Continuing with Innovation and Discovery Week here on the blog…
Yesterday was the anniversary of the first two-way phone conversation. On this plaque:
“From this site on October 9, 1876 the first two-way long distance telephone conversation was carried on for three hours. From here in Cambridgeport Thomas G. Watson spoke over a telegraph wire to Alexander Graham Bell at the office of the Walworth Mfg. Co. 69 Kirby Street, Boston, Mass.
While I wasn’t able to get a video of the first two-way, long distance telephone conversation, I was able to find one explaining how the first two-way, transatlantic telephone conversation worked.
In 1926 The Post Office and Bell Laboratories engineered the world’s first two way transatlantic telephone conversation (by radio) via Rugby Radio Station. We opened a commercial radio telephone service across the Atlantic in 1927, see how it was done in this video from 1938.
Here you go:
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