It’s “National Hot Enough For Ya Day”

Not only is my life funny but, at times, so is life in general! You may not know it, but these days, there is a special obscure holiday just about every day of the week!  I know ‘cuz I found several websites that told me about the special obscure holidays that are being celebrated this week:

This past Monday was National Hug Your Kid Day! Did you?  Maybe you should make up for it today!

Tuesday was National Lollipop Day.  I have no Dental Insurance so I chose to abstain from the celebratory eating of the 1000 lb lollipop! However I did find this adorable little girl who was very persuasive in requesting a lollipop.  Apparently she was celebrating National Lollipop Day too!

Yesterday (Wednesday 22nd) was National Spoonerism Day.  A spoonersim is a play on words began by William Archibald Spooner in which vowels and consonants are switched to form a “sunny fentence”!  Care to try your hand?

Today happens to be National Hot Enough For Ya Day!  I’m sure they had “Aridzona” in mind when they created this holiday!  For the past week it’s been Partly Crispy with a Chance of Heat Stroke!   Our highs have been in the 115s with the overnight lows dipping down into the mid 90s!  Where’s my sweater?!!

Tomorrow it is appropriate that it is National Tell an Old Joke Day!  Every Friday I post a Friday Funny right here on Communication FUNdamentals so y’all come on back now and read my family’s old joke and come share one of yours!

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