In celebration of Effective Communication Month, the first week of June, I talked about how important texting and technology has been to the breakdown of communication skills. Last week, my blog interview guest shared how communication can help parenting and I introduced a contest you can enter to win free AoE communications studies by sharing how misunderstandings happen in every day lives. On Monday, my guest showed us how important communication skills are to a music teacher.
Today I’d like to share with you another important area of our lives that we don’t normally think of as being important when it comes to our communication skills. This is an article I found online via Web MD. It’s called, “How to Talk About Pain.”
If you’ve ever had to convey to a doctor about a chronic pain, you know just how difficult this can be. I have Fibromyalgia and I get headaches that last for days or even weeks. Just telling a doctor that you hurt isn’t helpful to them, even if they are inclined to believe you. They need to know how it hurts and exactly where. We need to be able to accurately describe the pain in order for our doctors to pinpoint the underlying cause of the pain and find a cure…or at least a temporary relief.
I was aware of some of the information in this article, but the article is written from a more medical perspective and reviewed by a doctor. It gives a much more enlightened view of exactly how we should describe our pain to our physician.
Have you ever had a problem trying to get your doctor to understand the pain you were in? How did you get through to them? Do you think this article will help you? I’d love your thoughts, especially if you suffer from chronic pain. Please share your story.
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