"Things We Say Wrong" video

Things You Ought to Know has a funny YouTube channel where folks write in and ask how things work.  They research the topic and put out a video like this one on the “Things We Say Wrong.”   It’s funny and informative and presented in Art of Eloquence style.

For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of Eloquence online.

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  1. Right up my alley! Love it!

  2. Very funny! I have always remembered the ‘i before e” rule!

  3. This guy is funny! Thank you for sharing JoJo!

  4. Thanks again for the chuckle, JoJo. Just watched it again—cracks me up every time! I’ll have to steal this for my blog some day. :o)

  5. the speed of dark is the sam as the speed of light, it’s just right behind light

  6. This is great!

  7. Hysterical! I am NOT a college graduate, but my parents would not allow me to speak the way the general population does. (or did!) I am appalled by the way my nieces and nephews butcher the language, even AFTER graduating from college. However, not being a “grammar Nazi,” I will not correct them, as that would be a violation of etiquette. That being said, I must add that most are not confused by the use of “I feel badly.” When I say it, no one thinks I have a poor tactile sense. Well stated.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter: This week's Friday Funnies is another great video: Things We Say Wrong! http://artofeloquence.com/blog/things-we-say-wrong/ […]