Your Communication Rights

Your Communication Rights:

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.” -Unknown

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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  1. Especially with the mainstream media!!! UGH!!! For a great look at how things get distorted, especially when it concerns us bigoted, intolerant Christians. . . heh-heh-heh. . . go to yesterday’s Grace Talk Soup and take a listen. You will be amazed! DISCLAIMER: No facts were misquoted or used against anyone in the making of this talk cast!!! :)

  2. Yes unfortunately many in the main stream media do distort the facts to suit their agenda. ROFL I had to laugh at your disclaimer, Carla! LOL

  3. I’m with you 100%!!! Particularly when it concerns Christians, every word is misquoted, taken out of context, and blown out of proportion.

  4. Re: Methuselah, Sorry for your loss? My monitor will follow soon. It has these pretty little lines floating across the bottom.