Art of Eloquence Blog — Defending the Faith RSS

Why We Can't Put Off The Great Commission

Ever try to share your faith with someone where the discussion turned from conversation to confrontation?  Has that experience made you feel more uncomfortable about sharing your faith in general even though you know the Lord commands us to do so in love?  Have you felt the Lord tugging at your heart to share the Gospel with someone, but your head is tugging back because you don't know how?  Do you know someone who is on fire for Jesus, but their approach more closely resembles hitting their "target" over the head with the King James Bible?  What if I told you that sharing your faith can be as easy as having a conversation with a friend? Cindy Rushton has asked...

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When not all your family is Christian at Christmas

I am winding down my career as a weekly podcaster with just three live shows left to go!  I'll be sad to see it end in a way, because I simply adore reaching out to my listeners and teaching on a live show.  It's been a blast even though it's taken quite a bit of my free time.  (Wait..."free time"? I'll have to look that up again.  I keep forgetting what that is!) This Thursday is a very special show.  Do you have members of your family who are not Christians this Christmas?  Have you tried to share your faith with them this year?  Do you worry about how you'll get along at the family Christmas gathering?  Do they fear...

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Defending the Faith Mini Series Audios

Did you miss Mini Series May over on Grace Talk Soup? If you did, you missed an amazing 4 shows!  But not to worry!  The audios are available on the show's site so you can listen on demand any time you like!  However after a while, they can get lost in the archives. Our first mini series was from my most important study, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  We shared tips for answering four of the world's most common questions and misconceptions about the Lord and I have posted the direct links to the audios here: 1. Introduction: Why do we need to learn to share? 2. "I'm a good person; why do I need God?" 3. "Men...

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Last Week for the GTS Defending the Faith Contest!

May Grace Talk Soup Defending the Faith Contest Rules: Help us promote this show and you could win: Say What You Mean Defending the Faith!  It's this easy! 1. Post the Grace Talk Soup link encouraging others to join us on the live show to your Twitter orFacebook page, your blog, newsletter, website, Yahoo group, etc. 2. Email and give us the link where you posted it or just tell us where you posted it and we will enter you in this week’s contest! Winner will be announced on the show! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Last week of the Grace Talk Soup Defending the Faith Mini Series: This Thursday is the last day of our first ever mini series! Three parts of...

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Christians: You need to be on this call tomorrow morning!

Say What You Mean Defending the Faith is the most important communication study I have ever written.  Having grown up in an Atheist home (of Jewish decent), I have a unique insight into what unbelievers need to hear about the Lord.  It's not just about what to say but how we say it: respectfully and in grace. Also that we fully answer the questions they have one on one and not with a one-size-fits-all line or tract. All this month on Grace Talk Soup, Carla and I have been sharing tips for answering four of the most common questions and misconceptions the world has about Jesus.  You can go back in the past show audios to listen to the past...

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