Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues

How to Effectively Discuss Controversial Political Issues without Arguments

eBook Currently Available for Pre-Order

The political climate in the United States is volitile.  Most political discussions are heated, but they need not be.  If you are a Christian and find yourself on the typical Christian conservative view of each issue, but aren’t sure how to voice your concerns without ending up in a heated dicussion, this eBook is for you!

This is a study like NO OTHER!  Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues helps you understand the issues, but it also teaches you tips and techniques for presenting your Christian conservative viewpoints in a way that will be much more effective and friendly.

Many people think of discussing politics as a debate and, in a way, it is.  However, since most people don’t discuss politics in a formal debate setting, they find they aren’t as effective when they have a debate mentality.  Most people discuss political issues around a dinner table, on the internet or with a neighbor in the front yard.  This is where the grassroots political discussions take place.

eStudy includes:
* Background on each topic.
* General tips for discussing each issue.
* An At a Glance Chart with the major viewpoints on both sides of each issue.
* How to discuss each topic if you only have a few minutes.
* How to discuss each topic if you have more time.
* Embedded resource links where you can learn even more information on each topic.
* Practical advice to help you practice.

Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues will help teens and adults alike to prepare to discuss some of the nation’s most important political issues.  The other side is voicing their views.  It’s time for us to share the Christian conservative views.

We only have two more years until our next presidential election.  Become more informed on the issues.  Help yourself and your family become more comfortable and effective in sharing your Christian and conservative viewpoints.

Pre-Order Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues today and save!

Our special Pre-Order price of only $19.95 will only be for a limited time!  The eBook is currently in editing, but as soon as it is back from the editor and uploaded to order on the site, the price goes back up!

This is one of our most powerful studies at a time when respectful and effective discourse is sorely needed in our country.  Click here to view all the political topics included!

To Pre-Order, just order as usual. The pre-order discounted price is already preloaded for you!  In approximately two weeks you will receive your copy of Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues as an email attachment.

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