Art of Eloquence Blog — birthday RSS

Happy Bar Mitzvah Erving?

Today is April Fool's Day, but then I've never liked April Fool's.  Some of the tricks played on this day seemed mean and others were downright cruel.  However, I have a funny story for you that kind of qualifies as April Fool's, Tabares Style.  I need to begin at the beginning and that would be way back in the 70's.  Let me take you down memory lane. All in the Family was a popular show in the 70's and, if you are old enough to remember the show, you'll know that Archie Bunker was a cheapskate.  One episode had him purchasing a cake for his wife's birthday and coming home with a cake that said, "Happy Bar Mitzvah Irving!"  Why? ...

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What is old?

Today is Word Wednesday here on Communication FUNdamentals and it's also my birthday!  According to my kids, I'm old.  In fact, my dd has been calling me ancient since she was about 3yrs old.  She's now 20, I'm currently celebrating the 30th anniversary of my 18th birthday and you can do the math on that one! Old is another one of those words that has been misused in my, perhaps seasoned, opinion.  I mean, what is old anyway?  If you ask a 3 y/o what old is, she'll probably say twenty.  If you ask a 20 y/o, she'll probably say 30.  If you ask a 48 y/o she'll probably say, "Hey! Are you calling me old?!"  Besides, what is an...

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Remember when Ricky made breakfast for Lucy?

So it was my birthday on Tuesday and my dh called me from work to tell me that he's getting out of work early, not to make dinner and we were going to go out when he got home.  Then he calls me from the parking lot of the grocery store to ask if we have white rice.  Why? Cuz he's going to cook me dinner!  And not just any dinner, mind you, but THE dinner to end all dinners:  Seafood Medley!  We usually only eat this very special meal  once a year when I make it for him on his birthday.  Ok he's got my attention! He asks me if I can start the rice for him because he...

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Fowl Language

"I feel goofy...oh so goofy!  I feel goofy and loopy and wise!" Today is my birthday!  I'm older so I must be wiser!  LOL   And I'm in kind of a goofy mood.  Can you tell?  A few days ago, I posted about foul language (happily, the lack there of!) when I shared Biblical Word Fun.   I got to thinking how funny it would be if you spelled that a little differently.  My goofy mind began to run wild and here's what I came up with: Fowl Language It's important that we teach our little chickadees to speak respectfully so they are not pigeon holed into using fowl language consistently.  Birds of a feather tend to flock together and one...

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