Another kind of conflict we sometimes have is when we are sharing or defending our faith. The Bible says that God commands us to share the good news, yet so many of us are afraid or unprepared to do so. In today’s society where the last acceptable prejudice is Christianity (where Bibles are not allowed in school and announcements of Bible studies are prohibited in the workplace), there is even more reason to be uncomfortable when sharing your faith.
However, this is exactly why I wrote Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith. This study goes through the common questions and misunderstandings non Christians have about God and teaches you not only what you can say, but how to say it. It also teaches you the most important part of ministry: connecting (communicating) with people!
Make one New Year’s Resolution for the Lord that you will keep. Learn to share your faith in a less confrontational and more conversational way with Art of Eloquence’s Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith. Check out our free sample lesson at the bottom of the page.
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