Tribute to our military heroes!

I wanted to create something to post for Memorial Day that blessed and honored our fallen heroes.  One thing lead to another and I found this staring back at me from across the computer.  It struck me in an instant that our military are so much like our Savior.  They are willing to give everything for the rest of us.  Some did!

Others are out there right now and are ready and willing to give everything for our country and others they are protecting.  And their families are heroes too because they are sacrificing so much so that these brave men and women can  be willing to sacrifice all.  This is for each of them.  From everyone at Art of Eloquence, we express our deep appreciation and send our prayers!


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  1. That’s beautiful, JoJo! As the wife of a vet, I do my best to remember what today is truly about. The picnics and fun are nice, of course, but it’s a lot more than that. . .a WHOLE lot more. I found a great video to put on my blog from a church youth group in Ohio. Says it all. . Always remember: All gave some, but… some gave all.

  2. Beautiful, JoJo! We do have so much to be thankful for today.

  3. Wow JoJo! I was thinking the exact same thing this morning when I was posting comments on soldiers Facebook walls.

  4. This is great JoJo. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks everyone. Carla big hugs to your hubby and to your family.

  6. This is lovely, JoJo. As an Army brat and military wife, I thank you for doing this for our service members.

    I just watched the movie Taking Chance last night. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. Have the Kleenex handy tho. 😉