HOW to praise God in the storm part 1

Most Christians have heard many times how we are to praise God in the storm, but what has always frustrated me is that nobody has ever told us how to do that.  It’s hard to just begin feeling thankful when you’re in the midst of a financial mess or a loved one’s death.  Merely understanding that you should do something doesn’t help you do it.

All devotionals on this topic will tell you to read the Bible and pray.  This is obvious since we are trying to get closer to God and further away from our pain or struggle.  This is also something we should do when we are not struggling.  But just reading the Bible when you are struggling may not help your attitude turn to gratitude and you may not even know how to pray for a situation, especially if it has been a long and confusing one.

There are many devotionals on thankfulness that talk about this so I’m not going to spend much time on it since you’ve probably read enough of them to quote them verbatim.  I’ll just say that it’s important to continue to pray and read the scriptures even when we are at our wit’s end and even when we are no longer able to envision that God would help us because, the moment we no longer seek God, we begin to drift away from Him.  “Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet thy commandments are my delights.” -Psalm 119:143

So how do we begin to feel thankful?  Well, last week I prepared our hearts a bit by sharing with you what we should remember.  But that often isn’t enough to bring us through from frustration and despair.  After many years upon this earth I have found some things that have helped me to become more thankful and bring me to the point where I can praise God during the storms of my life.

1. Start small and build

Thank Him for whatever blessings you can think of, even if you have a hard time coming up with things you are thankful for and even if you don’t feel very thankful when you write it or say it.  There is an old saying, “act as if.”  If you begin to thank God for the blessings, no matter how small, in your life, you will begin to see more and feel it more as you go.

Somehow my attitude changes when I concentrate on the little blessings.  I remember an old saying my relatives had when I was a child, “thank God for small favors.”  It has become a popular secular saying that has come to mean something quite different so I don’t suggest you actually say this to yourself.  I think it must have started out meaning that we should thank God for the small blessings in our lives to help us see the blessings He has given us.  Unfortunately, what it has come to mean is a snarky commentary that God only grants us small favors.

See how your attitude changes when you say, “thank God for small favors” instead of “thank you, Lord, for these little blessings?”  One suggests that’s all we expect the Lord to give us and the other reminds us that these are just the beginnings of blessings God wants to shower upon us.  That one little communication change changes everything.

Think back to all the times when you had just missed a disaster.  How do you think that miracle happened?  Envision what God must have been doing to protect you and then feel the love that lead God to that act.  I remember a time when we drove from California to ARIDzona to visit my folks.  On the way there (which is here now), we heard the brakes begin to screech.  All the men at the event thought it wasn’t a major issue so we didn’t drive the car during our visit and headed home where we planned to have them repaired.  There was a great deal of traffic that holiday on the way back and got progressively worse on that six hour drive home.  We were able to make it all the way home and, as we coasted into the garage, the brakes completely failed leaving us unharmed and safely in our garage.  Thank you, Jesus, for all the disasters we avoided that night alone!

Think back to all the times when NOTHING bad happened.  What disaster might have occurred?  Thank Him for those as well.  How many times were you thinking of going to ABC when something changed your mind and you narrowly avoided a known disaster?  My husband once decided not to go to work one day because the only route there (70 miles one way) was covered in snow and notorious for closure.  Later we found that many of the people who traveled that road were stuck down the hill unable to get home for a day or two.  And what about all the other situations we have no idea we could have found ourselves in?

2. Blessings for worst not happening

In the midst of terrible pain it’s often hard to see what could be worse and, to be honest, we don’t often care.  We just know where we are now is bad.  However, looking at the bright side can truly make a person thankful because, believe it or not, there are so many situations where we could be worse off.

Food prices up? Praise God that you have the money to buy them.  Health bad? Praise God that you have the time to rest.  Sick? As you pray for healing be thankful it isn’t fatal.  Serious illness?  Be thankful that there is still hope.  And if a loved one has passed away, praise God he is no longer suffering and is with Jesus in heaven.

Now these things may sound easy to some, but they are not at all easy to do when you are in the middle of a struggle especially when that struggle has already taken a toll on you for many years.  However, if you start small, are consistent and build, your faith will increase, your sorrow will lift and your joy will return even if you aren’t happy about your circumstances.  (I’ll talk more about the difference between joy and happiness in my next article so stay tuned.)

In the midst of despair, sadness and being overwhelmed with struggle, we may find it difficult to just pick ourselves up by our Christian bootstraps and just “be happy.”  However, these little things have helped me get just one step closer to being thankful and have reminded me that God is there with me and He’s working on my behalf even if I can’t feel Him through all that life throws at me.  I pray they are blessings to you and you can begin to see how you can be thankful and praise God during your struggles as well.

Next time, I’ll be back with some more tips that will help us to be thankful so we may praise God in the storms of our lives.


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Adorable Little Girl’s Prayer for Mac-N-Cheese

It’s time for Friday Funnies here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  Since we’ve been talking about being thankful and praising God this month, I’d like to share one of my favorite YouTube videos.  This adorable little girl says a prayer to Jesus, thanking God for her Mac-N-Cheese and several other things. My favorite part is at the beginning when she just can’t help herself and leans over to eat a macaroni before finishing her prayer.  Too cute!

I pray this short video uplifts your spirit if you are struggling with something this month.  Enjoy a Prayer for Mac-N-Cheese!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Baba Yetu-The Lord’s Prayer in Swahili

This week’s word is prayer.  Prayer is communication with God.  The language of prayer is written by the heart of man.  In prayer we hear the Word of God speak to us, but only if we listen, which was the topic I chose to write about on Monday.

I recently came across an article about World Communications Day, which began in 1963.  It is the only worldwide celebration called for by the Second Vatican Council and is celebrated in most countries, on the recommendation of the bishops of the world, on the Sunday before Pentecost.  It will be celebrated this year on May 20th.  However, the article went on to say, “The Holy Father’s message for World Communications Day is traditionally published in conjunction with the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales, patron of writers (January 24), to allow bishops’ conferences and diocesan offices sufficient time to prepare audiovisual and other materials for national and local celebrations.”

God’s people speak many languages today so, whatever the theme of this year’s World Communications Day, I thought how wonderful it would be to aknowledge the various languages of the world as they praise the Lord!  This is a video that my daughter introduced me to.  It’s called, Baba Yetu, “Our Father” in Swahili and is actually The Lord’s Prayer in Swahili.  The music is incredibly rich, the rhythm is divine, the photographs are breathtaking and the harmony is heavenly.  Turn it up, sing along with the words and praise the Lord!

I’d like to revisit this theme during Resurrection Week and post a series of YouTube videos of people praising God or reciting the Lord’s Prayer in as many languages as I can find.  And I’d like YOUR HELP to do it.  During Resurrection Week on the Art of Eloquence Facebook Fan page, I’ll be posting the ones I have found.  I’d like my blog readers and fan page members to post any links YOU find that will help us celebrate during Resurrection Week.  You can post them as a comment here or on our fan page.  Thanks for your help!  I can’t wait to see all the videos. I have a few in mind already and I pray that, in addition to the beautiful time of worship, it will be a time of education about communication in other cultuers as they praise the Lord.

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How do you tell God you’re frustrated?

I’m not even sure where to begin.  I think I’ve started this blog post about six times.  I’m not even sure I remember all the details of what happened.  I just felt the Lord leading me to share all that’s been going on here the past  month or so.  I feel like there’s someone out there who needs to know they are not alone.

Every once in a while stuff happens.  A mistake here.  A technical glitch there.  Just stuff.  Stuff that makes you cringe.  Stuff that makes you want to give up.  Stuff that makes you want to throw your computer out the window.  Stuff.  Frustrating stuff.

A little bit of frustration is just life.  A modest amount of frustration is just one of those things.  But the kind where you feel like there MUST be a big, red target painted on your back is…well, too much stuff!  You say, “Whoa Lord.  Arencha pilin’ that on just a little too high?”  But how do you tell God you’re frustrated?

Well, I think first you complain.

Lord, you know I’m not a techie with a money tree in the back yard.  The TV’s got a glitch, the fridge is making a funny noise, my computer’s power supply fan is humming like a drunken sailor, and don’t get me started on the car.

You try reminding God of your good intentions.

Lord, you know all I wanted to do was to offer one of our communication studies as a CHRISTmas gift for free to anyone who wanted to download it-just to bless them for CHRISTmas.  And my heart was in the right place for setting up a donations button for folks to donate toward the church’s Ridge Bridge Outreach if they felt You leading them to.

Then you tell God how hard you’ve worked.

It took me a week, one call to the church and 4 phone calls to PayPal to set up the donation button.  I told everyone I was doing this.  I spent an hour on the phone with PayPal, four hours writing up my letter of explanation and I had to ask the poor, overworked church personnel to fax a letter in stating that I was authorized to do a fundraiser for them.

Next you graduate to…”It’s not fair!”

Why should my business have to suffer?  I followed the rules.  I called PayPal 4x, explaining the entire situation and this is what they told me to do.  What triggered this anyway?  Why me?  Why didn’t they warn me I might need to give them all this documentation?  You know how busy I am since my editor had to leave due to family issues.  I got so behind in my writing. I was working from 3am to midnight most days without getting breakfast or even a shower some days.  And now, if I don’t give them the information they are asking for by Friday, they’ll take further action to limit my business account?  It’s not FAIR.  (You can’t put an exclamation point here and yell at God so you wine a little at the end.)

Then you graduate to asking everyone you know for prayer.

Would you all please check to see if there’s a big, red target on my back?  And while you’re looking, can you pray for me?  Stuff’s happening.  Bad stuff.  Frustrating stuff.  Stuff I can’t even remember because I’m too busy trying to get out of the stuff to be able to recall all the details of all this week’s stuff.

Then you forget half of the stuff you need to remember to get the stuff done to fix stuff!

Where is that invoice for the computer that tells me what kind of power supply I have so I can make sure the stuff I need to buy is the stuff that’ll fit in my computer so I don’t mess stuff up?

Then, I think, you finally get down to prayer.

Dear Lord, you know what I need even if I can’t remember all the stuff I need prayer for anymore.  My head is filled with stuff…fuzzy stuff by now, Lord, and I just don’t know what to do first.  Lead me, Lord.  Guide me God.  Help me find my way through all of this.  I’ll get out of the way now, Father, so You can take over.  I’ll listen for Your voice and I’ll do what I hear You say.

Stuff happened to put me behind.  Stuff continued to happen that made me want to give up, throw my computer out the window and even more stuff.  But God was faithful.  He listened to me complain.  He understood my intentions.  He knew how hard I worked.  He felt my frustration when it wasn’t fair.  He heard my friend’s prayers and He comforted me and guided me when I finally prayed.

He told me to take one thing at a time. He told me to keep plugging away and I’d eventually get done with all the stuff.  He told me to just wait it out.  Well, I did take things one at a time and stuff began to get done.  Other folks saw how frustrated I was and helped.  My dad is researching the power supply for me.  The office manager at church found the time in her already busy schedule to fax the letter PayPal wanted.  My friends emailed me notes of encouragement.  My mom asked if we could take an afternoon this week and get away for some fun time.

Most of my writing projects are done, even though I had problems with my hands and awful headaches.  They are almost done and mostly at deadline!  My last project is an ebook on debate.  I have all my info. I just have to write it all out.  I think, with God’s help and guidance, I can get it all done in time for my dd to come home from Russia.

And after my PayPal issue is resolved, I want to take three weeks off to spend with her for the CHRISTmas holiday.  No writing.  No homeschool.  Just family and praising God for getting me through such a frustrating several weeks.

Have you ever felt this?  How did you tell God you were frustrated?  And what did God tell you to do?


UPDATE: After sending in my Letter of Explanation 4x and my church’s letter of authorization 3x, PayPal has seen fit to take me off their Most Wanted List and restore my business account standing. I’ve notified the Post Office to take my mug shot down, but do watch out for me. Us criminal types are notoriously devious. I just might “donate” again!

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Global Day of Prayer

Today is the Global Day of Prayer.  According to an article on Breaking Christian News,

“In July 2000 God captured the heart of a South African Christian businessman, Graham Power, with a vision based on 2 Chron. 7:14. The vision had three clear instructions:

To call Christians from all denominations in Cape Town for a Day of Repentance and Prayer at Newlands Rugby Stadium.

To challenge Christians across the rest of South Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer.

To challenge Christians in Southern Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer.

In March of 2001 more than 45,000 Christians united for a Day of Repentance and Prayer at Newlands Rugby Stadium in Cape Town. It was a day of intense intercession that transformed lives and was reflected in a changing city in the months to come. “

So this Defending the Faith SONday, let all Christians unite in prayer.  Let’s all pray for understanding to foster discussion, for blessings and peace and for all of God’s children to come to a saving knowledge of Christ and a hope in Heaven.  Amen.

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God’s Goal Setting Steps

The other day, while chatting with someone online, the topic of goal setting came up.  She was surprised at how many different events Art of Eloquence held.  If you’re new to Communication FUNdamentals, you may be wondering: we host a weekly podcast, put out a weekly newsletter, post a daily blog, hold an annual three-day online convention and write a monthly Foot in Mouth Man episode, just to name a few. However, what surprised her most was the fact that I said I never set goals.

I’ve heard so many say that you should set goals and work toward them.  I haven’t the patience God gave a gnat so I’ve never been one to set goals.  Seems like such a lengthy process to me.  All that thinking and planning about what I should do, what might work and how it would work makes my head swim.

Folks have told me that I should make a list, put it up on my mirror and read it over three times a day to increase my belief that I can accomplish my goals.  I’ll let you in on a little secret…I don’t have that much faith in my own abilities.

I don’t put my faith in myself.  I don’t put my belief in my own abilities.  I can’t.  I’ve disappointed myself too many times.  If this confuses you, you’re in good company and it confused her too.  lol  Let me explain.  It’s not that I don’t have any faith or belief.  It’s just that I choose to put my faith and belief in the one who is Almighty.

I’m just little old me.  Five foot nothin’ with three, maybe four muscles tops!  ROFL  I have only the power the Lord chooses to give me, but the good news is…

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” -Philippians 4:13

In the last six years at Art of Eloquence, I have proven something time and time again.  If I work hard toward a goal I think I should attain, it may not get accomplished.  Yet each time I communicate with Him and ask what He wants me to do, things just fall into place even when I KNOW I cannot do it!  God knew it too-which is why He sent others to help me accomplish it.

Often, when I seem to be struggling with a goal, it’s not because I haven’t written it down or repeated it each day or believed it could be accomplished or even worked it hard enough.  It’s because the goal is not His. Each time the Lord has asked me to do something, He has given me the tools I needed to accomplish it.

His goals almost always come without writing them down, focusing on them or working hard to accomplish them.  His goals always flow like manna from heaven which require only three things:

God’s Goal Setting Steps:

1. Pray to ask God what He wants you to do

2. Believe in the Lord

3. Thank God for what He provides!

Prayer is communication with the Father.  For more communication tips, visit Art of!

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March This n That and Prayer Request

It’s March already!  Wasn’t it just January? For that matter, wasn’t it just 1999?  Seems the older I get, the faster I get older!

Kelsey, our eldest who is away at college, is even farther away for Spring Break.  She’s on tour with her Vanderbilt Choir in Chicago, no wait…she’s now in Saint Louis!  I can’t keep up.  I think Kelsey has traveled more in the last few years, than I did my entire life!  Well, not including moving.  I never traveled for fun, my family and I just MOVED a lot! LOL  She’s been checking in every few days from her new cell phone.  Only 54 more days til she comes home for the summer, but who’s counting?!  By the way, my baby girl turns 19 in 9 days!

Chris started golf lessons yesterday. He had fun, but was relegated to the little kids section of the class where the teacher really didn’t teach.  He spoke mostly to the older kids and just told the younger ones to hit the ball.  Chris was disappointed and I will be talking to the instructor tomorrow.  I don’t think he has taught this many students in one class before because he made a comment about how big the class was.  He seemed to run out of time and concentrated mostly on the teens.  I did wonder as the class has an age minimum of 8yrs old. My son is almost 10 but the little ones are all about 6.  Still he had fun!

We completely sold out of our hard copy studies!  I’m almost done with the eBook rewrites too!  I am working on some other projects for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and a few others.  I adore working with TOS!  Also I’ve had a rash of requests for interviews this week.  It’s been fun.  I have one more tomorrow.  Looks like I’ve been invited back to be a Keynote Speaker at Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo this year and that looks like a lot of fun too!  Cindy is awesome!

The March episode of The Misadventures of Foot in Mouth Man is up!  Come read how FIMM sticks his foot in his mouth THIS month!  Check out FIMMology 101 too.  There is a link to it on the blog’s right side bar.

I am getting ready for tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup show.  My guest will share about a writing contest for young writers. Come check it out live or listen at your convenience to the recorded audio, but don’t wait too long!  The deadline for the writing contest is March 15th! Changes a coming on Grace Talk Soup next week!  I’ll be introducing a co host!  She and I go way back and she is another goofball like myself.  If you enjoyed the show before, check it out next week and you’ll have a blast.  Fifty points if you can guess who it is!  I’ve actually talked about her several times here on Communication FUNdamentals-just recently in fact! BIG HINT.

Did you catch our family’s homeschool segment on USC’s Impact yet?  We felt the editing was done with at least a slight agenda.  Much of the postives our family shared were left on the cutting room floor, while the other family came off as quite social.  I talked to the producer via email.  She said she graduated from the graduate program at USC just before all the editing was done.  The new producer may have wanted to compare and contrast the two families. She apologized for leaving my son out of the updates and was a bit embarrassed by the “Vanterbilt” typo.  I feel it was heart felt.

A prayer request for my dh.  Rich has been awaiting word from his company on whether or not they will hire him on permanently.  Everyone is on board but the decision rests with the owner.  The past several months of uncertainty have been kind of stressful for him.   Yesterday he woke up nauseous and dizzy.  We thought it would go away after a while but it lasted all day and so far this morning.  He did some online research and it looks like an inner ear thing.  We don’t have health insurance and he is now officially out of his diabetes and high blood pressure medicines.  I asked him to go to the doctor, but he doesn’t want to go.  Please pray he will be ok and that he will have a permanent job soon so we have health benefits.  I think if we did, he would go.

Well, that’s all the news that fit to type today.  What’s your news?  How’s your March so far?

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