Last Week for the GTS Defending the Faith Contest!

gts-logo-thumbnail4May Grace Talk Soup Defending the Faith Contest Rules:

Help us promote this show and you could win: Say What You Mean Defending the Faith!  It’s this easy!

1. Post the Grace Talk Soup link encouraging others to join us on the live show to your Twitter orFacebook page, your blog, newsletter, website, Yahoo group, etc.

2. Email and give us the link where you posted it or just tell us where you posted it and we will enter you in this week’s contest!

Winner will be announced on the show!



Last week of the Grace Talk Soup Defending the Faith Mini Series:

This Thursday is the last day of our first ever mini series! Three parts of the Defending the Faith Mini Series are already available as audios for your listening pleasure:

Just scroll down to Past Episodes and click the orange “listen” button next to the one you want to hear. So far we have answered the following issues:

~Introduction:”Why we should learn to share and defend our faith?”

~”I’m a good person; why do I need God?”

~”Men wrote the Bible and men make mistakes”.

This Thursday is the last in the series and we will be answering the issue “What about all the horrible things done in Jesus’ name?”

Come join us live Thursday 8am PST/11am EST and invite those you know to come share their thoughts on this very special episode of Grace Talk Soup.

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  1. Congratulations to all who won a copy of Say What You Mean Defending the Faith this month!

    Marlo Boux
    Terri Duncan
    Natalie Meyer
    Karin Barry

    Thank you all for helping Grace Talk Soup get the word out about Mini Series May for Defending the Faith!!