This week’s word is: Technology! Word of the Week is a bit different this week as we are celebrating technology.
As I shared on Monday, I’m celebrating communication technology this week in honor of Johannes Gutenberg (the inventor of the printing press) who died on Feb. 3rd in 1468. The printing press was a huge advancement in communication, but there have been many others that have contributed to our growing and changing communication. Here are just a few of the amazing technological advancements in communication:
1439 Gutenberg’s Printing Press
1835 Samuel Morse develops Morse Code
1876 Alexander Graham Bell exhibits the electric telephone
1877 Thomas Edison patents the phonograph
1901 Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals
1925 John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal
1963 First geosynchronous communications satellite is launched
1989 Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau built the prototype system which became the World Wide Web
The question becomes whether or not these advancements have increased our effectiveness as it’s increased our reach. I believe the advancements have both helped and hurt us as a social community. I have written several articles on this and I’ll refer you to them here, but I’d like to ask what YOUR take on it is.
Communication Technology Doesn’t Replace Communication Skill!
How Important is Face-to-Face Communication in the Computer Age?
Influence of Texting on Communication Skills
Joseph Priestley said, “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.” What is your experience with communication technology vs communication effectiveness? Please share and pass this link along to others so they may share their experiences as well.
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June is Effective Communication Month
I actually wanted to post an audio from a seminar I gave this past week. Unfortunately, TalkShoe didn’t work and play well with others that day. There was some miscommunication between my technology and their technology and, well, it wasn’t pretty. I’m working on re-recording it so I can have that for you later on this month. Please pray the Technology Gremlins will keep their distance or that I can locate my Techno Gremlin Bug-Off Spray!
I thought I’d start Effective Communication Month out by sharing a fun video I found on YouTube of the history of communication technology.
By the way, June 1st is also Say Something Nice Day. So please leave a comment! ;D
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