All this month, I’m talking about communication in situations other than making speeches. Well, today is Valentine’s Day and that is an area where speeches aren’t appropriate. Real communication between couples and loved ones is vital to the health of the relationship.
But how do we communicate that love? How does love speak? What does love say?
Well, here are some things that do NOT show love:
* Unloving actions and words
* Ignoring
* Watching TV while listing to someone
* Deciding in two seconds that something or someone is not worth listening to and tuning out
The giving of gifts and dinners out can be important tokens of appreciation, but are not what really communicates love. If you’d like a very special gift that goes into great detail about what really communicates love, it’s free! It’s called “Expressions of Love.” Here are a few ways you can get it:
1. “Like” the Art of Eloquence Fan Page over on Facebook and you’ll find a link to a page where you can download this treasure that will help you improve a rocky relationship or enhance an already good one! You’ll find a treasure trove of fun and creative posts with articles, tips and regular free gifts on communication skills in every area of life!
2. Subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter. The newsletter with the link for this freebie has already been sent out, but if you subscribe this month and email me, I’ll forward the link to you! What you’ll find in our newsletter this year is some amazingly powerful material that we ONLY provide for our newsletter subscribers. This year we are providing four excerpts from each of six Art of Eloquence studies in all areas of life where communication is extremely important. In addition, you will receive periodic free gifts, articles with tips, notification of special events, and exclusive offers including membership in our brand new Book of the Month Club where we are practically giving away an Art of Eloquence communication study each month! Each Book of the Month download is only $5!
3. Join our Art of Eloquence Yahoo group where you’ll receive daily creative and fun communication tips, links, other info and our regular free gifts!
Or do all three to make sure you receive the maximum number of creative and fun scriptural lessons and gifts on communication skills!
The relationships in your life depend on effective communication in order to grow. Don’t miss these opportunities to give you the best chance to nurture your relationships and other important situations with good, effective and easy tips that will make all the difference in your personal and professional life!
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All very good points. And not to put a damper on Valentine’s Day, but. . . why only one day a year? If you love someone, shouldn’t you be telling them every day? If you give candy, flowers, fancy dinners, etc. one day a year, but fail to show your love the other 364, what value is there to that one day? Enhancing your communication skills is a really great way to make sure you say exactly what you mean and mean exactly what you say!
EXCELLENT POINT, Carla! It’s not how we treat our loved ones one day a year, but on a consistent basis that defines a relationship.
Thanks for the RT, Lea Ann!
Great points JoJo! You can’t buy love – a real relationship consists of time and listening to each other. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!