Don’t let social anxiety control your life (or your child’s) any longer!

Shyness promo2Do you avoid potentially enjoyable or even profitable situations because you’re uncomfortable relating to people?  Does your child feel self-conscious, left out or lonely?  Do social events scare or intimidate you?  Does your heart ache for your child who dreads school events or parties? 

Does this sound like you or a loved one?  You’re not alone.  Polls indicate that 40% of people consider themselves shy, but I have great news.  You may not be shy at all!

Everyone has something to say, something that only they can share, something others really need to hear. Don’t let shyness keep you from it!


Most people believe that you are born shy and there is nothing you can do about it.  HOGWASH! 

And I’m living proof.  I was a painfully shy young girl and remained so up until my late teens.  In fact, I used to hope the person waving was directing it toward the person behind me so I wouldn’t have to wave back!  THAT’s how shy I was!!

It took me many painful YEARS to overcome my shyness. I once thought it was part of my personality and that I was destined to be shy and lonely for the rest of my life. I was wrong!  Shyness is usually just anxiety brought on by a lack of effective communication skills in social situations.  Once I learned these vital skills, I found I wasn’t shy at all!  And you’re probably not either!  You’ll understand more when you read my testimony in this ebook.

Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety takes you through my painful struggle and teaches you to overcome your social anxiety in a fraction of the time.  Even better, it allows you to do so in a fun and creative way.  Yes, this eBook will not only give you the tools to become more comfortable in social situations, but it will take you through mastery and on to excellence!


What you or your child will learn in Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety:

* Seven Habits of Highly Successful Communicators

* Six Simple Steps to Conversational Self-Confidence

* Preparing to be a Great Conversationalist

* How to Start a Conversation

* Learning from Six Bad Conversationalists

* Creative Ways to Practice

* How to Meet and Greet

*Ten Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace

* What to Do for Your Shy Child




"Thank you, JoJo. I learned a LOT, thank you, thank you, thank you!  
I’m a huge fan and have almost all your books, but this seminar gave me 
tons to think about." -Shannon R.
"7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness was a superb presentation!... 
The webinar was a big help. It was so much more than tips. JoJo tells 
you exactly what to say to help your shy child overcome. She also tells 
you why your shy child feels the way he/she does and what you can do to 
help."-Carla I.


Incredible One Time Offer Just for my Facebook fans and friends!

On Tuesday, May 19th, and for ONE DAY ONLY, This powerful eBook will be available for my Facebook fans and friends for ONLY $10!  Just order on that day using voucher code: 101010 and it will automatically slash the price to JUST $10!


Why are we doing this?

My husband lost his job almost 3 months ago and our daughter’s wedding is coming up in just a few weeks. BUT: Our need FILLS YOUR NEED!  So take advantage of it while it’s available!


Bonus for ordering during this incredible promotion:

Notes from my seminar: 7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness–That product is worth the $20 right there!  Here is the promotional video from that seminar!

What You Will Learn in these slide show notes alone:

1. Seventeen things parents should do to help their child overcome shyness

2. Seven things parent’s shouldn’t do because it either doesn’t work or reinforces their child’s shyness

3. Seven ways parents can help their children change their thinking about shyness

4. Six things parents can do to change their child’s shy behavior

5. Seven things parents can do to change their child’s shy vocabulary

6. Eight things parents can teach their shy child to say that will help them overcome shyness

7. Seven things parents can teach their shy child to do that will help them practice the skills necessary to overcome their shyness

After your place your order for Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety, forward your confirmation email to JoJo ( )  and ask to receive 7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness for free and we’ll email it to you!


Don’t let social anxiety control your (or your child’s) life any longer!  Get Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety AND, my bonus gift to you, 7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness (a $49.95 value) for ONLY $10 on May 19th!  


What is $10 as compared to breaking free from shyness that has a hold over your life or the life of your child?  Order May 19th!


Remember, this incredible offer is good on May 19th ONLY!  So….Order Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety!




*Art of Eloquence homeschool Curricula was chosen “Homeschool Approved” and is ENDORSED by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and recommended by HSLDA!



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Exaggeration Leaves Our Words Powerless

painI touched on this briefly in my post a couple weeks ago, Communication Lessons from Fairy Talesbut here is a more in depth look at this phenomenon.

Words like awesome, fabulous, I’m STARVING, DEAD TIRED… everyone says them, but most don’t truly mean them.  Are we desensitized to them so much now that these words don’t mean anything anymore?

When someone with thyroid disease or fibro says I’m exhausted.  Most think tired.

When someone is truly in pain and says it’s excruciating.  Most think it hurts.

When someone is clinically depressed or has had a death in the family and says depressed, most think sad.

What’s the danger in this?

1. Using inflammatory words too often will give the impression you aren’t truthful, trustworthy or accurate.

2. Society’s overuse of inflammatory and exaggerated words desensitizes us to the needs of those who are truly starving, exhausted or awesome.

3. We miss the opportunities we see each day to uplift someone in need because we assume they are merely, hungry, mildly tired, or simply average.

Think back to how many times you have used the following words: Starving, dead tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, ecstatic, awesome, fabulous, incredible, fantastic, really and VERY.  Did you really mean them or did you mean something less than that?

Now think back to the last time you heard someone else utter them.  Do you even have a clue if THEY meant them?  It’s getting harder to tell these days, isn’t it?

The next time you have a conversation with a friend, be careful to use accurate and descriptive words.  Be careful also to listen for clues to discern when your friend is exaggerating and when he or she is really in need of your support and prayer.  Here’s what to listen for:

1. Intonation

2. Body language

3. Facial expression

4. What you know of their past history and challenges

5. What you know of their personality

So many people are in need of our support.  Don’t miss an opportunity to be that for a friend or acquaintance.  You may be the only person who is really listening.




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