Happy World Telecommunication Day

What was technology like when you were born?  Well, this Thursday is World Telecommunication Day.  To celebrate, I thought I’d share some of the telecommunication that was around the year I was born: 1962.


Slinky Commercial 1962:

We loved Slinkies even though they had no technology whatsoever!


New Telephone Inventions of the early 1960s:

Pretty high tech for 50yrs ago…and notice the quality of the commercial. LOL

Share something from the year you were born!


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  1. I couldn’t find much in technology as the Korean war was in full swing; however, I did find out that gas was 25 cents a gallon! It didn’t go up much either as when I graduated high school it was around 35 cents. Today, it can go up 10 cents in a day or two!

  2. Art of Eloquence says:

    Wasn’t far off from when I was a kid.