Art of Eloquence’s Seminar Schedule for 2011

Art of Eloquence is all about sharing the Communication FUNdamentals and we do that each year in creative and unique ways.  Though we do sell a variety of eBooks and digital products that teach preschoolers through adults various topics within speech communication, we are mostly a ministry.  That is to say, we give away a TON of information and free gifts each year.

One of the ways we love to serve is by hosting various seminars throughout the year on the Art of Eloquence Workshop and Seminar Channel on TalkShoe!  We are planning a fabulous line up of seminars and workshops featuring a variety of co hosts and panels of speakers to help you become more effective communicators both in your personal and business life.  We have already scheduled some amazing topics and speakers for the first half of the year.  Take a look at what is coming up in 2011!

What you need to know about sharing your faith
01/27/2011 6:30 PM EST (THAT’S TOMORROW!)
Dianna Wiebe of Grapevine Bible Studies and JoJo Tabares of Art of Eloquence team up to give you practical advice about the Bible and how to share your faith effectively and in a more conversational and relaxed way.

Communication: Much More Than Just Speech-Making
02/24/2011 11:00 AM EST
The Lord talks about our tongues, mouths and words literally HUNDREDS of times in His Word and almost none of it refers to formal speech-making. You may be able to live your entire life without having to make a speech but you won’t get through one day without communicating something to someone. Learn just how important communication skills are in everyday life for your relationships, marriage, parenting, business, ministry and career! Joining JoJo is Cindy Rushton (Homeschool and Marriage expert), Randee Krumwiede (Christian Counselor) and Gazelle Simmons (Virtual Assistant). 

How Communication Skills Can Grow Your Business in 2011
03/28/2011 12:00 PM EST
You may not realize it, but almost every aspect of your business involves communication skills. The more effective you are at communication, the more success you’ll have in your business. Jill Hart of CWAHM and a sampling of Christian Work at Home Moms join JoJo Tabares of Art of Eloquence to share tips and techniques for better communication with your customers, co workers, suppliers, employees and more!

What’s Your Communication Personality?
04/28/2011 11:00 AM EDT
How knowing your communication personality can help you be a more effective communicator in your personal and business life.  More details to follow

Godly Communication
05/26/2011 11:00 AM EDT
It takes 21 days to make a habit; why not make one for God? I challenge you: Make a habit to speak in a more godly way and see what you reap and what you sow. I’ll show you how.  Details to follow

Six Ways to Be a Bad Conversationalist
06/30/2011 11:00 AM EDT
Based on my popular article of the same name, I’ll share the conversation mistakes people make and how to avoid them.  More details to follow

How to Teach Communication Skills to Your Children
07/06/2011 11:00 AM EDT
Homeschoolers are usually on the cutting edge of education, using the most creative and fun curricula for teaching even the most intimidating subjects. One subject even most homeschoolers don’t teach is speech communication. Learn some fun ways to teach your PreK-High Schooler the skills they’ll need to master the art of eloquence that studies show can help them in almost every aspect of life!  More details to follow

How to join us live:
Or Phone in: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

How to listen in after the live seminar:
Click on the orange “Listen” button

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Hey, That's Me! (w/some great resources too!)

The last few weeks we have been blessed to find several websites and other internet sources citing links for Art of Eloquence.  I am grateful to all who have asked me to contribute articles to their publications.  I have to say that it is still a rather odd experience to see my name on someone’s website.  Even after almost 8 years, I find myself saying, “Hey, that’s me!”  lol

A humble thank you to all of the publications that have re posted my articles and published some nice reviews of Art of Eloquence in the last few weeks!  I also want to thank those of you who have retweeted my articles, blogposts and sayings on Twitter as well as those who have posted Facebook notes with our links!  Thanks for spreading the word about Art of Eloquence!  We appreciate the opportunity to let others know about the ways in which we can help people overcome social anxiety and learn to speak up and speak out effectively in order to accomplish their own missions the Lord has for their lives.

Some of the places we were featured are great resources we thought you’d want to know about.  I am posting their links here so you all could take advantage of all they have to offer.  Some are brand new and I highly recommend you check them out!

1. Homeschooling the Easy Way eMagazine: Cindy Rushton’s new online magazine for homeschoolers has some wonderful articles.  I’m going to be one of her regular contributors.  Check it out!  You can subscribe to her RSS feed and get these updates.  Here’s what Cindy shares about her new eMagazine:

“Years ago we began our Homeschooling The Easy Way Magazine.  It has always been a magazine filled with encouragement, inspiration, and practical (very DOABLE) tips for making homeschooling easy. Now, it is produced as an online eMagazine that is free for all subscribers.

Our purpose is to encourage a return back to God’s design for the godly home and homeschool! Each issue includes articles that encourage homeschooling with a lifestyle of real learning that returns to the OLD PATHS that have worked for centuries. Topics range from hearing God in your homeschool to balancing all of the many demands that the busy homeschool mom faces day-to-day to teaching lessons in a simple, EASY way to VERY practical ideas that are sure to make homeschooling in your home EASY too! You won’t want to miss a single issue!”

2. Time for Tea eMagazine: is another fabulous resource for women by Cindy Rushton where I will be a regular contributor.  Here’s what Time for Tea is all about:

“Time for Tea eMagazine began as a simple newsletter to Cindy’s friends. It grew into a world-wide magazine that was published in print for 8 years. For the past eight years, it has been published as a free weekly ezine online-our ministry to minister to YOUR heart! Now, you can receive it digitally–either online at our website OR you can purchase our reprint books at a discount–if you are a TFT eMagazine subscriber (and that is FREE–stick with me and I will tell you how to join). You won’t want to miss even one issue!

Time for Tea features articles written for the purpose of ministering to YOUR heart! Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the Heavenly Father to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling our children with a Godly heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart to getting and staying organized to ideas for developing the impact of YOUR Home Ministry to great encouragement for home businesses to wisdom that can truly encourage you to become a vessel that God can use!”

3. SONbeams: has wonderful homeschool curricula for PreK through early elementary.  They have a great blog where they have posted a review of Art of Eloquence products for that age group.  I highly encourage those of you with young children to check out their site and blog!  Great resources for moms even if you don’t homeschool!

4. Christians in Social Media Facebook Page: was kind enough to highlight me and my work and ask others to visit Art of Eloquence.  Christians in Social Media is a brand new Facebook page devoted to helping Christians who are online figure out this thing called Social Media.  Run by a wonderful Christian leader, LaTara Ham Ying, this is a great place to be. Check it out!

Also a big thank you to those of you who have written in to share your excitement about our upcoming release, Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety.  We really appreciate your comments and feedback!  Here are some of the comments we have been getting about this study:

“Dear JoJo,
Thank you for writing OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY.  The night before you announced this book I had prayed for God to help me find something to help me help my son feel better about his social interactions.  When I showed him this announcement, he also thought it would be good to try. ”
-Anne G.

“Thank you for your work on these valuable products!  The benefits are bound to immeasurable to many.  In Him, Laurie S.”

If you have posted about Art of Eloquence on your blog, site or on Twitter or Facebook, please let us know, especially if you have a wonderful resource our readers might want to know about!  We’d love to hightlight YOU too!

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Why We Can't Put Off The Great Commission

Ever try to share your faith with someone where the discussion turned from conversation to confrontation?  Has that experience made you feel more uncomfortable about sharing your faith in general even though you know the Lord commands us to do so in love?  Have you felt the Lord tugging at your heart to share the Gospel with someone, but your head is tugging back because you don’t know how?  Do you know someone who is on fire for Jesus, but their approach more closely resembles hitting their “target” over the head with the King James Bible?  What if I told you that sharing your faith can be as easy as having a conversation with a friend?

Cindy Rushton has asked me to return this year as a speaker at The Ultimate Homeschool Expo.  I’m teaching during tomorrow’s Preview Event 11am PST/2pm EST, “Why We Can’t Put Off The Great Commission” which you all can attend free of charge.  I’ll be sharing 5 reasons why we cannot put off The Great Commission in our lives, why sharing the Gospel is more important than ever, and some tips to help us share about the Lord in a more conversational, respectful, effective, and grace-filled way.

Join Me Live Online:

The room is closed (password protected) until the chat-the room will be open about 15 minutes before we go live. No password needed to join us while we are recording.

OR…Join Me Live Via Phone:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 38181#

PIN: 1# (Or your Talkshoe PIN)

Join me tomorrow morning at 11am PST/2pm EST for “Why We Can’t Put Off The Great Commission” and you’ll learn some general tips that will help you feel prepared and ready to discuss this often intimidating topic in a much more comfortable way!

You can also get your ticket and attend my other seminar during The Ultimate Homeschool Expo on May 3rd.  My topic is “The Great Commission Easy Button.”   Here’s where I get into even more of the meat of exactly how to share the Gospel effectively and respectfully.  I’ll share why a one-size fits all approach doesn’t work as well as specific tips for making sharing and defending the faith less stressful and more natural (conversational).  The Ultimate Homeschool Expo tickets are on sale now.  Details are on their website.

If you know someone who would benefit from these seminars, please forward this blog post link!

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The Say What You Mean Convention is Coming! Feb. 3rd!

Extra!  Extra!! Read all about it!

The 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention is coming to a computer near you!

Say What?

Dateline ABC…DEFG…Mark your calendars for this amazingly FUN and FREE event!

When? February 3rd beginning at 8am PST/11am EST

Where? Right from the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME…COMPUTER!

What…to expect? LOTS!

Keynote Speakers: Christian Comedian, Micheal Jr. interview on Faith and Humor! AND…Talk-A-Latte’s Cindy Rushton’s seminar on Marriage!

Live Seminars:
Most of the live seminars will also be recorded for later, but if you’re listening in live, you can win bonus gifts. Plus, you won’t want to miss the Michael Jr. live interview, which will NOT be recorded at all.

•    8am PST/11am EST – Interview with Christian comedian Michael Jr. on Faith and Humor
•    10am PST/1pm EST  – JoJo Tabares  of Art of Eloquence “The Three Flavors of Communication: Writing, Speech, and Conversation”
•    12pm PST/3pm EST – Cindy Rushton of Talk-a-Latte ”Building a Passionate, Forever, Happier, and Happier-Ever-After Marriage”
•    2pm PST/5pm EST Joan Rudder-Ward of Girl Nurture “The Heat is On: Techniques to Protect You and Your Daughter from Becoming Culture War Casualties.”
•    4pm PST/7pm EST Kim Kautzer of WriteShop “Writing Skills: More Important than Ever!”
•    6pm PST/9pm EST Prayer Chat

Pre-recorded Audios:
Read the descriptions of each talk here.

•    How to Tailor Your Writing for Effectiveness
•    The Lazy Student: What’s a Mom to Do?
•    What Good Is a Speech Course If Your Kids Won’t Use It?
•    How to Write a Speech
•    Conversation: The Most Important Communication
•    Speak the Truth in Love
•    What Most Apologetics Courses Don’t Teach You
•    Talking vs. Communicating
•    Listening: THE Most Important Communication Skill
•    Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool
•    Avoiding, Reducing and Healing Conflicts
•    What It Takes to Be a Great Communicator

Even More FUN!
•    Contests
•    Freebies
•    Free Admission
•    Visit the Say What You Mean Convention for more details.

Don’t forget to sign up for our drawings on the home page of the convention site!  We will draw a name to win a prize at EACH LIVE event!  You don’t have to be present to win, but you do have to enter by signing up!  If you are present in the live event and your name is called, you will win TWO PRIZES!

Have FUN!  And bring a friend!

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Mailbag Mon: College Prep, SWMConvention, AoE Reviews

I can hardly believe it’s the end of November already!  But it is and, as the last Monday in November dictates here at AoE, it’s time for me to share some of your comments and questions in Mailbag Monday!

“Oh Wow JoJo – Ashlynne and I are reading her book “The Homeschooler’s Guide to Preparing for College” and it is really helpful information. Ashlynne loves reading it knowing it was written by a young person. Kelsey is helping me give my DD a good foundation too! God Bless your time together richly :)” -Merit K.

My dd spent two years of her life researching her way into one of the most elite schools in the country.  She didn’t want all her hard work to go to waste and for other homeschoolers to struggle, as she had to, in order to find all of this information for themselves when she already had it all in one convenient place.  She and I are tickled to know it is helping so many homeschoolers prepare for college and to avoid the pitfalls, struggles and expense we had to go through.  Thanks for sharing this and please let us know what Ashlynne goes on to after graduation!

“When will the preschool book come available?” -Marie J.

Oh this has been the eternal question here at Art of Eloquence!  I shared a little about this last week on the blog when I announced the changes to Art of Eloquence for 2010.  I am afraid that I don’t have an exact date of re release as yet, but that is one of the first studies we will be working on next year.

“Is the ‘Say what you mean’ conference an old ad or is it in 2010?  Thanks.” -Carol F.

Some folks have been confused about the Say What You Mean Convention each year.  For those new to Art of Eloquence, the convention is a free, annual, online event that features various creative and fun activities for all ages designed to educate Christian families on the importance of effective communication in every day life.  Each year has a theme, keynote speakers and various activities.  The SWMC stays up for a full year ministering to Christian families until about January when we begin to make changes to the website for the coming new convention.

The SWMC is set for February 3rd, 2010.  All the fun is packed into one day this year instead of three so make sure to mark your calendar so you don’t miss the live events!  The theme this year is The Three Flavors of Communication: Formal Speech, Writing and Conversation and will feature keynote speakers Cindy Rushton and Christian comedian Michael Jr!  Communication fun includes various contests with prizes, live seminars and workshops, pre recorded audio seminars, scavenger hunt and prayer chat!

More details to follow so stay tuned to Communication FUNdamentals blog in December and mark your calendar for December 31st as I podcast my last live show EVER and share a preview of the highlights to come of this amazing free event.  On the show will be myself, my two moderators: Kim Kautzer of Write Shop and Joan Rudder Ward of Girl Nurture as well as perhaps our keynote speakers: Cindy Rushton and ….MICHAEL JR!!!

“We’ve started the SWYM for kids but have been moving a bit slow through it.  The kids wrote out and did their speeches (1st chapter…I did say slow right?) a week ago and gave them to the family.  They actually did very well.  Today the two younger (almost 6 and 7 1/2) were having a row over something.  We had been talking about how to communicate our “wants” and “feelings” to someone regarding play.  I took them to the bathroom, said “work this out and you can come out” and turned and shut the door.  About 5 minutes later after about 1 minute of yelling at each other, they came out and resumed play without any more hostility or anger.  I was frankly a little amazed.  They must have picked up on something as we role played last week how to get across what we think and feel.  Thanks for your good work!-Laura K.

Thanks so much Laura for sharing this.  It’s so important that we teach our kids to communicate respectfully with each other, especially at a young age.  So many these days feel justified (even adults) in communicating in a disrespectful way that it is even more important in today’s society.  So much misunderstanding in life can be avoided by teaching our youngsters this skill!  Kuddos to you!!

Some fabulous reviews of late:

Say What You Mean The Language of Leadership

The Play Book

If you have a question or a comment about Art of Eloquence events or products, please feel free to post a comment here or email me jojo @ artofeloquence. com

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Stop the Presses! We’ve got Micheal Jr.!

Michael Jr 400x1I have been waiting ever so impatiently to announce this to you all for what seems like an endless amount of time so I’m just going to blurt it right out!

Christian Comedian, Michael Jr. has agreed to speak at this year’s Say What You Mean Convention (Feb. 3rd, 2010)!!

Can you tell that I’m a wee bit excited? LOL  I’ve been enjoying his amazing God-given talent for quite some time now!  I am such a fan!  He is so incredibly unique!

I ‘eMet’ him on Facebook and Twitter and decided to ask so that I (and all of you) shall receive.  Not only was he very gracious,  but to my great surprise and delight, he agreed to speak!  If you’re also a big fan, you can become a fan of his fan page on Facebook too!

I’ll be posting more on the convention later on so please stay tuned for more information on the amazing fun with communication skills in February at the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention.

Mark your calendar to be able to be part of the convention LIVE on February 3rd, 2010 so you don’t miss out!  We will be recording some of the events but you will miss SO much if you aren’t there live!  ESPECIALLY to hear Michael Jr who will be kicking off the entire event at 8am PST/11am EST!

This year’s event is ONLY ONE DAY and will be packed with our usual pre recorded audios, freebies, live seminars, keynote speakers and contests!  As I announced before, Cindy Rushton has also agreed to speak about marriage so you will be doubly blessed as she is one amazing lady with some great info to share with us.

Also speaking that day will be yours truly and my two moderators, Kim Kautzer from Write Shop and Joan Rudder Ward of Positive Image Network!

This year’s Say What You Mean Convention will be something to experience so mark your calendar so you DON’T MISS OUT!

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JoJo’s FUNschooling at the Ultimate Homeschool Expo!

I think this is my 3rd year speaking at Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo!  She puts on a fabulous event! This is Preview Week for the UHSE and Cindy is having some of her speakers on to share even more fun with her listeners!

Come join me this afternoon 11am PST/1pm CST for my seminar on FUNschooling!  Here are the details:

with JoJo Tabares

Call-in (Call in on your phone, cell-phone, or SKYPE):
(347) 205-9175

Join Us Live Online:

And get ready for some FUN!

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Serving up a new co host at Grace Talk Soup!

For the last two years I have been “Boldly Serving Up God’s Word with a Side Order of Grace and Humor” over at Grace Talk Soup.  It’s been such fun and the feedback on the show has been truly amazing!  I have had the opportunity to interview the most inspiring guests!  Let me engage in a little name-dropping:

Stephen Kendrick, Co author of The Love Dare and Fireproof!

Pastor Bob Cushman, author of What if You Pray?

Lorrie Flem, publisher of TEACH Magazine

Bette Dowdell, author of How to Be a Christian without being Annoying

FIMM, Hear Foot in Mouth Man speak for the first time!

Capt’n Richie, Coma Survivor!

Cindy Rushton, of Talk A Latte and UHSE shares her testimony on air for the first time!

Cathi-Lyn Dyck, shares her story of the side effects of her abortion and what the Drs don’t tell you!

Bill Phillips, Street Evangelist in the news who was threatened with arrest as he shared the Gospel!

Next week marks Grace Talk Soup’s two year anniversary and I have BOLD NEWS to share!  In her third year, Grace Talk Soup will be serving up more communication tips and instruction and even more HUMOR because Grace Talk Soup will be serving up a bold new CO HOST!

Want to know who it is?  You’ll have to tune into the show today to find out!  How?

To join us live via your computer:

To join us live via your phone: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Grace Talk Soup is recorded live each Thursday at 8am PST/11am EST.  If you miss the show, you do miss the live interaction and the ability to voice your opinons and ask your questions BUT you can listen in any time you like to the recordings by visiting the talkcast, scrolling down to “Past Episodes” and clicking on the orange “listen” button next to the show that interests you.

Want some hints about my FUN new co host?  OK…

She’s a long-time dear friend that I have spoken of on Communication FUNdamentals a few times before.  In fact, I have blogged about her quite RECENTLY. (WINK WINK)

For those who may know her, she shares my passion for words, has an incredible sense of humor and a vast knowledge of history.  She’s actually been on the show before.  Can you guess?  If you have an idea, post it here!

If you want to hear her say a quick hello and hear more about the exciting changes we are planning for our listeners, tune in to Grace Talk Soup and hear what’s On the Menu this morning!

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March This n That and Prayer Request

It’s March already!  Wasn’t it just January? For that matter, wasn’t it just 1999?  Seems the older I get, the faster I get older!

Kelsey, our eldest who is away at college, is even farther away for Spring Break.  She’s on tour with her Vanderbilt Choir in Chicago, no wait…she’s now in Saint Louis!  I can’t keep up.  I think Kelsey has traveled more in the last few years, than I did my entire life!  Well, not including moving.  I never traveled for fun, my family and I just MOVED a lot! LOL  She’s been checking in every few days from her new cell phone.  Only 54 more days til she comes home for the summer, but who’s counting?!  By the way, my baby girl turns 19 in 9 days!

Chris started golf lessons yesterday. He had fun, but was relegated to the little kids section of the class where the teacher really didn’t teach.  He spoke mostly to the older kids and just told the younger ones to hit the ball.  Chris was disappointed and I will be talking to the instructor tomorrow.  I don’t think he has taught this many students in one class before because he made a comment about how big the class was.  He seemed to run out of time and concentrated mostly on the teens.  I did wonder as the class has an age minimum of 8yrs old. My son is almost 10 but the little ones are all about 6.  Still he had fun!

We completely sold out of our hard copy studies!  I’m almost done with the eBook rewrites too!  I am working on some other projects for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and a few others.  I adore working with TOS!  Also I’ve had a rash of requests for interviews this week.  It’s been fun.  I have one more tomorrow.  Looks like I’ve been invited back to be a Keynote Speaker at Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo this year and that looks like a lot of fun too!  Cindy is awesome!

The March episode of The Misadventures of Foot in Mouth Man is up!  Come read how FIMM sticks his foot in his mouth THIS month!  Check out FIMMology 101 too.  There is a link to it on the blog’s right side bar.

I am getting ready for tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup show.  My guest will share about a writing contest for young writers. Come check it out live or listen at your convenience to the recorded audio, but don’t wait too long!  The deadline for the writing contest is March 15th! Changes a coming on Grace Talk Soup next week!  I’ll be introducing a co host!  She and I go way back and she is another goofball like myself.  If you enjoyed the show before, check it out next week and you’ll have a blast.  Fifty points if you can guess who it is!  I’ve actually talked about her several times here on Communication FUNdamentals-just recently in fact! BIG HINT.

Did you catch our family’s homeschool segment on USC’s Impact yet?  We felt the editing was done with at least a slight agenda.  Much of the postives our family shared were left on the cutting room floor, while the other family came off as quite social.  I talked to the producer via email.  She said she graduated from the graduate program at USC just before all the editing was done.  The new producer may have wanted to compare and contrast the two families. She apologized for leaving my son out of the updates and was a bit embarrassed by the “Vanterbilt” typo.  I feel it was heart felt.

A prayer request for my dh.  Rich has been awaiting word from his company on whether or not they will hire him on permanently.  Everyone is on board but the decision rests with the owner.  The past several months of uncertainty have been kind of stressful for him.   Yesterday he woke up nauseous and dizzy.  We thought it would go away after a while but it lasted all day and so far this morning.  He did some online research and it looks like an inner ear thing.  We don’t have health insurance and he is now officially out of his diabetes and high blood pressure medicines.  I asked him to go to the doctor, but he doesn’t want to go.  Please pray he will be ok and that he will have a permanent job soon so we have health benefits.  I think if we did, he would go.

Well, that’s all the news that fit to type today.  What’s your news?  How’s your March so far?

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