The Great Communicator: The Early Years

Usually I have Friday Funnies on my blog, but in honor of the anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s death this week, I wanted to share a little known piece of his life: his childhood.  Note how his character was formed at an early age and how he began to train for his title, The Great Communicator.


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Ronald Reagan-What’s My Line

It’s time again for Friday Funnies and since we are still celebrating Ronald Reagan’s birthday this week, I thought I’d post a rare video of his appearance on What’s My Line that I found on YouTube.  Enjoy this vintage black and white humor spectical.

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The word is humor


In honor of Ronald Reagn’s birthday this week, the word of the week is humor.  What is humor?

Merriam Webster defines it as “a: that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous b: the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing.”
Humor comes in many forms including: one liners, jokes, whiticisms, puns, slapstick, and sarcasm.  Some humor involves the telling of stories and Ronald Reagan had plenty of them always at the ready.  This is a rare YouTube video montage of his best Soviet Union jokes he loved to share.

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What made Reagan “The Great Communicator?”

On this day in 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born.  Known as The Great Communicator, the 40th U.S. President was admired by both Democrats and Republicans alike for his wit and wisdom, humor and sincerity.  What made Ronald Reagan “The Great Communicator” are the same qualities which can allow you to communicate more effectively.  This could easily fill an entire study of its own, but I’d like to share briefly the most important qualities Ronald Reagan possessed that allowed him to communicate so effectively.

Ronald Reagan usually had a simple message which he delivered in a clear and sincere manner.  His humility and authenticity allowed him to be seen as a real person who cared about people.  Regan had an incredible way of connecting with his audience because he truly listened to them.  His passion and use of humor endeared him even further to the American people as he was viewed as a genuinely likable guy.  His vision offered hope to Americans at a time when they had lost confidence in their leaders.

In this YouTube video, you will see the wit and humor of The Great Communicator, but you will also see the talent he had for turning a political punch into a punchline.

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Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan!

I normally don’t post on a Sunday, but since the technology exists to schedule my blog posts ahead of time through the magic of technology, I will this week and for one very important reason.  It’s Ronald Reagan’s birthday and he would have been 100 years old today!

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6th 1911-June 5th 2004) was the 40th President of the United States.  No matter what anyone thought of his politics, they couldn’t help but love The Great Communicator who spoke with disarming humor and a positive outlook.  Those who spoke with him always remarked at how he had the knack of making them feel as if they were the only person in the world who mattered at that moment!

Ronald Reagan was a man of faith who felt strongly about America’s ties to her Creator.  He had a way of using humor and God’s Word to speak gently and respectfully of his vision and his beliefs. I thought you might enjoy reading a little of The Great Communicator’s wit and wisdom.  Here are some of his famous quotes:

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

“Our Nation’s motto – ‘In God We Trust’ – was not chosen lightly. It reflects a basic recognition that there is a divine authority in the universe to which this nation owes homage.”

“Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They’re just braver five minutes longer.”

“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.”

“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”

“One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.”

“Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.”

“I have wondered many times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”

“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

Art of Eloquence has patterned our speech communication studies and events after The Great Communicator by using humor as well as God’s Word to teach a generation of Christians to speak up as eloquently for their beliefs and accomplish the work the Lord has for them!  During the last five years, each  Say What You Mean Convention strove to help Christian families do just that.  This annual, three-day event featured live seminars and workshops by some of the most beloved speakers including:

Micheal Farris of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)

Carol Barnier, author “How to Get Your Child off the Refrigerator and Onto Learning”

Lorrie Flem, Teach Magazine Editor

Dr. Jay Wile, Founder of Apologia Science

Gena Suarez, Editor of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Michael Jr, Christian Comedian

Cindy Rushton, Time for Tea and Mom to Mom Radio Show

Many thanks and blessings to you all for taking the time to come share with my guests!

While I had a blast putting this on each year, it was an incredible amount of work.  In fact, it took me all year  to plan the events, make arrangements for the keynote speakers, record the hundreds of hours of audios and that was just a small slice of the planning pie.  During those years, I was unable to do much writing or many other speaking engagements.  After the conclusion of the Fifth Annual Say What You Mean Convention last year, I heard the Lord clearly tell me to hang up my convention hat.  The convention site will be up until the end of February so feel free to go on over and listen to the audios and download the free gifts!

I’d like to take this time to send a big hug and a thank you to several people.  There were some who worked beside me, year after year, in various capacities for this five year cause.  My unsung heroes, if you will.  I’d like to thank them for making the event a rousing success each of those five years. I never could have done something this big without them!

Kim Kautzer of WriteShop for all her help with the planning and execution each year as well as for speaking and helping me to run the events!

Joan Rudder Ward, of Girl Nurture and now Visual Psalms for her help in planning, speaking and especially for all her hard work on the website!

Carla Ives of Reluctant WAHM fame and now venturing forth into her new business, for all her ideas and support and prayers as well as for helping with all the little things behind the scenes.

And a special thank you to Marie Ynami for all her help in setting up the format and initial website and for encouraging me when the Lord first gave me this seemingly nutty idea of a techno ding dong hosting an convention entirely on the web!  If it wasn’t for Marie, I’d have never begun this great adventure!

While I’ll no longer be hosting this huge event, I have been running monthly seminars and workshops that are proving fun and informative for many.  Come join me and a panel of fabulous guests on February 24th as we discuss (WITH HUMOR) how important communication skills are in our everyday lives!

As you can see, Ronald Reagan has been a big inspiration to me as I worked through several projects in the past eight years with Art of Eloquence.  Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan and thank you, one and all!

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The Wit of Ronald Reagan

Today is Friday Funnies.  As long as I’m getting political this week, I thought I bring you my favorite President, Ronald Reagan, and his humor.  Without further introduction, here is the wit of Ronald Reagan.

What’s your favorite Ronald Reagan saying?  Please share.

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Join me tomorrow morning for a preview!

You all just HAVE to listen in to this!  Tomorrow morning 8am PST/11am EST is a very special preview of the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention coming on February 3rd, 2010!  If you are not familiar with the convention, you can check out last year’s here!

The convention is an annual online event celebrating and teaching the fine Art of Eloquence in the style of the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan!  Art of Eloquence finds, as Reagan did, that communicating in a godly way using humor goes a long way!  We celebrate communication around The Great Communicator’s birthday each year with an all day series of live and recorded events, contests, prizes, prayer chat, workshops and seminars.

This year our Keynote Speakers are Christian Comedian, Michael Jr and Cindy Rushton of Talk A Latte!

The preview show will introduce you to the convention, share with you what you can expect to find at the convention this year and give you a brief education about the Three Flavors of Communication: Writing, Speech and Conversation, this year’s convention theme!   You will also meet myself and my two moderators: Kim Kautzer of WriteShop and Joan Rudder Ward of Girl Nurture who will be sharing their expertise along with me at the convention in February.

As a very special part of the preview show, we will be joined by Cindy Rushton and perhaps even Michael Jr too, if time permits him to call in!

Here’s how you can tune in to the show:

You can either call in:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Or you can log on using your computer:

You can also sign up for your own TalkShoe account (It’s free and takes only a few minutes) so that you can not only listen in, but join the chatroom as well!

Don’t miss out on this live show!  It’s my FINAL PODCAST and you will want to be there to join the fun and even ask questions of my guests either about the Say What You Mean Convention or their expertise in their fields.  Join us and be blessed!!!

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