Dr. Seuss’ birthday is this Friday. He would have been 108 years old. As many of us did, I grew up with Dr. Seuss books and so did my children. They were a fun way for kids to want to learn to read. They had two of the things kids love most: rhyme and nonsense. Silly words with silly pictures, odd situations and strange creatures enticed us all.
This week on the Art of Eloquence Communication FUNdamental’s blog, we will be celebrating silliness and creative play that fosters better education (specifically communication) and remembering Dr. Seuss.
Part of the reason Dr. Seuss was so effective was because he included humor and creative play into the learning process, an idea Art of Eloquence incorporates into its communication studies. Almost all of my articles use humor. Some share how humor is important to communication. One article shares how to use creative play to teach communication skills. Check them out and have some fun learning the Communication FUNdamentals of the Art of Eloquence!
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