Day 12 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Amazing Grace Laser Show

Another excellent version of Amazing Grace in a rock laser show!  I’m saving my favorite version of Amazing Grace for CHRISTmas Day, but this one is a wonderful rock version with a fabulous light display.

How many versions there are of some of these songs!  Each one is a different interpretation.  Just like us!  Each one of us sees things slightly differently and has a slightly different testimony and story to tell about our walk with God.  Isn’t that wonderful?  Each song minsters to a different mood just as each person can minister to a different lost soul.

What an amazing way for God to help us to share with others about Him!

Another wonderful video coming your way tomorrow.  Until then…

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  1. This is sooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!! My Dad’s favorite song was Amazing Grace and he was NOT a churchgoer. It has timeless appeal and there are so many wonderful versions of it out there!

  2. Glad you enjoyed it. One of my favorite light shows. Keep thinking I hate to have their electric bill! LOL But what a show!

  3. So what is the song artists name?

  4. The video doesn’t say. The person who put the video together is Holdman. If you click on the YouTube link it says Richard Holdman.