Birthday Bash Word Scramble

In November, Art of Eloquence will be eight years old!  We’ve been having a great time with our visitors/customers with our birthday celebration and we’ve been giving away prizes!   So far we gave away prizes for finding all eight FIMMs that are hiding throughout our site, for playing Communication BINGO over on our Facebook fan page, and  we have tons of folks who have earned Birthday Bash Points toward our Grand Prize by either posting a link to any page of our site (and letting us know) or by purchasing any of our speech communication eProducts!

But the Art of Eloquence  Birthday Bash is coming to an end this month!  There are only a few more weeks left to enter for your chance to win a prize package of EIGHT Art of Eloquence products or product packages!  One lucky winner with the most points by the end of this month is going to win a HUGE package of prizes!  Check our Birthday Bash page for details on how to enter, but today I’d like to give everyone ANOTHER way to earn points toward the Grand Prize Package!

Come have some communication word fun!  Solve this word scramble and earn 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Contest Grand Prize!  Every single person who posts the correct answer will receive 8 more points toward the Birthday Bash Grand Prize! Ready?  Here we go!

Which Art of Eloquence Speech and Debate eBook does this represent?

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I’ll give you a hint: This study helps you understand what the Lord teaches us in His Word about how to communicate with each other and is the ONLY Art of Eloquence eStudy that adds even more content (through a secret page) every two months or so!

Everyone who posts the correct answer wins 8 points toward the Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

Wanna earn even more points? Post this blog post link on your Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Group, Blog or email group telling them about the challenge and email us with the link where you posted it and you’ll get 8 more points for each and every group you post it to!

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  1. Oooh, Oooh, Oooh!!! (said in her best Arnold Horshack imitation :) I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!! PICK MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21 Days to More Godly Communication! (Great study, by the way!)

  2. 21 Days to More Godly communication

  3. Correct, Ladies! Keep them coming! Let someone else know they can guess and earn points too!

  4. Congratulations on 8 years!!! Woot! Woot!!

  5. Happy Birthday Art of Eloquence! :o)

  6. Thanks very much Cindy and Beth. It’s amazing to me where God leads me!

  7. I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by JoJoTabares, JoJoTabares. JoJoTabares said: Word Scramble […]

  2. […] month, this week is Birthday Bash week here at Communication FUNdamentals.  Monday, I shared a Word Scramble with two ways to get extra points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize.  So…for this […]