What are you Twitter Pet Peeves?

It’s Twitter Week here on Communication FUNdamentals because we are celebrating my upcoming podcast, Are You a Twitter Twit on the Communication Comedy Network.  Last week was Facebook Week and I began last week much the same as I will this week with your pet peeves.  So…  What are your Twitter Pet Peeves?  Here are mine…

My three top Twitter Pet Peeves are:

1. Folks with no info in their bio

2. Folks who post things like “Get 10k followers in 15 minutes!” and have 14 followers and no other tweets.

3. Folks who post things that make no sense.

I’ll be discussing the Twitter Pet Peeves more in depth on the show. I’ll also be discussing the differences between Facebook and Twitter and give you some Twitter Tips for better communication and connections on Twitter.

For more fun with Twitter, come share your thoughts on the live show!

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The Communication Comedy Network airs each Thursday at 8am PST/11am EST.

Join us via your computer: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736

Or Join us via your phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

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