Technologically Tired and Fundamentally Frustrated

My blog post for today isn’t what I had planned.  Why, is a lesson in technological miscommunication with which I am intimately familiar yet seriously deficient. The reason?  JoJo don’t know techno!  Actually, my technological skills, or serious lack thereof, are of lesser impact on my techno troubles today than is my nemesis, Methuselah’s,  degrading electronic innerds!  If Ghandi were alive today, he’d have resorted to personal computer violence about a month ago! Guantanamo’s got NOTHING on this sort of Techno Torture!

So at 4am, after all of 4hrs sleep, I’m thinking I’ll work on my blogpost, newsletter, answer a few emails and get a jump start on my day when, what to my unsurprised eyes should appear, but a small computer meltdown and 8 new gray hairs!

I never got past my blogpost.  I admit it. I gave up.  Finished!  Game over!  Do not pass go; do not collect $200!  Oh where or where has my new computer gone?  The last status update was on the 13th telling me that it had passed “burn in”, whatever in the world that is!  We now sit at 19 days after it was ordered and I don’t even know if it’s been shipped.

Methuseslah is suffering from Electronic Alzheimer’s and an advanced case of Elderly Electrodes.  I, on the other hand, am slowly slipping into insanity.  I have minimal function left for things like email.  It takes me hours to complete any decent length post of any kind that is web based. This post has already taken me 35 minutes to complete.

I sure hope that old saying holds true.  You know, the one about how hitting your head against the wall is great because it feels so good when you stop.  I’m ready, Lord, to experience the other side of Technological Insanity!  Bring it on!

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Pride Goeth Before the Blog Gremlins

After taking quite the many days to get my new blog just exactly the way I wanted it, I was so proud of myself that I posted my naive exuberance here on Communication FUNdamentals to many congratulations and At-A-Gals!  Immediately following, I posted another few blog posts  that somehow, without provocation, caused most of my blog to enter the Witness Protection Program becoming invisible to the naked eye when viewed by those with Internet Explorer (IE).

As many of you know, JoJo don’t know HTML so, if kicking my computer doesn’t fix the problem, I’m at a loss!  I turned to those more Technologically Savvy than I and was told the following:

1.    My habit of copying and pasting from Microsoft sources like Outlook and Word have messed up the HTML code so I should put the text into Outlook as plain text and then copy and paste it.  (WordPress just turns it back into HTML and on we go…)
2.    You have 150 errors on your template so you need to replace your template and it will fix the problem. (No Soap!)
3.    Your little purple crayons are causing the problem so take them out and all will be right with the blog world. (Not unless the new HTML code has to ferment)

Yesterday I posted my Friday Funnies and VIOLA!  Part of my template is back on IE and you can actually see my post!  You can’t see the right and bottom side bars, but having readers able to view the blog posts is kind of important too!

I am thinking that perhaps I can oust the Blog Gremlins each time I write a new post pushing the bad HTML code further down into my blog so as to reveal the bright shiny new code.

Can you all tell me what you see when you look at Communication FUNdamentals now and what browser you are using when you do?  To quote Verizon, “Can you hear me now?”

Thank you.
One significantly confused, Technologically-Challenged JoJo!

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I don't know how, but I dun did it!

After three days of fiddling and faddling, I successfully changed the theme of this blog and got all the widgets and gadgets and thingamagigies and whatchamacallits all in the right place!  Are you aware of the magnitude of what you just read?  LOL

For three days I pestered my web designer and several of my friends from my Monday Master Mind group.  This little techie trouble maker was finally able to converse with her blog in his own language and get him to do what she wanted.  REALLY!  Go figure!  😀

What do you all think of the new blog?  How’d I do?

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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Your friendly neighborhood non techie…

is working on her blog.  Alert the media and keep your arms and legs inside the blog at all times!

I was able to put Word Press on my site and my web designer linked it from Art of’s left navigation bar.  Now all I have to do is make this page look a bit more like the rest of the site.

The bad news: unfortunately, in my mind, HTML means Hopeless Technological Misfit Looney.  The good news?  I can download a template!  The really bad news?  The directions to do so are written in TECHIE  TALK!  The really good news?  I can ask my web designer!  The MOST HORRIFIC NEWS: she tells me to download the thingamagigiie to the whatchamacallit on the whosamawhatsit and I couldn’t tell you where to find the thingamagigie if my life depended on it!  I can speak in front of hundreds, but I cannot communicate my wants to an inanimate software program.

Hi, my name is JoJo and I’m a Techno Dingdong!  My technical disabilities range from not being able to work my TV remote to thinking a byte is a little nosh.

Workin’ on it!  Say a techie prayer, will ya?


Your friendly neighborhood Techno Idiot

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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