Mark Lowry, Christian comedian and member of the Gaither Brother’s group is hysterical! Mark Lowry for President?
Mark Lowry: God Help the USA
Poignant video 4 days before Michael Jackson’s Death
Yesterday I posted about the 911 call that told of Michael Jackson’s death. Many have asked me to comment on his life, but I really didn’t know enough about him to do that. I do believe he was a troubled man and I know he didn’t know the Lord as his Savior.
I did wonder at the differences surrounding the death of both of those pop stars on Thursday. Farrah Fawcett had a very strong Christian faith (at least at the end of her life.) and I do believe it helped to keep her grounded and I am sure it was a comfort to her as she was going through the struggle known as cancer. Michael Jackson was not a Christian. Sean Hannity asked Reverend Al Sharpton what he thought the differences were between his having to deal with fame in the public eye as a famous figure and Michael Jackson’s struggle with fame as a pop star. He said it was the fact that he was grounded in his faith. I don’t tend to agree with many of the things Reverend Sharpton has said over the years, we are politically different, but his statement was so true no matter your political persuasion!
Then yesterday a Twitter friend, Duong Sheahan, sent me this video. It’s of a pastor who is talking about how Mr. Jackson’s life might have been different if he had known The Father, Almighty God. So for today, Defending the Faith SONday I thought I would post the video for your consideration.
No matter how our earthly father or the world may treat us, our Heavenly Father is bigger than all!
I Love Lucy: English Pronunciation
This is one of my favorite episodes of I Love Lucy. Since this Thursday’s Grace Talk Soup is on the cultural differences in communication, I thought it’d be fun to post this segment of I Love Lucy where Lucy is trying to convince Ricky that his Cuban accent doesn’t afford him the ability to speak “Correct English”. I especially love the part where he can’t figure out how to pronounce the different English words that all end in “ough”.
English is a funny language and even Americans have a “tough” time of it! Or is that a “too” time of it? LOL
Do you have a funny cultural communication story you’d like to share? Come on the show on Thursday 8-9am PST and tell it! Or just post it right here and we may read it on the air!
Creative and talented A Capella Group!
These are the Voca People from the planet Voca. LOL They are an A Capella group. Every sound you hear is vocals. Not one instrument was used in the making of this video. It’s amazing!
What creative and talented people can do!
Want a creative and fun way to learn to communicate effectively? Check out Art of!
Via Dolorosa
These are scenes from Passion of the Christ with Via Dolorosa playing in the background. Precious video and song but more precious still is the fact that Jesus did this for us.
Via Dolorosa means the way of suffering…
Shouldn’t we tell someone?
If you don’t know how to share the Gospel or what to say, please check out Say What You Mean Defending the Faith: ebook and online classes available.
How not to explain MATH!
I have two Friday Funny videos for you this week! I saw this first one when it was posted on Twitter. It explains a very simple math problem that they say explains the Bail Out! ROFL
This next one is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in a similar math explanation but in the old Abbott and Costello style. Note the last frame where Lou hangs his hat on the chalk board. ;D
Learning speech communication skills can ALSO be fun with Art of!