The 3 Vertically-Challenged, Pink Mammals w/a Reputation for Gluttony

Euphemisms and political correctness have permeated our language leaving our communication bereft of all meaning!  We are so concerned with not offending that we end up saying nothing of consequence and are beginning to sound like we are all speaking legalese!  Often we expend so much energy, not to mention verbiage, in order to make the simple almost  unintelligible:

Once (but perhaps more times than I am aware of.  For I am not counting myself among the gurus on the subject) upon a time, there lived three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony.  The first (though he was only first in order, not necessarily in preference) vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of the agricultural by products of the stalks of cereal plants.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of thin, discarded tree limbs.  And the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of blocks of dried mortar used in masonry construction.

One particular day, after each of the three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony had completed their warm seasonal dwellings, a tropical twister hit with hurricane force winds and caused widespread collateral damage throughout the area.

The first vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was condemned.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was reduced to rubble.  But the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling withstood the gale force winds and remained unaffected.

The first and second vertically-challenged, pink mammals with reputations for gluttony requested refuge in the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling and were granted long-term economic asylum by the other in exchange for day labor as the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal had dreams of  owning and operating a vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony hotel.

And they all co-existed most satisfactorily ever after!

If you want to have more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!

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