Clean Comedy in Honor of Natl Underwear Day

It’s National Underwear Day today.  I don’t think I want to know how you go about celebrating that!  What I do know is that you’ll enjoy this YouTube video of Christian Comedian, Jeff Allen.  Not only does it talk about the subject at hand, but he gives you a little insight into the communication between husband and wife.



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I’m on the Homeschool Netcast Tomorrow

There’s a new YouTube podcast channel for homeschoolers this year called the Homeschool Netcast Network.  The show is hosted by Gerald McKoy, a Christian, Husband, and Father of 5 homeschooled boys.  He is also currently serving as the Vice President on the Board of Directors of the Christian Home Educators Association of California (CHEA of CA).

Homeschool Netcast Network is devoted to supporting the existing homeschool community and evangelizing more christian parents to homeschool their children by providing news, interviews, and inspiring stories found within the homeshcool community.

I’m honored to have been asked to be interviewed and am looking forward to sharing my homeschool story with their audience tomorrow.


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Happy Independence Day!

This week’s Interview with a communicator is preempted by this incredible YouTube flag domino video in order to celebrate Independence Day!  We’ll bring you a new Interview next week…

This is a YouTube video FIND: What an incredibly creative display in celebration of Independence Day!  Happy Fourth of July!


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Medieval Help Desk

As we finish our second week of Effective Communication Month, it’s time again, for Friday Funnies.  I bring you this YouTube classic video. It is difficult for us non-techies to adjust to new technology and apparently it always was.  It appears, way back in Medieval  Times, they had the same trouble adjusting from scrolls to books as we do from books to computers.  See how, even then, the technical manual was written for folks who already knew how to operate it…


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When Technology Inhibits Effective Communication

Monday we talked about the influence of texting on effective communication skills.  Today I’d like to give you some links to articles I’ve written that shed a bit more light on the subject:


Communication Technology Doesn’t Replace Communication Skill!

My generation has gone from ABC, NBC and CBS to Cable TV, CDroms and DVDs. We have lived through the biggest technological advancements in history. We can now communicate with people around the world through cell phones, email, voicemail, videomail …and we can see political events unfolding as they happen! The internet wasn’t fast enough for us so we now have DSL and Cable that are 50x faster than the modems of two years ago! Computers weren’t portable enough so we now have laptops and PDAs. The technological world is obsessed with making communication technology faster, smaller and more powerful.

With so many ways to communicate, we are the most connected society that ever lived! So…what’s the name of your neighbor who lives three houses down from you? When was the last time you sat around the dinner table and had a good, old-fashioned conversation? How often do you feel ill-prepared to discuss important issues with your children? Is there a family member or business associate you are avoiding because you don’t know how to handle a delicate situation? How many times have you felt ineffective in getting your point across to others?  (Click here to read the rest of this article.)


Tech is a Wonderful Thing…Until it Isn’t (Excerpt):

Technology is a wonderful thing…until it isn’t.  So what’s a techno communicator to do?  Well, since I am now well versed in the art of communicating when technology burps, I’ll share some tips with you.

1. If you know your computer is having some issues, when you are able, put out a message to your Yahoo group or friend or Facebook page letting folks know.  When they don’t hear from you, they’ll have an inkling that your Methuselah is down with a serious case of e-Altzheimer’s.

2. If you know a friend is waiting for an email from you that you can’t get through, take a few minutes to call and let her know that she’ll be waiting a wee bit longer.

3. If you are having an email issue but do not have a phone number for the person, you can look it up on the web (provided that is still working of course!).  I once had an issue getting an email to a small business owner.  I didn’t know her well enough to have her phone number but I knew the name of her business.  I Googled and found her website, looked up her contact page where I found her phone number.  (Click here to read the entire article.)


How to Keep Professional When Technology Burps: (Excerpt)

Your first instinct is to PANIC and that makes dialing back into the podcast and remaining calm and positive and professional more difficult.  What to do?

* Keep going!
The Show Must Go On!  Before I switched my major to Speech Communication, I was a Voice Major in the Music Department.  At the end of the semester you give a recital where you sing a selection from the pieces you have been learning for an audience made up of the professors from the Voice Department.  Most of your grade rests with this performance.  I sang in French, Italian, Latin and even one in English!  I had no idea what I was saying which made learning the verses more difficult.

During the last song of the recital, I stood in front of the piano with my hands at my sides and my long gown on singing verse one.  I was doing well.  I didn’t crack on the high part and I looked the part of the diva!  Then tragedy struck.  As I came to the end of verse one, I began to realize that I had forgotten verse two!  Thinking it would come to me, I kept calm and continued singing but alas the words to verse two escaped my memory.  I decided to sing verse one again.  Surely I would remember verse three by the time I got to the end!  Well, no.  By the time I was nearing the end of what should have been verse two, I had no recollection of verse three and so began my third rendition of verse one!  I think there might have been four verses in this piece.  Each and every time I repeated verse one.

If you think the music professors at Cal. State University Northridge might not have noticed, you would be wrong!  This was a popular recital piece and they knew it well as they had heard it all week from my fellow voice majors in varying keys.  My grade?  “A”!  Why?  They were impressed with the way in which I handled the situation and concluded that most in the audience would not have known this piece may not even have noticed something was amiss!  Remember, it’s all in the presentation!  (Click here to read the rest of the article.)

See you on Friday for an Historic Communication Friday Funny YouTube video!


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Did You Know: North, SC is SE of Due West?

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Sometimes we use humor to make a point so that it’s a memorable lesson.  There’s a comedian I’ve admired for many years whose comedy is like that.  He teaches us lessons about life.  The incomparable Mr. Bill Cosby is an incredible talent.  Here he is in an early episode of The Cosby Show teaching his son a lesson in economics:

I found a YouTube video of him hosting You Bet Your Life where a woman with a thick Southern accent talked about where she’s from.  She explained this confusing set of circumstances in a way that made it a bit MORE confusing.  As is Bill Cosby’s style, he just let her go and even encouraged the confusion.  It was hilarious, but the video is very long.  The funniest part is at the beginning where she explains where North, South Carolina is.  If you don’t have time to listen to the entire clip, just listen to the first three minutes!


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Celebrating Five Years of FIMM

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It’s Good Friday so before I get started with our special Friday Funny Festivities, I want to take some time to wish you all a blessed Good Friday.  Today’s the day my son and I make Resurrection Cookies and read the Resurrection story in the Bible.

Well, as I said, this week is also a very special Friday Funnies week because Foot in Mouth Man’s five year anniversary was this past Tuesday. FIMM began his misadventures five years ago this month!  April 19th, 2006 to be exact.

You can check out FIMM’s very first episode along with several other featured episodes here.  As FIMM’s fame grew we featured him in his very own video:

Later on there were just too many FIMM Misadventures to put them all on our website so we created an eBook with the best of FIMM’s episodes.  You can check it out here.  He also agreed to a radio interview with me several years ago.  You can hear FIMM SPEAK here.  And finally, we started FIMM’s own brand of clothing at cafe press.

It’s been a fun five years, but I am slowly running out of good foot in mouth material and I’d LOVE some help!  If you have a misadventure you’d like submit, please send it to and put FIMM in the subject line.  FIMM entries must be family friendly please.

If I use your episode, you’ll get a mention on our site and on the blog as well as a free Art of Eloquence product!  So…got any great foot in mouth stories?



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Can You Pass these Perception Tests?

Perception Week began with my article on your perception of what spam is.  It continued with What People Won’t Do in Public chronicling some of the changes in what society believes is acceptable, how that has changed our views on civility and how we treat others.   Today I conclude with a little perception test.

In order for effective communication to take place, we have to be perceptive of the needs of others.  Society has become so busy and, too often, self-centered that we often don’t take the time to notice things and we’ve lost our ability to perceive important clues that help us communicate effectively and respectfully.

Check out this YouTube video…

Now view this one…

Did that give you an idea about how we all need to improve our powers of perception at times?  Scary isn’t it?

How’d you all do?  Share how you did and what your thoughts are about these videos.

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Politics Week: Who are Our Enemies?

I’ll be making a major announcement tomorrow on our newsletter and then on Wednesday right here on the blog about a new study we have coming out soon.  It has to do with how we “talk politics.”  In preparation for that, it’s Politics Week here at Communication FUNdamentals.  Today I’d like to share a bit of “politicing” going on and how we should and shouldn’t communicate when we talk politics.

Recently, President Obama made a very divisive comment while addressing the Latino community.  It was not well received by many as the following YouTube video shows.  He ran as a Uniter.  He promised to listen to both Republicans and Democrats.  He said he wanted to bring us together.  However in his recent address he stated:

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Not only has President Obama communicated that he sees half of the American people  (Republicans) as his enemy or the enemy of the Latino people, but that they need to be punished. I think that’s rather disrespectful to half of the country.  I also think it comes at a particularly bad time for the Democrats when polls show that they are way behind.

Later, the President made an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  He is the first sitting president to do so and, the fact that he had made the decision to appear there, does the image of the office of the President a disservice.  This is not the kind of venue that makes one appear presidential.   It was clear that the President didn’t expect Mr. Stewart to be quite so harsh with him, though I think he had to expect some of that given the nature of the show.  The President came off as defensive and annoyed.

While I don’t agree with President Obama’s stance on most issues, I didn’t feel comfortable watching the sitting U.S. President on a Comedy Central show being treated like a common goofball celebrity, the depths of which was seen when Mr. Stewart called him “dude.”  This is simply disrespectful to the President, even for this kind of a laid back show.

I couldn’t find a video to show you.  Frankly it’s embarrassing to watch a sitting president laughed at by the audience and referred to as “dude” by the host, so I’d just as soon NOT.  Over all I’d say President Obama made a huge error in judging who his enemies really are.

What say you?  What do you think of the President of the United States making an appearance on The Daily Show?  And what do you think of Mr. Stewart calling the President “dude?”

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"Things We Say Wrong" video

Things You Ought to Know has a funny YouTube channel where folks write in and ask how things work.  They research the topic and put out a video like this one on the “Things We Say Wrong.”   It’s funny and informative and presented in Art of Eloquence style.

For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of Eloquence online.

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