What’s on your desk?

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

What’s on your desk that shouldn’t be there and what does this say about your life?

JoJo’s Answer:

Nail polish.  I’ve been trying to find time to polish my nails for about three months now! I’ve been swamped with writing deadlines and homeschooling that I just don’t have much time for frills these days.  I guess it says that there are far more important things in my life these days than getting my nails “dressed up”…Either that or I have really bad looking nails!  ROFL

What’s on your desk?
Post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of Eloquence.com!

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  1. A bakugan! It belongs to my son, so I guess it shows that I’m a work at home mom. LOL

  2. The question for me is, “What’s NOT on your desk?” We have very little room and next to no storage space so everything gets thrown on. . . you guessed it. . . my desk. Yes, I have tried cleaning it off, but it always ends up in massive piles every time. Things get lost in the black hole that is my desk. I’d like to avoid that, but every time I try, it comes back again. I have to move my laptop to get a work disk in it. UGH Praying for a change in the future. Meanwhile, I just dig, dig, dig every time I need something!

  3. Thanks for this thought provoking question. You can read my answer here: http://deidrasheart.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-deskmy-life-meal-planning.html

  4. There is nothing on my desk that doesn’t belong there. That says a lot about my tendancies toward OCD – lol!!!!

  5. Billie Jo says:

    The only thing on my desk that doesn’t belong there is my nephew’s new baseball mitt that he left here yesterday and a McDonald’s toy that I think came from one of my daycare kiddos. Unfortunately, there are many things on my desk that belong there, but need to get organized – again. I think that my papers come out at night and dance furiously then fall where they may in exhaustion. Perhaps if I didn’t try to keep them neatly away from their friends, they would be more considerate and put themselves away at night?

  6. I agree with Carla!! I have a ticket stub from last August! I just don’t have enough time in the day to devote to any cleaning that isn’t a necessity! You know, the kitchen, bathroom, vacuum, and dust!! I have to say, though, that everything else that is there, belongs. It is a pile of papers, but it belongs there.

  7. Remember everyone that just because our desks say we are too busy to be organized doesn’t mean we SHOULD be organized. Nobody ever was sorry they didn’t spend more time cleaning up their desk at the end of their life! It’s just a look see into what things are in your life.

  8. What’s On Your Desk?

    My desk is clean, it’s the mess on the floor that I speak of:

    Answering the 1st part of the question: What’s here that shouldn’t be here?

    As I survey the chaos, trying to pinpoint something that shouldn’t be here, the obvious answer is none of it. It should all have a home or be tossed. That is the ultimate goal, but it seems to be taking me a long time to achieve.

    But what is that one thing that is really out of place? Is it the 2008 calendar that I am saving for the beautiful pictures with scriptures? Is it the stack of coloring books and “artwork” from my creative children? Is it the little bottle of bubbles hiding from children who would use them in the house? Is it the birthday card from March? Or the photo from my daughter that I should have put in an album by now? Is it the stack of unlabeled CD’s of who-knows-what design project(s)? Is it the campaign materials from the local sheriff’s campaign that I managed for 18 months? Is it the laptop bag I haven’t used in a year?

    Answering the 2nd part of the question: What does this say about my life?

    I am a busy homeschool mom to 4 children, currently aged 10, 9, 6, & 5. Organization is not a strong point of mine. I’m okay with a little mess & chaos. I tend to collect things. And I am not a great, shining example of keeping my “room” clean. I do make visible and tangible efforts. And now that I have had time to ponder the situation here, the elephant in the room (almost too literally), I am feeling a need to make a better effort to put it all in order. I’m feeling a bit motivated to improve the space and remove the mess.

    Just don’t ask me about my bedroom closet right now…

  9. I posted my answer on my blog:
    What’s on Your Desk?
    Great Topic JoJo!

  10. I’m an organized mess on my desk – and I use everything on it – have little piles that probably shouldn’t be there – but I would be quite lost without my little piles. Everything else I think I need – no – I KNOW I need. LOL!!!


  1. […] Tabares at Communication Fundementals posted an interesting question this morning: “What’s on your desk that shouldn’t […]