For almost 8 years I’ve been talking about the incredible power of speech communication. Words are powerful things. After all, God spoke the world into existence! “God said let there be light and there was. For years I’ve been telling you about the power of words and now I can show you just how powerful words can be…
This sign demonstrates the unbelievable power of words…to forbid dying…at least right there! LOL
For more fun with communication, visit Art of!
Wow – that is something! It makes you wonder if people really think about what they are writing, doesn’t it?
Wonder what the punishment for disobeying is?
Laurie, yes…you’d think they’d get someone who could translate properly.
Bobbi, you rebel! LOL
Hee, hee. That is funny.
Haha! Chinglish is one of my favorite languages!
This is so funny! My in-laws were traveling in Asia one year and were so amused by all the English signs around town saying, “It is forbidden” – just cracked them up!