Stop the Presses!

This is not a test!  This is a real Art of Eloquence emergency!  Well, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? LOL

I actually do have a very good reason for alarming you with this blog post.  We are suspending our regularly scheduled blog posts this month to bring you some exciting and important Art of Eloquence news!

When the Art of Eloquence emergency is over, we will resume our regularly scheduled blog posts of articles, FUNdamentals, reviews and Ask JoJo posts.

Here now is the first of four important Art of Eloquence announcements:

We’ve had our Fire Sale going for four months now and, while many of you have taken advantage of our $150 dollar package for only $27, we cannot continue to offer this enormous package of nine of our most popular communication studies forever.  Therefore, we are hereby giving you notice that the Fire Sale will end at midnight PST on Saturday, August 10th!

I can’t believe the awesome deal that you are offering on this set of e-books, JoJo! I just ordered mine! These are totally amazing! Thank you for such a great deal! -Candy F.


Fire Sale

Here’s what’s included in this incredible package:

1. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith (a $20 value) eBook will help you answer 18 of the most common questions unbelievers have about God and Christianity. Not only will this study give you tips on what to say, but also how to say it in love and with respect in order that, with God’s help, your words will have the power to change a heart.

2. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith Audio Class (a $20 value) is my audio class where I teach these 18 lessons. I also interject additional details and useful resources.

3. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership (a $20 value) eBook offers 18 lessons that will help you learn to speak like a leader and communicate that you are someone worth following.  This will help you whether you are in formal ministry or just want to gain a following for a particular cause the Lord has put in your heart.

4. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership Audio Class (a $20 value) is another audio class where I teach the above 18 lessons and add additional details to help you overcome whatever issues may be keeping you from being seen as a leader and honing your communication skills such that your natural leadership shines through.

5. Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues (a $20 value) eBook teaches you how to debate 18 of the most common conservative, political issues of our day such as abortion and gun control.

6. Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety (a $20 value) eBook provides 18 lessons that will help you overcome any apprehension you may have when talking in a group or social situation.  Whether you are talking politics or just shooting the breeze, this study will help you become more comfortable in a social setting.  Not only will it take you from social shyness to social comfort, but on to mastery as a social butterfly!

7. 21 Days to More Godly Communication (a $20 value) eBook shares 21+ different articles based on scripture that will help you share your ideas in grace.



Bonus Gifts

8. The Power of Words is a short eBook sharing why communication is so incredibly important.  Includes several scriptures and some powerful photographs.

9. God is Everywhere is a short eBook with some powerful photographs depicting the cross in everyday settings.  It reminds us that God is with us wherever we go and, if we look carefully, we can see His hand in just about everything around us.

 “JoJo, our son, Samuel, is really enjoying the fire sale package — he saw us post about it and actually asked for it for his birthday.” -Melanie Y.


To read more about this incredible package or to order it before it’s gone forever, click here!



NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Study shows texting during class a bad idea

These folks have a keen sense of the obvioius.  A recent study conducted reveals what almost everyone already could have told them: texting during class is a bad idea.  No kidding?  Who’da thunk it?  They spent money on this, folks!

“College students who frequently text message during class have difficulty staying attentive to classroom lectures and consequently risk having poor learning outcomes, finds a new study accepted for publication in the National Communication Association’s journal Communication Education.”

The article goes on to suggest, “Students should consider limiting their texting during class.”  I’d go a few steps further.

1. Texting during class is RUDE both to the professor and to the other students trying to learn.

2. Texting during class is a great way to make a bad impression on a professor/teacher.

3. Texting during class can lower your grade either by not allowing you to pay close attention or by creating a poor impression which contributes to a professor’s sway when a student’s grade is on the fence between an A and a B (or more likly a C and a D).

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Mailbag Monday: Articles

It’s time again for Mailbag Monday!  On the last Monday of the month, I post your questions and comments.  I didn’t get any unusual questions this month, but we did get so many wonderful comments, mostly on my articles,  that  I thought I’d include links to them so you all can read them if you didn’t get a chance to when they came out.

Thanks to all of you who wrote in for your kind comments. I so enjoy hearing how much you enjoy my articles and studies!  One question I do get often applies here.  Yes, you may re-post any of my blog articles as long as you keep them in tact with my resource box with a link back to me.

I have a few blog fans out there!  Here’s what one had to say on her blog about mine:

“Here’s a link to one of my absolute all-time favorite websites/blogs.” -Becky Joie

I received an email from her as well this month with feedback about how her Co op Class is going:

“Co-op class is going well with Say What You Mean for Kids.  The students enjoy it and I am so glad that it is easy to teach and has little prep work, especially with my busy schedule. I look forward to teaching it every week.” -Becky Joie

We also had some wonderful feedback about our monthly homeschool leadership seminar this month:

“Loved your seminar!!  I just order One by One (Denise & Kristen) book, know I’m sending you my email so I can get yours. Thanks in advance!!” -Marie

I received several wonderful emails about my funny article, JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life, I posted here on the blog last week:

“Hahaha left a comment JoJo you hit the nail on the head!! Love it Jo Jo. I’m spamming all my friends with that link. LOL!” -Heather

I received a very nice email about my article, “Should You Pay Her What She’s Worth:”

“I went and read your article and I can’t agree more. Demanding that a business person give away the things that provide their livelihood,  ‘communicates a lack of respect for her as an expert, a lack of respect for her time and a lack of respect for her right to make a living and provide for her family” -Joan

This was one of the responses I received about one of my exclusive newsletter articles “Is it Ever 4:76am in Your Conversation?”  I’m afraid I cannot give out the link to this one as these are exclusive articles JUST for my newsletter subscribers.  If you are not a subscriber and wish to be, you can subscribe here:

“I saw this in your newsletter so I went and read the whole article.  NICE!!!!  I really enjoyed it.  GREAT ARTICLE!” –Carla

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback this month. It really helps me to know what you all like and need!

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