Resolve to Share the Gospel

Another kind of conflict we sometimes have is when we are sharing or defending our faith.  The Bible says that God commands us to share the good news, yet so many of us are afraid or unprepared to do so.  In today’s society where the last acceptable prejudice is Christianity (where Bibles are not allowed in school and announcements of Bible studies are prohibited in the workplace), there is even more reason to be uncomfortable when sharing your faith.

However, this is exactly why I wrote Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith.  This study goes through the common questions and misunderstandings non Christians have about God and teaches you not only what you can say, but how to say it.  It also teaches you the most important part of ministry: connecting (communicating) with people!

Make one New Year’s Resolution for the Lord that you will keep.  Learn to share your faith in a less confrontational and more conversational way with Art of Eloquence’s Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith. Check out our free sample lesson at the bottom of the page.


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Isn’t it time to repair your relationship and resolve that conflict?

Face OffIt’s a new year and, like all new beginnings, it comes with an opportunity.  Each year, and each day for that matter, gives us an opportunity to renew old friendships, repair past hurts, and rekindle the love we once felt for our spouse.

Is there a friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time?  Was it just because you hadn’t taken the time or is it due to a falling out?  The longer we are out of touch with someone, the more difficult it seems to take that first step toward renewal or repair of a distant or damaged relationship.

Many people I talk to say they’d be willing to repair a relationship if only the other person would make first contact.  The problem is that is usually what the other person is thinking.  You are waiting for him and he is waiting for you.

Why not take the first step?  I’ll bet you’d be surprised at how much less difficult it is than you thought it would be.  Sometimes all it takes is hello to rekindle old friendships or even to smooth over a small misunderstanding.  I challenge you this year to try.  Your relationships are well worth the effort!

If you are looking to repair a relationship that has been damaged by a deep conflict, Art of Eloquence can help.  Check out Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.  Browse our free lesson at the bottom of the page.  If you purchase this study, you’ll learn how to bridge the gap and repair old hurts no matter how long they have festered.

Or sign up for this month’s webinar: Resolving Conflicts, and get this study as a bonus gift!

Consider what you once had with that person and ask yourself if it’s worth a few dollars and a little of your time to have that again.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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How to Keep Your Resolutions

Well, it’s here again, the last day of 2012.  Happy New Year to all my blog readers!  We pray 2013 brings you many blessings.

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions and, if so, have you kept them?  Studies show that most people who make resolutions, don’t keep them.  However, did you know that sharing your goals with others can actually help you keep them?  Why?  Because reaching a goal is difficult.

Most of the incredible things men and women have done throughout history have been accomplished because of the help and support of friends or family.  Even more than that, communicating your goals to your friends, neighbors and family will make it public and increase the chances that you will keep your word to stop smoking, lose weight or make extra income.

Now if you are thinking that all your friends and family will be encouraging and supportive and that’s how you’ll keep your resolutions, you’d be partially correct.   Many will encourage you to keep going, but some may even secretly hope you fail.  Some don’t really want to keep their resolutions and they don’t want to be alone in this. lol

However, telling Uncle Harold that you will finally clean out your garage after 12 years of saying so will prompt him to keep bringing it up at family functions all year and you’ll find yourself picking through years of old junk you couldn’t bring yourself to part with in the past just to save face!  It can be a fabulous motivator if you are willing to take a little abuse.

What kinds of things would you like to accomplish in 2013?  Is one of them to learn to communicate with your friends, family, spouse, children, or co workers?  Don’t forget that we can help you with that!  Make sure you are subscribed to our blog and newsletter.  They will give you insight and tips as well as keep you posted on upcoming webinars and communication studies!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Are Resolutions Christian?

This week’s word is Resolution.  A resolution is “a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.”  A New Year’s Resolution is one an individual makes usually based on his or her desires.

I guess what bothers me most about New Year’s Resolutions is the fact that God is rarely consulted or referenced.  Just because we want something does’t mean God wants it for us.  Sometimes He has other plans that  may need to be in place BEFORE or INSTEAD of the plans we have for ourselves.

This year, I resolve to listen to Almighty God to see what He would like me to do–not just on January 1st, but every day of the year.  Won’t you join me? What does God have in store for YOU in 2012?  Please share.

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