New at Art of Eloquence in 2013!

AoE People ButtonNewsletter and Webinar Changes!

After ten years in business having put out a variety of products and projects, we took a series of surveys and asked you what you were looking for from Art of Eloquence in 2013.  You shared your thoughts with us and we listened.  So this year we have a renewed focus on the things that you said were important to you and your family!

You said you wanted us to focus more on bringing you in-depth articles and webinars in 2013 so we have let some of the extra projects we had go in order to spend more time on these two areas.


Starting this month, we will pack even more into our newsletters so our weekly newsletters will now be semi-monthly.  We may also release one every so often if there is a time sensitive announcement to be made, but most often you will receive them twice a month.

This information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

And, if you haven’t subscribed yet, NOW is the time because, ALL NEW THIS YEAR, is a a series of special gifts you will receive JUST for subscribing!  After our initial welcome email confirming your subscription (which includes a link to a fun video!), you will receive four emails (one per day), each with a FREE GIFT!  Each gift will help you in a different area of your life: kids, business, etc.

Again, this information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

All New Webinar Topics:

During our Birthday Bash, we asked you what webinar topics you’d like to see presented in 2013 and we heard you!  Some webinars will be free and some will require a small fee.  Here is a partial list of topics we will be covering next year:

January: Conflict Resolution/repairing burned bridges

February: Dating, Marriage and Relationships

March: How to Speak with Boldness

April: Communication with Your Teen

Only a few more days to get your ticket to the webinar!

If you are looking to repair a relationship, Art of Eloquence can help.  Check out Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.  Browse our free lesson at the bottom of the page.  If you purchase this study, you’ll learn how to avoid conflicts or even reduce their effects so that you may build closer relationships with others.  Or you can sign up for this month’s webinar: Resolving Conflicts and get this study as a FREE BONUS GIFT!

NEW: Free lessons Page!

Art of Eloquence has always had free lessons from our studies available for download listed on each product page. However, now we have a page where you can find ALL of our sample lessons!  This makes it easier to decide which communication study is perfect for you and your family!

Make Sure You are Subscribed!

Begin 2013 with the training that will help you make this year and every other year more successful!  Make sure you’re subscribed to our blog and newsletter for the latest information, tips, free gifts and studies that will help you become more successful in your personal and professional life.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Three Common Mistakes Women Make in Business

If you read my recent blog post called, “Would You Spend $997 for An Unexplained Product?” a few weeks ago, you know what sparked my excitement about bringing you this new series of webinars!  In a nutshell, most webinars spend 45 minutes telling you why the host is so great and only 15 minutes telling you what you came to hear.  My free seminars were never like that.  They were packed with information, but these new webinars are going to be even better.  Our new webinars are going to be simply INCREDIBLE!

Packed with solid information that will help you and your family communicate more effectively in business, in leadership positions and in your personal life, these webinars are going to have some exciting new features.

The old seminars were audio only and limited to 20 or 30 minutes. These new webinars will be 60 minutes and will also include a slide show presentation you will be able to download and keep for reference.  This first webinar will be given at an introductory rate and will include a free copy of my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business– a $19.95 value!

This month’s topic is 15 Common Mistakes Women Make in Business.  I’m going to share just a tidbit of a preview for you here on the blog today, but our newsletter subscribers will get an exclusive preview of the webinar so make sure you are subscribed before tomorrow!  The details are on the bottom of this blog post.

Women tend to have a more difficult time communicating that they are serious business owners and, instead, project an image that their business is more of a hobby.  Some of that has to do with society’s view of women and their role in the workforce and some of it is the way in which we are taught to communicate.

Men are taught to be aggressive while women are taught to be nurturing.  The difference in what we communicate can be incredible.  It can be the difference between being profitable and wasting our precious time.  Here are three tips that will help women entrepreneurs become more effective business owners.

1. Seek out leadership opportunities in your community or online.
Women tend to socialize well, but they don’t tend to network very well.  The skills are similar, but networking is like socializing with a purpose.  It’s that purpose that women tend to shy away from so they socialize up until the point where they are comfortable talking about their business and asking for leadership opportunities.

2. Be assertive.
That brings us to being assertive.  While being aggressive isn’t a good thing, no business owner, female or otherwise, will get very far if they are not assertive.  As we discussed in the first tip, women need to take the opportunities that present themselves in order to communicate that they are a leader in their field.

3. Remember that this is business not a hobby.
Too many women entrepreneurs tend to introduce themselves as a wife and mother…oh and I do scrap booking on the side.  That screams HOBBY!  Would you even consider seeing a physician who introduced himself as a husband and father and oh he does brain surgery on the side?  Speak about your business like it’s a business not as if it’s a hobby.

For more information on exactly how to apply these three (plus one more) of the fifteen mistakes  I’ll be teaching during the webinar, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter before tomorrow!  I’ll be sharing details about four of the fifteen tips from the upcoming webinar…but ONLY with my newsletter subscribers so make sure you are a subscriber before Tuesday.  Also I’ll be sharing the link to the page where you can read more about the webinar and sign up to attend.

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter

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Free JoJoisms Coming Soon

I have a new series of illustrated eBooks coming out soon.  JoJoisms are my funny, insightful sayings about life.  The first in the series will be on communication.  Who’d a thunk it, right?  Inside will be things like, JoJoism#45, “God didn’t make cookie-cutter people so there is no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with them.

It’ll be out this week and you can get it for free if…

1) you are one of our newsletter subscribers.

What’s New at Art of Eloquence is our newsletter featuring an exclusive monthly article and Ask JoJo featuring answers to YOUR communication questions.  It also shares exclusive offers and free gifts just for our subscribers.  Tomorrow;s newsletter will allow every subscriber to download JoJoisms that reveal life’s truths about communication fundamentals!

If you are already a subscriber, you need do nothing but open your newsletter and click the download link.   If you are not a subscriber, now is the time!  Click here to subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence today!

2) you are a Facebook Fan when we reach 1000 members.

We currently have over 930 members of the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page.  When we reach 1000, I’ll make a download link available to all members!  Our Facebook page members have all kinds of fun that we cannot work via our newsletter.  I post funny pictures, quotes and sayings that help illustrate various communication skills.  However, the next several months will be even more exciting.

September 1st will kick off our Communication Bingo contest.  I’ll be posting a few communication terms per day M-F along with some fun links, pictures, scriptures and quotes that illustrate their importance.  If you are one of the members who signed up to play (chosen 25 of our 75 communication terms) and you are one of the first 8 to call bingo (meaning I have called out all 25 of your terms), you will win a free gift from Art of Eloquence and 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

If you are already an Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page member, go into the group and find the post with the details of the game and the 75 words.  Then pick 25 of them and send them in to me before Sept. 1st.  If you are not yet a member there, click here to “like” (join) our page and check out the link to enter!

3) you are a For the Love of Contest winner.

I have a fun blog for purple lovers called  Today and Wednesday I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog by having a contest.  Today I’m asking readers to name the purple things they have in their home that start with the letters A-M.   You can see the details of that contest here. You’ll notice that the cover of JoJoisms is purple (as are most of the Art of Eloquence communication studies!).

So…there are three ways to get a free copy of JoJoisms.  I suggest to you try all three!

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New Value Packages Available!

I’ve been working all week to bring you some fabulous values!  Art of Eloquence is adding more value packages to save you money and give you bundles of value!  Our new value packages allow you to save money by purchasing several studies together!  AND we have created a Value Package Page on our site to give you a nice overview of all the ways your family can save on these fabulous bundles we’ve put together for preschoolers all the way on up through adults! We even have a special value package that has a little something for the entire family!

Here is a list of the value packages you will now (or soon) find at Art of but keep checking back because more are coming this week!

Preschool Pack
Elementary Pack
Teen Pack
Teen Bonus Pack
High School Pack
High School Premium Pack (coming soon)
College Prep Pack
Deluxe College Prep Pack (coming soon)
Fun Pack
Family Pack (coming soon)
Career Pack
Business Pack
Parent Pack (coming soon)
Leadership Pack (coming soon)
Even more coming soon!

I have also updated our online catalog.  So if you are looking for a specific topic, for a particular age group, or would just like to browse, click here!

Finally, as I began to add these packages, I thought it would be a nice feature to have a major listing of our various eStudies for each age group.  So…I created several new At-A-Glance type pages broken down by age group.  We now have overview pages for all our PreK eStudies, Elementary eStudies, Jr/Sr High eStudies, and for all of our Adult eStudies which are now linked from our home page.  I am still working to add all the pictures to these pages so bear with me as I finish that this week.

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