebook messages about dating.  (No, this picture is not him, though I sincerely doubt the picture he has posted on his Facebook wall is him either.)  Shockingly, this guy didn’t just ask me if I liked Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.  After telling me a bit about himself, he asked if I would consider marrying a guy like him.  I’m waiting for Facebook to add a feature whereby he could add me as his wife without my consent!  lol

Clearly, this man never read my bio in which I state, among other things, that I am already married.  Additionally, I would never consider marrying a man who can’t put two grammatically correct sentences together!  But I digress…

I found it deliciously comical that, upon visiting his wall to see what kind of man writes women he doesn’t know and asks them to marry him, I found that Mr. Smith (yes that  is the name he posted!) “only shares some profile information with everyone.” In fact, he shared NONE of his personal information.  I guess when you go around asking women you don’t know to marry you, you have to be careful not to reveal too much.  Perhaps he shares his political affiliation and favorite books only AFTER the wedding???

Can you imagine a man walking up to a woman at a party, calling her “Pretty” instead of her name, telling her about his job and kid and asking if she’d consider marrying him?  Is this a joke?  Or does this guy really believe he can find a Facebook wife this way?  Either way, I would be disinclined.

What say you?

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