Did you miss Mini Series May over on Grace Talk Soup?
If you did, you missed an amazing 4 shows! But not to worry! The audios are available on the show’s site so you can listen on demand any time you like! However after a while, they can get lost in the archives.
Our first mini series was from my most important study, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith. We shared tips for answering four of the world’s most common questions and misconceptions about the Lord and I have posted the direct links to the audios here:
1. Introduction: Why do we need to learn to share?
2. “I’m a good person; why do I need God?”
3. “Men wrote the Bible and men make mistakes.”
4. “What about all the horrible things done in Jesus’ name?”
The feedback on this Grace Talk Soup, our first ever mini series, has been amazing!
Everyone learned so much! If you want to learn even more of the 18 most common questions and misconceptions about how to share and defend your faith, we now have SWM Defending the Faith Online classes you can register for along with our eBook of the same name. Not only will this help you share and defend your faith, but it will help you and your household strengthen your own faith as well!
Check out what others are saying about our Defending the Faith course:
“This is such a needed class and I can see how easily both boys are learning some of the ways to respond (and ways not to respond) to some of the common things people say. I can see how they are understanding their faith in new, deeper ways and making their faith their own. This class has also helped to facilitate discussion in our family around the dinner table. You have a way of presenting things in a straight forward way that is so understandable.Thank you JoJo” -Marcie, Homeschooling mom of two
What’s so different about Art of Eloquence University?
* They are ongoing! You pay a one time-fee and you can continue to attend FOREVER!
* You can start at any time because each class automatically starts over again when it is finished!
* Classes are available online from the comfort of your own home!
* You can access the class on YOUR schedule!
* Your membership in the class is good for anyone living in your home! No need to pay extra for additional students!
* Choose from an increasing number of Art of Eloquence study titles! We are adding more all the time! (One flat fee per class title)
Start preparing now for your family’s future.
The world is a more complicated place and it requires so much more communication skill in order to carry out the Great Commission and even, according to statistics, for teens to get through college with their OWN faith in tact! Let Art of Eloquence help prepare your family to share and defend the faith in grace. Click here to find out more about our unique Online Classes!
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make the shows. But I know they had to be great!
Your online classes sound wonderful too and I”m sure will be a blessing to many.
Keep up the good work!
I’m in the process of catching up on the podcasts since I came in late during the game. The shows are entertaining AND informative! That combo can’t be beat anywhere on Christian radio as far as I’m concerned. I can’t wait to hear the next one!