How to Get Say What You Mean for Moms FREE!

It’s Back to Homeschool Month here at Art of Eloquence and we have an INCREDIBLE series of special offers for you!

How would you like to get three free gifts?  Well, just stay tuned to this blog for details!

This week’s Back to Homeschool Special Offer:

Buy any two homeschool single titles at our regularly low price and get Say What You Mean for Moms free!

The picture featured here shows just a FEW of the homeschool materials we have available for PreK-Sr High school!  To check out all Art of Eloquence has to offer your school aged children, click the Homeschool Tab on the website or just click the link above.



What is Say What You Mean for Moms all about?

Want to ensure open communication with your children?

Do you desire a close relationship with your son or daughter?

Avoid all the problems you’ve heard you’d have when your kids are teenagers.  

So many of you asked us to write a communication study for parents and children. This study is for new moms who would like the benefit of experience and for experienced moms wanting some tips for better discipline, communication, and stronger relationships with their children.

This study will include:

* Five Foolish Things Moms Say
* Twelve Ways Moms Undermine Discipline * Nine Foolish Things Moms Do
* The Dangers of Expecting Teenagers to Be Difficult
* Five Wise Things Moms Should Do
* Ten Ways to Talk so Your Kids Will Listen
* Five Ways to Encourage Open Communication
* Six Steps to Overcoming Overwhelm

To get Say What You Mean for Moms Free:

Just order any two individual Art of Eloquence homeschool titles at the regularly low price this week.  Then forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and make sure to put “FREE SWM for Moms” in the subject line.  It’s that easy!

I will email your free copy of Say What You Mean for Moms to you within 48 hours of your order!   Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 17th. 


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Stop the Presses!

This is not a test!  This is a real Art of Eloquence emergency!  Well, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? LOL

I actually do have a very good reason for alarming you with this blog post.  We are suspending our regularly scheduled blog posts this month to bring you some exciting and important Art of Eloquence news!

When the Art of Eloquence emergency is over, we will resume our regularly scheduled blog posts of articles, FUNdamentals, reviews and Ask JoJo posts.

Here now is the first of four important Art of Eloquence announcements:

We’ve had our Fire Sale going for four months now and, while many of you have taken advantage of our $150 dollar package for only $27, we cannot continue to offer this enormous package of nine of our most popular communication studies forever.  Therefore, we are hereby giving you notice that the Fire Sale will end at midnight PST on Saturday, August 10th!

I can’t believe the awesome deal that you are offering on this set of e-books, JoJo! I just ordered mine! These are totally amazing! Thank you for such a great deal! -Candy F.


Fire Sale

Here’s what’s included in this incredible package:

1. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith (a $20 value) eBook will help you answer 18 of the most common questions unbelievers have about God and Christianity. Not only will this study give you tips on what to say, but also how to say it in love and with respect in order that, with God’s help, your words will have the power to change a heart.

2. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith Audio Class (a $20 value) is my audio class where I teach these 18 lessons. I also interject additional details and useful resources.

3. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership (a $20 value) eBook offers 18 lessons that will help you learn to speak like a leader and communicate that you are someone worth following.  This will help you whether you are in formal ministry or just want to gain a following for a particular cause the Lord has put in your heart.

4. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership Audio Class (a $20 value) is another audio class where I teach the above 18 lessons and add additional details to help you overcome whatever issues may be keeping you from being seen as a leader and honing your communication skills such that your natural leadership shines through.

5. Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues (a $20 value) eBook teaches you how to debate 18 of the most common conservative, political issues of our day such as abortion and gun control.

6. Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety (a $20 value) eBook provides 18 lessons that will help you overcome any apprehension you may have when talking in a group or social situation.  Whether you are talking politics or just shooting the breeze, this study will help you become more comfortable in a social setting.  Not only will it take you from social shyness to social comfort, but on to mastery as a social butterfly!

7. 21 Days to More Godly Communication (a $20 value) eBook shares 21+ different articles based on scripture that will help you share your ideas in grace.



Bonus Gifts

8. The Power of Words is a short eBook sharing why communication is so incredibly important.  Includes several scriptures and some powerful photographs.

9. God is Everywhere is a short eBook with some powerful photographs depicting the cross in everyday settings.  It reminds us that God is with us wherever we go and, if we look carefully, we can see His hand in just about everything around us.

 “JoJo, our son, Samuel, is really enjoying the fire sale package — he saw us post about it and actually asked for it for his birthday.” -Melanie Y.


To read more about this incredible package or to order it before it’s gone forever, click here!



NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Goin’ Weekly with All New Segments!

Page 3Due to underwhelming support, we are discontinuing our Communication Comedy Network monthly video program.  Our pilot episode garnered very few views or feedback. Since they are very time intensive to produce, we have decided to put our efforts elsewhere.  To that end, we are going back to a weekly blog post schedule and we have all new categories for you!  Along with Art of Eloquence news, we will be posting on the following topics on a monthly basis:

Communication FUNdamentals: Fun communication games, riddles and contests!

“Wright” the Wrongs: Short paragraph where you’ll be challenged to correct poor grammar, spelling or punctuation!

Communication Reviews: Reviews of TV shows, movies, commercials, Facebook trends, etc!

Ask JoJo: Submit your communication question to me and I’ll choose one per month to answer right here on the blog.  Questions can be anything from a tip on communication skills (how not to be nervous when making a speech) to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills or even if your website or blog is clearly written!

I’d love to get a list of questions to choose from each month so go ahead and begin asking your communication question today by following the directions in the NOTE below.

We would love your feedback on the new line up for the blog. Please leave a comment here and tell us your thoughts.

By the way, you can click on the picture to view our CCN pilot video if you’d like.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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The Spaghetti Test Method of Communication

Spaghetti TestMothers through the generations have told their children that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  It’s sage advice and something that teaches us many lessons about how we should communicate with others.  The following is from the introduction of my newest communication study, Say What You Mean for Moms, the first in a series of communication studies for parents which you may pre order today at a 30% discount!

Three of the most important lessons learned from mom’s old saying:

1. We should strive for our communication to be grace-filled

2. We should think before we speak.

3. We should be purposeful in how we communicate…which brings me to a technique people have adopted of late that sounds good, but just flat isn’t true.  It’s what I call The Spaghetti Test Method of Communication.

I was talking with a friend of mine about how so few people understand the incredible value of learning to communicate effectively when she made a comment that reminded me of something my mother taught me about cooking.  She said, “there is a trend today of just ‘putting it out there’ and laying the responsibility on the listener to discern your meaning.  And if you don’t. . . well, doom on you!

This illustration reminded me of the old spaghetti test to determine whether or not it was done. Mom told me that women used to throw spaghetti up against the wall to see if it would stick.  If it did, it was done.  I remember thinking that either way, you’d have a messy wall to clean up!

The same can be said of throwing our communication out there in order to see what sticks.  I’ve seen so many popular memes on Facebook lately that tout the idea that you should say whatever you want and let the chips fall where they may. It may sound empowering, but it’s a myth.   It’s not empowering at all.

The idea is to speak your mind and the “people who matter won’t mind and the people who mind, don’t matter.”  I wrote an entire article on this one false premise, but suffice it to say that those who matter may, indeed mind the way you put things and those who mind matter to God.  If God had wanted us to say exactly what we wanted any old way we wanted to, why would He caution us about how we communication so many times in the Bible?

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” -Colossians 4:6

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” -Ephesians 4:29

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” -Matthew 15:11

A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions.” -Proverbs 18:2

An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” -Proverbs 18:19

Remember that when you throw your communication out there like spaghetti on a wall to see what sticks, you make a messy wall you may have to spend an entire lifetime cleaning up!   Learning how to communicate effectively is preferable to becoming a chattering fool.  Remember what Proverbs 10:8 says,  “The wise in heart accepts commands, but the chattering fool comes to ruin.”  Check out our most requested title, Say What You Mean for Moms and learn how to communicate effectively with your children so you aren’t throwing spaghetti up on their wall.

Enter Our Monthly Drawing!

If you’ve read all the way through, I’d like to thank you!  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please leave a comment and please share the link with those you know.  I will put the names of all those who comment with their own experiences and insights and who share this link into a drawing for a free gift or a gift certificate.  Your choice.  You have until the end of the month to do so before I draw a name.  Please make sure to have your email address on your comment so I can contact you if you are our winner.

CONGRATULATIONS: Laura!  You are the winner of our May Blog Contest!

JoJo’s blog only comes out once a month.  If you would like more information, tips and free gifts, please subscribe to our twice monthly newsletter.

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Nine out of ten of you won’t read this, but you SHOULD!

Announcement: Due to my health issues, I will only be writing posts for the Art of Eloquence blog once a month.  If you would like more information, tips and free gifts, please subscribe to our twice monthly newsletter.


Reading newspaperHave you noticed that some of social media posts will garner tons of “likes,” retweets, shares, and comments, but others…well…they just don’t?  It seemed to me that the ones that are the most important are commonly in the latter group.  Frustrated, I looked deeper into this issue and was surprised by what I found.  I think you will be too, but it’s an important communication lesson for us all in the Technological Age.  By the way, I encourage you to read through to the end of this blog post.  You’ll see why when you get there.

That old saying “I’m just too broke to pay attention” is becoming a sad reality in today’s society-especially in light of the current and equally sad economy.  Do you ever feel like people don’t pay attention to what you post on Facebook or read your emails?  Well, I ran an extended experiment on my fan page, Facebook wall, Twitter and Google + accounts and found some very interesting results.

What I Noticed

* Over the last several years, there has been a steady decline in newspaper and magazine subscriptions in favor of finding snippets of news on Facebook, Twitter and other internet forums.

* In the last few years, there has been a marked increase in the number of times I’ve had to play email volleyball in order to clarify something that the other party had inexplicably missed in my original communication.

* In the last year or two, more and more friends of mine were unsubscribing from newsletters, blogs and email lists that they once were quite involved in.

* Recently, there is a significant decrease of discussion on blogs and about online newsletters.

* Quite recently, there has been a distinct increase of memes and pictures posted on social media.

The Experiment

I conducted an extensive experiment on both my Facebook fan pages, my Facebook wall, Twitter/Google + account, my newsletter and my blog for the last year or so.  I posted all manner of media including videos, blog posts, notes, pictures, memes and one liners.

The Results

Pictures (memes) get the most likes and comments.  Anything with more than a few lines of text get very few.  Links to articles, newsletters or blog posts don’t get read or responded to much because people have to take the time to click on it.

So, the more removed something is from where people see it and the more words it has, the less response there is.  Further, the less likely that response reflects that the person had actually READ the article, listened to the audio or watched the video–even if people say they are interested in the topic.

Controversial topics garner the most response with unique comments about frustrating issues people are currently facing (especially if the comment has only a few lines of text) coming in second.

So Why Don’t People Read Anymore?

They’re just too broke to pay attention!  Most people are so busy trying to make a living that they no longer have time to make a life.  They run from family functions to kid’s activities to shopping to work and back home again, home again jiggety jig.  Too busy and too involved in their own stuff to pay attention to their friends, neighbors and extended family.

What to Do in Order to Get Your Ideas Across these Days

If you are trying to get a message across for ministry or business or a cause you support and you want to make sure your thoughts get noticed, start first with picture (meme) that has little to no text, but in a creative way asks a provocative question or makes a unique or humorous statement.  Then, as people comment on it, introduce your supporting ideas and details.

Do You Read?

Be honest.  Have you ever been caught having to admit you hadn’t read someone’s email thoroughly?  Have you ever posted a comment on Facebook only to find you had completely misunderstood his post because you hadn’t read it carefully?  Have you ever tweeted a reply based on a Twitter article title and discovered egg on your face because you hadn’t actually READ the article which had nothing to do with what you thought the title suggested?

My Challenge

I challenge you to read what you may not think you have time for and to take the time to read it carefully.  You just might learn something that will bless your life or the lives of others you know.  You will save yourself time in the long run because you will truly understand what is being communicated to you and you will reduce the amount of conflicts you have with others because you’ll get it right the first time.  I challenge you also to pass this blog link around to educate and encourage others to take the time to read.

Thank You

Another advantage of taking the time to read fully and carefully is that sometimes you are rewarded for doing so.  It’s kind of like staying in the theater after a movie and watching the credits.  My dad likes to leave the theater as soon as the movie is over.  My dh and I always stay til the very end of the credits until they turn the lights back on.  Why?  Very often at the end of the movie is a bit of fun, a surprise or a story resolution you’d never know about unless you stayed and paid close attention.  Sometimes it’s the best part of the movie!

If you’ve read all the way through this, admittedly, very long blog post, I’d like to thank you!  I will put the names of all those who leave a comment with their thoughts/experiences and say they shared this link with others into a drawing for a free gift or a gift certificate.  Your choice.  You have until the end of the month to do so before I draw a name.  Please make sure to have your email address on your comment so I can contact you if you are our winner.

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!  This month I’ll be sharing newsletter articles on two other disturbing communication trends you need to know about and what YOU can do about them!

NOTE: And don’t forget to check out our incredible Fire Sale this month!  Here’s what one customer had to say: “I can’t believe the awesome deal that you are offering on this set of e-books, JoJo! I just ordered mine!  These are totally amazing! Thank you for such a great deal!” -Candy F.


Congratulations to April who posted her comments and shared this blog post (actually several times) on March 4th!  I am notifying her via email so she can obtain her prize!  Thank you all for posting your thoughts and for sharing the blog article with your friends!

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New at Art of Eloquence in 2013!

AoE People ButtonNewsletter and Webinar Changes!

After ten years in business having put out a variety of products and projects, we took a series of surveys and asked you what you were looking for from Art of Eloquence in 2013.  You shared your thoughts with us and we listened.  So this year we have a renewed focus on the things that you said were important to you and your family!

You said you wanted us to focus more on bringing you in-depth articles and webinars in 2013 so we have let some of the extra projects we had go in order to spend more time on these two areas.


Starting this month, we will pack even more into our newsletters so our weekly newsletters will now be semi-monthly.  We may also release one every so often if there is a time sensitive announcement to be made, but most often you will receive them twice a month.

This information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

And, if you haven’t subscribed yet, NOW is the time because, ALL NEW THIS YEAR, is a a series of special gifts you will receive JUST for subscribing!  After our initial welcome email confirming your subscription (which includes a link to a fun video!), you will receive four emails (one per day), each with a FREE GIFT!  Each gift will help you in a different area of your life: kids, business, etc.

Again, this information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

All New Webinar Topics:

During our Birthday Bash, we asked you what webinar topics you’d like to see presented in 2013 and we heard you!  Some webinars will be free and some will require a small fee.  Here is a partial list of topics we will be covering next year:

January: Conflict Resolution/repairing burned bridges

February: Dating, Marriage and Relationships

March: How to Speak with Boldness

April: Communication with Your Teen

Only a few more days to get your ticket to the webinar!

If you are looking to repair a relationship, Art of Eloquence can help.  Check out Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.  Browse our free lesson at the bottom of the page.  If you purchase this study, you’ll learn how to avoid conflicts or even reduce their effects so that you may build closer relationships with others.  Or you can sign up for this month’s webinar: Resolving Conflicts and get this study as a FREE BONUS GIFT!

NEW: Free lessons Page!

Art of Eloquence has always had free lessons from our studies available for download listed on each product page. However, now we have a page where you can find ALL of our sample lessons!  This makes it easier to decide which communication study is perfect for you and your family!

Make Sure You are Subscribed!

Begin 2013 with the training that will help you make this year and every other year more successful!  Make sure you’re subscribed to our blog and newsletter for the latest information, tips, free gifts and studies that will help you become more successful in your personal and professional life.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Make sure people know they’re special to you

Reading newspaperPart of effective communication has nothing to do with the words we use, but our attitude.

Do you look them in the eye when you speak to people or is your attention divided as you text, talk on the phone, watch something on TV or read the paper?

Do you use generic terms when you answer them or do you give them specific feedback?

Are you warm and inviting?  Do you tell them why they are special to you?  Do you share your thoughts and feelings with them?  Have you taken the time to offer help when needed?  Really listen when they share?

Making people feel special is the building blocks of a good friendship.  That involves several things:

Noticing things about others helps you to let them know they mean something to you. Are they wearing a new coat?  Do they appear distracted?  Have they recently lost a loved one?  A job?  Making a point to pick up on clues helps us to treat our friends and family members with more care, but picking up on these things is only the first step.  Once you’ve taken the time to notice, you’ll need to let them know that you did-even if you are pressed for time.  ESPECIALLY if you are pressed for time!  Why?  Because nothing says “I’m special” more than a friend who gives what little she has.  If you give a little bit of the time you have when you are rushed, that speaks volumes to your friend about how special she is to you.

It’s often the little things we don’t always take the time to do in the modern rushed world that makes all the difference in our relationships.  But what about when that relationship is already strained by a history of poor communication, misunderstandings and missed opportunities?

If you are looking to repair a damaged relationship, Art of Eloquence can help.  Check out Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.  Browse our free lesson at the bottom of the page.  If you purchase this study, you’ll learn how to avoid conflicts or even reduce their effects so that you may build closer relationships with others.

Or sign up for this month’s webinar: Resolving Conflicts and get this study as a bonus gift!

Consider what a closer relationship will mean to your life and ask yourself if it’s worth a few dollars and a little of your time to have that again.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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My sincere apologies

I don’t normally post on the blog on Tuesdays, but I have a bit of apologizing to do.  Though we have no idea how or why, sometime prior to our Birthday Bash, the settings for the Art of Eloquence website inexplicably changed requiring all new customers setting up an account (trying to order for the first time) to be “approved” before they could place their order.  The only customers who were able to purchase recently were those who had already set up their customer account (ordered) in the past.

We have since approved all new customer accounts and our webmaster has changed the setting back. All of you who had tried to order recently should now be able to go back into your account and order whatever your heart desires.

We sincerely apologize for any frustration several of you have had in trying to order recently, especially those trying to take advantage of our brand new $10 flat rate after the November 1st Birthday Bash.  In the ten year history of Art of Eloquence, customer accounts have never had to be approved and we had no idea or indication that anything had changed.  I am at a loss to understand why a company would want to have to approve a customer prior to ordering.

The good news is that those of you who encountered this problem prior to our 10th Birthday Bash sale going live, can now order at the new $10 rate for all Art of Eloquence studies for a limited time!  All our homeschool curricula as well as all studies for adults on leadership, business, social communication and more are only $10 each for a limited time.

If you have any questions or issues, please email me

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Breaking News: For a Limited Time, All eBooks ONLY $10!

Breaking NEWS:


In celebration of ten incredible years in business and to say thank you to all of our customers over the years, we are doing something Art of Eloquence has NEVER done before!

Starting tomorrow, and for a limited time, ALL Art of Eloquence eBook studies and audio classes will be ONLY $10!  You read that right!  Each and every eBook and audio class communication study we have for sale on our website will be reduced to only $10 for a limited time!

That means all our homeschool, leadership, speech and debate eBooks; all our social communication, business eBooks and audio classes are ONLY $10!

We honestly have no idea how long we will keep our prices this low so make sure you don’t put off ordering any eBooks you had your eye on!

PLUS, we have a FREE product listed on the top of our home page!  Go download it for FREE!

Come join the celebration and take advantage of the incredible knowledge put together for you during our two hour Birthday Bash as our 10 experts in their field come together to share free tips and gifts with you about all aspects of your lives!

See you at the Birthday Bash today over on the Facebook Fan page at 11am PST!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Birthday Bash Tomorrow!

Art of Eloquence will be TEN years old on November 1st! Mark your calendars so you don’t miss it because YOU get all the free gifts!  You can even win prizes!  Here’s how.  We’ll be celebrating from 11am to 1pm PST, Thursday, November 1st both on our blog and our Facebook fan page.

Two Hour Facebook Party

Time: 11am-1pm PST/ 12pm-2pm MST/ 1pm-3pm CST/ 2pm-4pm EST

Location: Facebook fan page.

Events: Communication touches every aspect of our lives so…during the Facebook Party, each of our ten sponsors (experts in their field) will be posting tips, links, and/or free gifts for you in all aspects of life.  Make sure you are on our fan page at that time so you can view them all.  Make sure to refresh your page so you can see all the new posts as they occur.

During that time, we will also post a link to each of the ten contests where you can win prizes donated by our sponsors. Winners will be chosen from all the correct answers posted as comments on each contest blog post.

You can check out all of our sponsors and the prizes they will be giving away as well as a few free gifts you can download right now on our Birthday Bash Page!


Stay tuned to this blog tomorrow for even more Breaking NEWS.  HUGE announcement coming!


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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