JoJo’s FUNschooling at the Ultimate Homeschool Expo!

I think this is my 3rd year speaking at Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo!  She puts on a fabulous event! This is Preview Week for the UHSE and Cindy is having some of her speakers on to share even more fun with her listeners!

Come join me this afternoon 11am PST/1pm CST for my seminar on FUNschooling!  Here are the details:

with JoJo Tabares

Call-in (Call in on your phone, cell-phone, or SKYPE):
(347) 205-9175

Join Us Live Online:

And get ready for some FUN!

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JoJo on Listening

Over the last several years, I have written a great deal on the topic of listening.  Most people know that listening is an important skill but they don’t really know why.  Here are a few of the sayings I have used in various articles over the last several years.

JoJo on Listening:

“1 speaker + 1 Listener = an effective communication equation.”  JoJo Tabares

“Sometimes the most intelligent thing to say is…nothing.” JoJo Tabares

“When your audience is no longer listening, it’s always best to stop talking!” JoJo Tabares

“You will not persuade another by cutting off his argument. You will only stifle your understanding of how to answer him.” -JoJo Tabares

I cover this topic in depth in an article I am just about to release to those on our newsletter.  If you would like to have access to these tips, freebies and exclusive offers, you can subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence here!

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Fri Funny: Another JoJo Saying…

I have another JoJo-ism for you!  I recently found an article I wrote a while back (10 Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace), that I discovered had some of my more inspired sayings.  I’ll be sharing more of these on Twitter and Facebook, but here is one that I thought was appropriate for Friday Funnies:

“Tis better to agree to disagree and live to discuss another day than to fight for your right to be a pest!” -JoJo Tabares

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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Short Quiz

Are you one of the few people who does not need to hone your communication skills?  Take this short quiz to find out:

1. Are you breathing?

If you answered “no” to ANY of these questions, further study on effective communication skills is not necessary for your success.

The rest of you join me over at Art of Eloquence and let’s have some fun with speech communication skills!

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JoJo’s Communication Sayings

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I’ve been blogging for several years now and since I switched my blog over to Word Press, I’ve been going back to my old blog and trying to bring some of my more insightful posts on communication over here bit by bit.  To my surprise, I found quite a lot of posts worthy of being brought over here to the new improved Communication FUNdamentals.  Color me SURPRISED.  I guess one of he hazards of being a writer is that you always think your earlier work isn’t worthy.  Either that or my current articles aren’t much better! I don’t know. LOL

In either case, what I found while sifting through my old articles is a comphilation of several inspired lines.  Thank you Lord for the inspiration!  I had been posting several great quotes over on Twitter and Facebook and folks seemed to be eating them up.  Of course they are the quotes of the Rich and/or famous!  Yet and still a few of my own lines, especially the recurring ones I like to put in my articles, seemed to be worthy of posting.

I took a little impromptu poll over on Twitter and Facebook and it seems that folks are interested in reading them so I thought I’d start with this one:

“While you may manage to live your entire life without making a speech, you will not get through one day without communicating something to someone!” -little old me

What do you think?  Is it worthy of the caliber of quotes I’ve had on my blog?  Does it SPEAK to you? LOL

I like this line so much that I’ve repeated it in several of my articles and it’s currently on the Art of Eloquence home page.

If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, I’ll be posting one a day.  I may come back here and post one or two and expand on it as I wax poetic about a particular communication issue.

In the meantime, connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!  My “handle” is JoJo Tabares.  Bet ya never would have guessed!  😀

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The Art of Traffic Eloquence

Somewhere in the state of Confusion


Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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New Articles! New Show! New Study!

Happy Thursday Communication FUNdamentals readers!  Writing your blog posts ahead of time gives new meaning to the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” cuz here I am on Monday writing as if it’s Thursday.  I have one toe in the future contemplating my newest gray hair!  As if I wasn’t getting old fast enough on my own…!  ROFL

writingFor months I’ve been telling you that I’m going to be adding some new articles to the Art of Eloquence site.  You probably thought this day would never come but here it is!  How did this happen you ask?  Well, to be perfectly candid, I’m supposed to be writing some new eBooks but I hit a wee bit of writer’s block and I’m playing hooky from it for a few minutes.  I spruced up some of my old Tuesday Tips articles that were buried under mounds of old blog posts and popped them up on Art of Eloquence.  Violin!…I mean, viola!

I have a few of them up there for you, but here’s one I thought would be very timely.  With everyone trying to figure out this Twitter and Facebook thing, I thought I would point out one of my new articles that might help you communicate more effectively on social networking sites that allow limited space:  How to Say What You Mean in 140 Characters or Less!

Another great and FREE resource is my internet radio show, Grace Talk Soup.  Today is the first day of our new format with my new cohost!  If you are reading this before 8am PST/11am EST, then jump right on over to the show!  Today’s topic is Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility.  If you are reading this after 9am PST/12pm EST, then jump right on over to the show!  LOL  And listen to the audio!  😀  The all new Grace Talk Soup stars Ethel the Editor and Lucy Linguist staring in “I Love Language”!  Don’t miss the fun each week!


FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths

Speaking of which…If you are into fun, I have a brand new communication study for you that you will just adore! FIMM is our resident mascot and MIScommunicator.  He sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue!  He does so for your entertainment and education.  This is the most fun you could have studying communication skills.  Let Foot in Mouth Man illustrate the hilarious reasons why communication skills are so important and give you tips for more effective communication through reading the best of his 130 + MISadventures! Each episode is PACKED with communication lessons and discussion opportunities with your children!

It’s Thursday!  Do you know where your communication FUN is? Art of!

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Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor Star in "I Love Language"

gts-logo-thumbnailAre you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child’s doctor?  Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company?  Do you know why your small business isn’t going where you feel it should?  Is it possibly because you aren’t communicating skillfully and efficiently?

If it is . . . or if it even might be, you need to join us every Thursday morning on Grace Talk Soup for I Love Language, starring Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor.  Laugh along with these two crazy compadres of Communication FUNdamentals, one spoken and one written, while gaining valuable knowledge and important tips on improving your business, your family and your life, simply by refining your everyday communication skills.

WHEN:     Every Thursday, 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific Time
WHERE:  Talk Shoe, more specifically at
WHY?:      Because you cannot get through ONE DAY of your life without communicating something to someone!

Life is simply too precious to waste one more moment being misunderstood.  Learn how to say it and write it right the first time.  So if you are missing out because of miscommunication or not being taken seriously. . . or whether you simply love words, you will positively adore I Love Language every Thursday, same talk time, same talk channel!  Bring your kids, bring your husband, bring your friends.  Laugh and learn along with us!  We’ll be waiting for you on Grace Talk Soup.  You can join us on the phone, in the chat room or both!

Tomorrow’s topic is: Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility
To call in during the live show:
(724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Remember:  Life can get a little spicy sometimes.  Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and Enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!
Lucy Linguist (
Ethel the Editor (
Starring in “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup:

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40 Second Video Guaranteed to Make You Smile!

Despite the research and literally HUNDREDS of communication scriptures in the Bible, popular thinking tells us that communication isn’t a subject worth our attention.

Learning to be an effective communicator CAN be fun also…with Art of Eloquence!

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Reorganizing my life at the request of my husband…

This week has been an exciting week and a week of changes here at Art of Eloquence.  You may notice that today’s newsletter had a face lift of sorts!  We pray this will make it easier for you to find the information you wish to read more about.

The Say What You Mean Convention was a huge hit.  The feedback is that everyone had such fun!  We had 9 contests, 18 live events, 29 hours of instruction, 40+ audios still available, gave away over 400 ePackets of extra gifts to our registrants, and had over 1500 participants!  There are a few links to the right where you will find all of the audios and convention info. If you have any feedback on the SWMConvention, please email us at

Art of Eloquence will be discontinuing a few things this month. Over the last few years, I had built up quite a ministry which included a weekly podcast, a daily blog, 4 weekly newsletters, several Yahoo groups, weekly Foot in Mouth Man episodes, 3 annual online events,  one HUGE annual online convention to name a few.  At the request of my husband, I will be downsizing and simplifying many of these responsibilities in order to spend more time with my family.  I will continue to host the annual Say What You Mean Convention and my weekly podcast, however others will be done at longer intervals or will be eliminated.

To that end, the What’s New at Art of Eloquence newsletter will be the only one we put out. I will be incorporating elements of each of our 4 newsletters back into one weekly newsletter that will come out each Tuesday morning.  The newsletter will include a weekly column or article and links to various things I feel you would find enlightening: news items affecting the freedom of speech for Christians, a Friday Funny from my blog, etc.

Foot in Mouth Man will go from weekly to monthly episodes and only the newest episodes and a hand full of past episodes will be available on his page on the Art of Eloquence website.  We have created a brand new eBook that is the greatest of FIMM in our new FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths.  You can read more about it by following the link on the right side under New Products.  See also our newest Online Classes!

Lastly, Art of Eloquence will not continue selling hard copy titles after our current inventory runs out.  We will eventually be turning each of the following hard copy studies into an eBook version. We are having a 35% off sale in order to clear our shelves. 

Art of Eloquence Hard Copy Sale!


Art of Eloquence will not be replacing our hard copy studies after our current inventory runs out.  We have a limited supply left of each title (one title has only two!) and we are offering 35% off each of them until they are gone.  Just order as usual and use voucher code 502093535 at checkout and it will automatically take off 35% from your order!

Say What You Mean for Preschoolers

Say What You Mean for Kids (SOLD OUT)

Say What You Mean for Teens (SOLD OUT)

Know Your Audience (SOLD OUT)

Say What You Mean: An Advanced Speech Course

We are currently working to replace them as eBooks, but it will take us some time. There may be a lag time where some studies will not be available in either format.


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