How JoJoisms Spell Communication

Recently, I wrote an article for my Examiner column, “How Do the Scriptures Spell Communication?” where I shared several  scriptures that began with the letters of the word communication.  It was an enlightening look  at some of the most important lessons on communication that the Bible teaches.

It occurred to me that I could do the same thing with the various communication quotes by mere humans including myself.  So this week, I set out to find both JoJoisms and other communication quotes that fit the bill.  Today I’m going to share with you how I spell communication.  On Wednesday, I’ll share some other quotes that hold great lessons for us.

You may notice that some of these are new.  I am afraid I have been remiss in creating JoJoisms that started with O,U, C and N so I had to write them especially for this article.  In fact, I decided to create them all as Visual JoJoisms as well so I’d have something for you to look at while reading.

C aution: Studying communication skills will result in closer relationships and higher professional success.  Side effects include self-esteem, confidence, personal happiness, longer marriages and winning sould for Christ. -JoJoism#133

O pening your mouth may be a right, but gaining an open ear is a privilege.  -JoJoism#242

M y mouth punneth over. -JoJoism#107

M odern technology now allows us the opportunity to see what we say and hear what we see. -JoJoism#204

U nbelievable power resides just under your nose and above your chin. -JoJoism#243

N ow is NOT the time for indecision…or is it? -JoJoism#132

I ‘ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD. -JoJoism#28

C ancerous words are the cause of many a relationship illness. -JoJoism#244

A rguments are like screaming in a deaf man’s ear.  He doesn’t hear you; he just knows you’re mad. -JoJoism#21

T he most important communication isn’t the speech you’ll give to a crowd. It’s the conversations you’ll share with friends & family. -JoJoism#35

I ’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good… -JoJoism#29 (see JoJoism#28)

O ptimum communication requires ultimate proficiency. -JoJoism#245

N othing worth hearing isn’t worth the time to say it well. -JoJoism#246


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Birthday Bash: 4pm-Gilded Gears Jewelry

From Gilded Gears Jewelry

Our goal is to create fun, wearable Clockwork-style Victorian jewelry, at an affordable price. Each piece of jewelry we make is unique and handcrafted, often incorporating vintage watches, clock parts, and re-purposed jewelry. This pendant measures approximately 3″ long by 1 1/2″ across, including the bale and rose charm. It comes on your choice of an 18″ satin necklace (shown in the picture, comes in either white or black), or adjustable 19-22″ brown suede necklace. (Value: $25.00)



To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite communication quotes (not scriptures) listed on our Scriptures and Quotes page!  Add any quotes about communication that we might not have on our page for an extra chance to win this prize!

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our winner: kelsey keyer!

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Birthday Bash: 1:30pm-Elaine Cooper

Elaine Cooper will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

The Promise of Deer Run  America’s war for freedom from England has been over for seven years, but the wounds of that conflict still haunt the minds and hearts of the residents of Deer Run. Young American veteran Nathaniel Stearns has withdrawn to a life of isolation as he awaits his father who never returned from the war. A near-tragedy in the woods brings him face-to-face with nineteen-year-old Sarah Thomsen, someone he had long admired but he assumed had eyes for another. This chance encounter opens a crack into the door of his heart as mutual affection quickly blooms. But slander and lies soon mar the budding romance, rendering both Sarah and Nathaniel wounded and untrusting as their faith in both their God and each other is shattered. Set in 1790, this book continues the story of the Thomsen and Lowe families as they struggle to survive in the aftermath of the war that birthed the United States. The Promise of Deer Run is Book Two in the Deer Run Saga.

To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite Bible quotes on communication listed on our Quotes and Scriptures page!

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our winner: Katie!

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Guess Who Had a Facelift?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog article series to bring you this Art of Eloquence special report!

Guess who’s had a facelift?  Nope, not me.  Though, at 49, it might not be such a bad idea.  It’s Art of Eloquence!

Yes the brand new, redesigned Art of Eloquence website has finally gone live!  After months of tweaking, learning new technology, getting help from my web host and ANYone who’d listen, it’s finally here!

What do you think?  The design isn’t the only thing that’s new!

* Mostly Importantly: it’s much easier to search the site to find the things you want because we now have drop down menus all along the top of the site!  You can search our store by age, category or value packages.  Easily find our free resources, Facebook fan page and our free monthly seminars across the top.

* We have added our Birthday Bash info so you can check out the prizes we are giving away on November 1st right here on the blog.

* We have also added several new communication scriptures and quotes on our scriptures page!

* We have completely redesigned JoJo’s Articles!  They are now alphabetized for easy reference!

* One of the biggest changes on the site is the addition of our videos!  I’m in the process of recording more, but you can see the first few on the home page and some of the age group pages in the store!

PLUS, the home page features my 200th JoJoism.  Remember I said I’d have a celebration when I reached my 200th JoJoism?  Well…You may have noticed I skipped over that one and posted a few after that.  Here is that celebration!

We’d love your feedback!  Please leave your comments and let us know what you think.

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Words Matter Week Contest: Scripture Entries!

Today is Day Three of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here is our extra entry rules for today, Wednesday, March 3rd:

Words do matter!  The Lord reminds us of that many times in His Word and there are literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures that caution us about our words and our mouths, our tongues and extending grace.  Art of Eloquence strives to educate the Christian community about how precious our words are in being effective in our relationships and our careers as well as in the missions God has for our lives.

If you have a favorite communication scripture that is NOT listed on our quotes page, please email  with your quote and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject line.  Each scripture we do not yet have on our quotes page will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight on Friday, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

You might want to subscribe to Communcation FUNdamentals so you don’t miss a post or…Check back tomorrow for another way to enter and win!

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How Important is Communication in your every day life?

I’ve asked this very question at countless seminars I’ve given.  Most people say that communication is very important in their lives.  However, when I ask if anyone ever took a communication class or studied communication skills or taught their children effective communication, I get one of three answers:

1. Oh, I’m not a politician or a lawyer so I don’t really need to make speeches.

But I thought you just said you thought communication skills were important for your every day life?  Most people think of communication skills as speech or debate and equate these skills with things at which only lawyers and politicians need to be proficient.   They suddenly forget why they answered yes and immediately go to the speech and debate issue, do not pass go, do not collect $200!

Communication is so much more than speech making or debate.  You communicate when you talk to your husband or your children. You are communicating when you ask for a raise.  You are communicating when you wave or smile to your neighbor and when you don’t quite know how to tell him not to trample your begonias.  You are communicating when you are trying to get through to your Aunt who doesn’t want to see that movie.  You are communcating when you talk to your child’s ballet teacher and when you are trying to get across to your doctor that why you don’t want your son to get vaccinated.

Communication is involved in 87% of what we do all day long and most of that isn’t formal speech.  It’s a conversation and if we aren’t careful it can be an argument that ends a dear friendship.

2. I took a speech class once in college.

Taking a speech class once does not allow you to master the art of speech making nor does it afford you training in any other type of communication.  I know some wonderful speech makers and debaters that are horrid one on one!  They can wax poetic on the stage or in front of a small crowd but intimidate the begeebers outta friends and family when making small talk at family gatherings.

3. Oh, I’ll have my kids take a speech communication class when they are in high school.

Did you know that communication skills are best learned when kids are young, even as young as preschool?  Did you also know that by the time many children are in 5th or 6th grade, society has trained them to be afraid of social interaction?

Many children become socially shy or intimidated in social situations if they have not had enough training prior.  It becomes a vicious cycle where they are too shy to enter social situations and too shy to admit they need help and then too shy to put themselves in situations that could improve their social communication skills!

I know this because that was me when I was a kid!  It took me years to get over it, but it doesn’t have to take you or your children years!  By making learning communication skills fun, Art of Eloquence has helped thousands of children and adults become more comfortable in social situations and more effective communicators overall!

Here’s what one mom had to say:

“I highly recommend the Say What You Mean Speech Course for teens. I have two homeschooled sons, ages 13 and 15, using it this year and it is their first experience with a “speech” curriculum. Mrs. Tabares, through her curricula, has given my sons the tools, opportunity and feedback necessary to become confident and competent in their speaking, whether a one-on-one impromptu conversation or a prepared speech in a group setting. My sons love speech and have grown and learned so much and that says it all!” -Joann Oxenham

Our communication skill affects 87% of our lives. I think that’s why the Lord put HUNDREDS of scriptures in the Bible that instruct us and tell us how vital these skills are!  Though there are some scriptures that mention numbers, I can’t find one scripture that talks about how important it is to study math.  Yet most people don’t think twice about giving math importance in their children’s studies.  Don’t you think communication should at least be of equal importance?

Art of Eloquence can help by making it fun and easy to learn this often intimidating and complicated subject.  We have studies for all ages and for various communication situations.  Check out our online catalog for some fun ways you and your family can learn these vital skills!

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