Your friendly neighborhood non techie…

is working on her blog.  Alert the media and keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times!

I was able to put Word Press on my site and my web designer linked it from Art of’s left navigation bar.  Now all I have to do is make this page look a bit more like the rest of the site.

The bad news: unfortunately, in my mind, HTML means Hopeless Technological Misfit Looney.  The good news?  I can download a template!  The really bad news?  The directions to do so are written in TECHIE  TALK!  The really good news?  I can ask my web designer!  The MOST HORRIFIC NEWS: she tells me to download the thingamagigiie to the whatchamacallit on the whosamawhatsit and I couldn’t tell you where to find the thingamagigie if my life depended on it!  I can speak in front of hundreds, but I cannot communicate my wants to an inanimate software program.

Hi, my name is JoJo and I’m a Techno Dingdong!  My technical disabilities range from not being able to work my TV remote to thinking a byte is a little nosh.

Workin’ on it!  Say a techie prayer, will ya?


Your friendly neighborhood Techno Idiot

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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