Vote for Long or Short Ad Copy

The 5th Deadly Communication Sin of Advertising is…

Loooooooooong Sales Copy
There is a controversy over this among the marketing gurus out there, but in my humble opinion, long sales copy only sells to men and, then, only when they are deeply interested in that subject. If you market to women, keep it brief! Most women are busy wearing many hats: wife, mother, housekeeper, baby sitter, teacher, medic, career woman… Most of the women I survey say that they don’t have the time to read long, hype-y sales copy that doesn’t reveal what they are selling until the very end. Most women like short and sweet ads that grab their attention and give them a way to find more information when they have the time to do so.

When I see a seemingly endless email or website with the typical white borders so that the sales copy is further elongated downward, my eyes get glassy and I develop a blank stare with an urge to gain relief by clicking the delete button or X out of the landing page.  Am I alone in this?  I don’t think so.  I’ve talked to many women, moms, wahms and busy homeschoolers who say they just don’t have the patience to read long sales copy and prefer to get, as Sgt. Friday used to say, “Just the facts, Ma’am!”


I don’t think I’m the only one who doesn’t even care to find out if it’s something I vitally need before I gain freedom from having to read all those words, especially on a computer.

What say you?  Do you like long sales or ad copy or does it make you wince?  Do you think it’s effective?  Is it effective on YOU?  Your husband?  Anyone you know?  Why do you think that is?  Please share what you like or don’t like about long sales or ad copy.


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Pssst! Wanna get married?

This week, I’m talking about Facebook Faux Pas.  Communication on Facebook is often seen as somehow different from communication elsewhere so things are regularly done (said) over Facebook that would NEVER be tolerated in person. On Wednesday, I told you about the issue of adding people to Facebook groups without asking their permission or gaining their consent.  Today is about dating.

Over the weekend, I received another in a series of Facebook messages about dating.  (No, this picture is not him, though I sincerely doubt the picture he has posted on his Facebook wall is him either.)  Shockingly, this guy didn’t just ask me if I liked Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.  After telling me a bit about himself, he asked if I would consider marrying a guy like him.  I’m waiting for Facebook to add a feature whereby he could add me as his wife without my consent!  lol

Clearly, this man never read my bio in which I state, among other things, that I am already married.  Additionally, I would never consider marrying a man who can’t put two grammatically correct sentences together!  But I digress…

I found it deliciously comical that, upon visiting his wall to see what kind of man writes women he doesn’t know and asks them to marry him, I found that Mr. Smith (yes that  is the name he posted!) “only shares some profile information with everyone.” In fact, he shared NONE of his personal information.  I guess when you go around asking women you don’t know to marry you, you have to be careful not to reveal too much.  Perhaps he shares his political affiliation and favorite books only AFTER the wedding???

Can you imagine a man walking up to a woman at a party, calling her “Pretty” instead of her name, telling her about his job and kid and asking if she’d consider marrying him?  Is this a joke?  Or does this guy really believe he can find a Facebook wife this way?  Either way, I would be disinclined.

What say you?

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