The new year is fast approaching and I have a lot of changes planned. Here are the headlines:
2013 Video Countdown to CHRISTmas
I know many of you look forward to my Video Countdown to CHRISTmas every year here on the Art of Eloquence blog. I’ve been doing it for about four years now. However, since starting my daily JoJoisms blog a few months back, I’ve decided to host the countdown on that blog instead. It fits the theme better anyway and that blog is already daily where this one is weekly.
The Video Countdown to CHRISTmas began, as usual, on December 1st and will end on December 25th. Also you can subscribe to and get your Daily Life Laughs and Giggles. Everyone has struggles. This blog is a nice place to come for a break, support and fun!
2014 AoE Newsletters Will Go Weekly!
We have declared 2014 as The Year of Faith on our Art of Eloquence newsletter. Instead of twice monthly, we will be putting out weekly newsletters that will talk about why it’s often so difficult to share our faith in modern society and how to overcome that and share our faith with boldness tempered by grace. If you aren’t a subscriber already, make sure you subscribe here now before you get busy with the holidays. We’ll have some free gifts for you just for signing up AND some free CHRISTmas gifts later this month!
In addition to all that, our newsletter subscribers will continue to receive our free holiday gifts AND, NEW IN 2014, a free subscription to our Monthly $1.99 Club where subscribers can get Art of Eloquence materials for ONLY $1.99!
ALL NEW AoE Blog Features!
Make sure you are also subscribed to the AoE blog’s RSS feed so you don’t miss any of the blog posts in 2014! I’ll be sharing weekly articles on the following topics:
-Communication Pet Peeves
-Popular Sayings that Just Aren’t True
-Communication Lessons from Fairy Tales and the Media
-AND a new feature called, Reign of Error!
NEW: AoE Facebook Fan Page Themes
2014 will hold even more fun for those of you on Facebook. You can join us for our usual fun pictures and graphics we share from all over the net, but we will be adding some fun themes each day that will get YOU and even your children involved and honing your communication skills! Here are the daily themes:
-Scripture SONday
-Musical Monday
-Tuesday’s Tip
-Word Wednesday
-Thankful or Thermal Thursday
-Friday Funnies
-Soap Box Saturday
Join us, subscribe, be inspired, learn, participate and have fun with Art of Eloquence in 2014!
If you build it and they come, then what?
I remember watching the end of this movie wondering what they would do now. What would they charge? How would they collect the money? What if someone could see it from the road and didn’t want to pay? Where would all those hundreds of fans stay after the game?
So many adopted this tag line after that movie came out. If you build it, they will come. I remember an internet marketer who began using it as a way of letting his clients know that it didn’t end there for websites either. If you build a website, they won’t come until you advertise it. And many a marketing guru tells us that once they do come, we have to have our websites ready for them to entice them to order and to have a reason to come back.
So, if you build a blog and they come…and comment, what now? If you build a fan page and they come…and comment, now what? And if you build an online community and they come…and comment, what do we do now? We REPLY! Why? Because if you build it and they come and comment and you don’t respond, they will LEAVE!
If you post a bunch of things on your Facebook wall, blog, website, community, it’s just as if you were having a conversation with someone at a party. If you begin a conversation and the other guests comment and you stop talking, what do you think they would do? That’s exactly what they’ll do online too! How do you think your guests would feel if you stopped answering them at a party? How do you think the person on the other end of the telephone would feel if you suddenly stopped talking? That’s how your Facebook, Twitter, blog, online community and fan page commenters feel! ANSWER THEM!
Remember that just because you don’t see people face to face when you are online, doesn’t’ mean they don’t feel the same way they would if you were. If you post and they come and comment, it’s rude not to respond. They make it easy on Facebook so do it! Click “like.” It only takes a second! Respond with a :D. It only takes two. Answer their questions, respond to their comments. The more you do, the more they will engage. The more you ignore people, the less they will even read what you post!
I am amazed at all the people who post a ton of stuff on their wall or blog, invite comments and then NEVER go back and acknowledge the people who took the time to respond—especially the ones who took a great deal of time to write a thoughtful and helpful post.
I hear some of you thinking, “I just don’t have time to respond.” Then don’t post so much. Don’t ask from others what you are unwilling or unable to reciprocate.
If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!