Only 48 hours left to enter our drawings!

Ok so you’re coming to the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention, right?  You’ve got in on your calendar to hear my interview with Christian Comedian Michael Jr. at 8am PST and then our fabulous line up of seminars and workshops throughout the day.  You’re bringing your kids to enter our Name That Sound Contest, you’re ready to enter our Scavenger Hunt  contest to win a prize package of $200, and you’ve invited your homeschool friends to come check out all the fabulous pre-recorded audios that will be released on February 3rd.  So what did you forget?

You forgot to enter our drawings!!

But it’s not too late!  You still have 48 hours left to sign up to enter our drawings to win even more fabulous prizes at the Say What You Mean Convention this year!  At every live event during the convention, we will be drawing a name to win a prize, but you can’t win if you don’t enter!!


If you are present at the live event when/if your name is drawn (and of course you’re going to want to be there for each live event because some of them will NOT be recorded!) you will win an ADDITIONAL PRIZE!

Drawings will begin during our 8am PST live session and continue through our Prayer Chat at the end of the day!  Winners will be notified via email!

Details for our two contests will be posted the night before the convention (posted Feb. 2nd) and winners will be drawn from all the correct entries.  Winners will be notified via email and given instructions to claim their prize package worth approximately $200!

Don’t miss out on all the fun this year!  Come to the Say What You Mean Convention Feb. 3rd beginning at 8am PST/ 11am EST!

See you at the Say What You Mean Convention!

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The Say What You Mean Convention is Coming! Feb. 3rd!

Extra!  Extra!! Read all about it!

The 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention is coming to a computer near you!

Say What?

Dateline ABC…DEFG…Mark your calendars for this amazingly FUN and FREE event!

When? February 3rd beginning at 8am PST/11am EST

Where? Right from the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME…COMPUTER!

What…to expect? LOTS!

Keynote Speakers: Christian Comedian, Micheal Jr. interview on Faith and Humor! AND…Talk-A-Latte’s Cindy Rushton’s seminar on Marriage!

Live Seminars:
Most of the live seminars will also be recorded for later, but if you’re listening in live, you can win bonus gifts. Plus, you won’t want to miss the Michael Jr. live interview, which will NOT be recorded at all.

•    8am PST/11am EST – Interview with Christian comedian Michael Jr. on Faith and Humor
•    10am PST/1pm EST  – JoJo Tabares  of Art of Eloquence “The Three Flavors of Communication: Writing, Speech, and Conversation”
•    12pm PST/3pm EST – Cindy Rushton of Talk-a-Latte ”Building a Passionate, Forever, Happier, and Happier-Ever-After Marriage”
•    2pm PST/5pm EST Joan Rudder-Ward of Girl Nurture “The Heat is On: Techniques to Protect You and Your Daughter from Becoming Culture War Casualties.”
•    4pm PST/7pm EST Kim Kautzer of WriteShop “Writing Skills: More Important than Ever!”
•    6pm PST/9pm EST Prayer Chat

Pre-recorded Audios:
Read the descriptions of each talk here.

•    How to Tailor Your Writing for Effectiveness
•    The Lazy Student: What’s a Mom to Do?
•    What Good Is a Speech Course If Your Kids Won’t Use It?
•    How to Write a Speech
•    Conversation: The Most Important Communication
•    Speak the Truth in Love
•    What Most Apologetics Courses Don’t Teach You
•    Talking vs. Communicating
•    Listening: THE Most Important Communication Skill
•    Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool
•    Avoiding, Reducing and Healing Conflicts
•    What It Takes to Be a Great Communicator

Even More FUN!
•    Contests
•    Freebies
•    Free Admission
•    Visit the Say What You Mean Convention for more details.

Don’t forget to sign up for our drawings on the home page of the convention site!  We will draw a name to win a prize at EACH LIVE event!  You don’t have to be present to win, but you do have to enter by signing up!  If you are present in the live event and your name is called, you will win TWO PRIZES!

Have FUN!  And bring a friend!

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Join me tomorrow morning for a preview!

You all just HAVE to listen in to this!  Tomorrow morning 8am PST/11am EST is a very special preview of the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention coming on February 3rd, 2010!  If you are not familiar with the convention, you can check out last year’s here!

The convention is an annual online event celebrating and teaching the fine Art of Eloquence in the style of the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan!  Art of Eloquence finds, as Reagan did, that communicating in a godly way using humor goes a long way!  We celebrate communication around The Great Communicator’s birthday each year with an all day series of live and recorded events, contests, prizes, prayer chat, workshops and seminars.

This year our Keynote Speakers are Christian Comedian, Michael Jr and Cindy Rushton of Talk A Latte!

The preview show will introduce you to the convention, share with you what you can expect to find at the convention this year and give you a brief education about the Three Flavors of Communication: Writing, Speech and Conversation, this year’s convention theme!   You will also meet myself and my two moderators: Kim Kautzer of WriteShop and Joan Rudder Ward of Girl Nurture who will be sharing their expertise along with me at the convention in February.

As a very special part of the preview show, we will be joined by Cindy Rushton and perhaps even Michael Jr too, if time permits him to call in!

Here’s how you can tune in to the show:

You can either call in:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Or you can log on using your computer:

You can also sign up for your own TalkShoe account (It’s free and takes only a few minutes) so that you can not only listen in, but join the chatroom as well!

Don’t miss out on this live show!  It’s my FINAL PODCAST and you will want to be there to join the fun and even ask questions of my guests either about the Say What You Mean Convention or their expertise in their fields.  Join us and be blessed!!!

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Play Wheel of Communication and WIN PRIZES!

We’re having a very special podcast this week and you are going to want to be there!  The Communication Comedy Network’s Talk Talk Show will be pre-empted this week for a pilot of a new CCN game show called Wheel of Communication based loosely on Wheel of Fortune.  The Talk Talk Show will be back the following week at it’s regularly scheduled time but you can take advantage of this time to win some prizes for your family!

Bring your kids and have another browser open to find the words based on the clues the host will give you. The one with the most correct answers wins some free gifts on the air! Have fun, win prizes and learn about communication all at the same fun time!

Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 3rd at 8am PST/11am EST to join us live.  The Communication Comedy Network audios are always available on demand immediately following the live show, but if you are not there live, you cannot win any prizes!

To join us live via your computer:

To join us live via your phone:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

To listen in to any past show/audio:

Wheel of Communication airs right after the 12 1/2 Minute News Hour w/Nancy Newsome and Word of the Week, a few minutes w/Professor Wordsmith.

Remember: you can’t win if you don’t attend the live show so be there live Thurs., Sept. 3rd 8am PST/11am EST!

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