Art of Eloquence Blog — Jesus RSS

Day 17 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Picture Pefect CHRISTmas Cannon

The countdown continues today with another great one from the Trans Siberian Orchestra: CHRISTmas Cannon Rock!  A slightly different verson than another in the countdown.  This one has some beautful CHRISTmas scenes to share.  These scenes are as if out of a picture book. I love this video.  Looking at it makes me think of peaceful times.  It fills my heart with the beauty that the Lord created and I love to envision a life filled with peace and beauty. We all strive for that Picture Perfect CHRISTmas and often fall quite short.  Sometimes we don't acheive it because of circumstances beyond our control.  Other times, the fact that we race around in a frenzy to complete the tasks that would create our...

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Day 11 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Hallelujia

Next on the countdown is Barlow Girl with Hallelujia (Light Has Come).  The song asks us to praise to God on high, hallelujia a savoir comes for us!  To save us now.  Hallelujia light has come! A promise for those who believe.  Do you believe? x x x  If you've been listening to these beautiful songs, but you don't believe in Jesus, now would be a great time to find out what He is all about.  Jesus gave up His heavenly home to come to earth and be tortured and die for us.  He rose again and He is saving a place for you and me...if we only believe. If you liked this post, please subscribe to our RSS feed and...

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5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas starts today!

The 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas here at Communication FUNdamentals starts today.  Music video is a powerful form of communication.  We can use it to worship, to express ourselves and to share the love of God.  My goal, again, this CHRISTmas is to help put Christ back in our CHRISTmas by sharing  25 of my most favorite CHRISTmas songs with you. This first one is a new one I discovered called Where's the Line to See Jesus?  It shares my feeling, and that of many other Christians today, that our society has commercialized this blessed holiday to the point were we don't even know what it's all about anymore. Though there are many Christmas movies during this holiday season, there are precious few CHRISTmas movies.  Most of the movies these...

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Communication Lessons from Five Year Olds-Part 4

FIRST A NOTE: I hope you all had a great time at the Birthday Bash yesterday!  I had a ball and learned a LOT from my guest "speakers."  Due to an infestation of the Gundar Kind (our techie gremlin), we had some techie issues with the coupon code and various other sundry glitches so we are extending our contests and 50% off sale for a day or two until we can work out the details.  That'll give more of you a chance anyway.  It was a very fun but VERY LONG day. My fingers are still sore for typing 120 words a minute for 12 hours straight. A BIG thank you to Traci of Your Web Tech Team  for keeping...

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Birthday Bash: 5pm-LightHome Publications

James Dunlap from LightHome Publicationswill be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest: From LightHome Publications: Subscription to Artistic Nature Magazine Packed with pictures in color, coloring pages, and all kinds of interesting facts about nature, along with multiple art activities with instructions in each and every issue. This colorful quarterly magazine for home­schoolers covers Nature, Art, Bible, and other school subjects in a fun and interesting way.  Each issue has a special nature topic that the whole issue revolves around, making each issue suitable for a unit study that you can use at any time!  This is a...

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