Hardest Part About Being a Mom is Keeping Them Alive?!

The hardest part about being a mom is I have to keep a human being alive.”  Seriously?!  Pretty Wicked Moms is a “reality show” on Lifetime that is not to be taken seriously. However, when I saw the preview for this, the mom in me was highly insulted.  And I think all moms should be…all REAL moms I should say.  Not only that, but I felt as if so many moms I run into on the street these days seem to have taken this line to heart.  My thoughts on the matter:

If you think that just keeping your child alive is the hard part, you’re not really a mom. You’re a baby sitter, a care giver, a trained monkey mom, but you aren’t a real mom no matter what reality show you’re in!  Keeping a human being alive is the EASY part!  There’s nothing much to it.  A real mom loves, educates, trains, reprimands, prepares, supports and prays over her child!  A real mom instills values, trains up a child in the way he should go, and tells him about God and how much he is loved by Him.  A real mom is so much more than just someone who makes sure little Johnny is fed and wears the latest baby clothes.  A real mom takes more than that. It takes heart and often blood, sweat and tears.

baby faceThis line of thinking is a dangerous idea to adopt as your children will suffer.  If you think your job is just to keep them alive, you are missing the most important part of motherhood and you are depriving your child of love, nurturing, education, preparation, self esteem, and so much more.

You may be thinking that’s not me, but so many of us moms are so tired and overwhelmed that we forget that we are here to do more than just keep our children safe.  Have you hugged your son today?  Have you taught him, instead of doing it FOR him?  Have you spent time getting to know your teen?  Have you asked your daughter how she feels about things? Have you talked more about your Me Time? Have you posted on Facebook that you can’t wait for school to start so the kids aren’t under foot?

I think we have all fallen for this line of thinking at times.  May God keep us moms on the straight and narrow to be the role model, teacher, and supporter that God expects of us and not a woman who is more concerned with her own needs that she neglects the needs of the precious souls God put in our care.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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How to Get Say What You Mean for Moms FREE!

It’s Back to Homeschool Month here at Art of Eloquence and we have an INCREDIBLE series of special offers for you!

How would you like to get three free gifts?  Well, just stay tuned to this blog for details!

This week’s Back to Homeschool Special Offer:

Buy any two homeschool single titles at our regularly low price and get Say What You Mean for Moms free!

The picture featured here shows just a FEW of the homeschool materials we have available for PreK-Sr High school!  To check out all Art of Eloquence has to offer your school aged children, click the Homeschool Tab on the website or just click the link above.



What is Say What You Mean for Moms all about?

Want to ensure open communication with your children?

Do you desire a close relationship with your son or daughter?

Avoid all the problems you’ve heard you’d have when your kids are teenagers.  

So many of you asked us to write a communication study for parents and children. This study is for new moms who would like the benefit of experience and for experienced moms wanting some tips for better discipline, communication, and stronger relationships with their children.

This study will include:

* Five Foolish Things Moms Say
* Twelve Ways Moms Undermine Discipline * Nine Foolish Things Moms Do
* The Dangers of Expecting Teenagers to Be Difficult
* Five Wise Things Moms Should Do
* Ten Ways to Talk so Your Kids Will Listen
* Five Ways to Encourage Open Communication
* Six Steps to Overcoming Overwhelm

To get Say What You Mean for Moms Free:

Just order any two individual Art of Eloquence homeschool titles at the regularly low price this week.  Then forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and make sure to put “FREE SWM for Moms” in the subject line.  It’s that easy!

I will email your free copy of Say What You Mean for Moms to you within 48 hours of your order!   Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 17th. 


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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The Spaghetti Test Method of Communication

Spaghetti TestMothers through the generations have told their children that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  It’s sage advice and something that teaches us many lessons about how we should communicate with others.  The following is from the introduction of my newest communication study, Say What You Mean for Moms, the first in a series of communication studies for parents which you may pre order today at a 30% discount!

Three of the most important lessons learned from mom’s old saying:

1. We should strive for our communication to be grace-filled

2. We should think before we speak.

3. We should be purposeful in how we communicate…which brings me to a technique people have adopted of late that sounds good, but just flat isn’t true.  It’s what I call The Spaghetti Test Method of Communication.

I was talking with a friend of mine about how so few people understand the incredible value of learning to communicate effectively when she made a comment that reminded me of something my mother taught me about cooking.  She said, “there is a trend today of just ‘putting it out there’ and laying the responsibility on the listener to discern your meaning.  And if you don’t. . . well, doom on you!

This illustration reminded me of the old spaghetti test to determine whether or not it was done. Mom told me that women used to throw spaghetti up against the wall to see if it would stick.  If it did, it was done.  I remember thinking that either way, you’d have a messy wall to clean up!

The same can be said of throwing our communication out there in order to see what sticks.  I’ve seen so many popular memes on Facebook lately that tout the idea that you should say whatever you want and let the chips fall where they may. It may sound empowering, but it’s a myth.   It’s not empowering at all.

The idea is to speak your mind and the “people who matter won’t mind and the people who mind, don’t matter.”  I wrote an entire article on this one false premise, but suffice it to say that those who matter may, indeed mind the way you put things and those who mind matter to God.  If God had wanted us to say exactly what we wanted any old way we wanted to, why would He caution us about how we communication so many times in the Bible?

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” -Colossians 4:6

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” -Ephesians 4:29

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” -Matthew 15:11

A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions.” -Proverbs 18:2

An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” -Proverbs 18:19

Remember that when you throw your communication out there like spaghetti on a wall to see what sticks, you make a messy wall you may have to spend an entire lifetime cleaning up!   Learning how to communicate effectively is preferable to becoming a chattering fool.  Remember what Proverbs 10:8 says,  “The wise in heart accepts commands, but the chattering fool comes to ruin.”  Check out our most requested title, Say What You Mean for Moms and learn how to communicate effectively with your children so you aren’t throwing spaghetti up on their wall.

Enter Our Monthly Drawing!

If you’ve read all the way through, I’d like to thank you!  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please leave a comment and please share the link with those you know.  I will put the names of all those who comment with their own experiences and insights and who share this link into a drawing for a free gift or a gift certificate.  Your choice.  You have until the end of the month to do so before I draw a name.  Please make sure to have your email address on your comment so I can contact you if you are our winner.

CONGRATULATIONS: Laura!  You are the winner of our May Blog Contest!

JoJo’s blog only comes out once a month.  If you would like more information, tips and free gifts, please subscribe to our twice monthly newsletter.

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Feb Seminars and Interviews

I have several interviews and seminars coming up this month. Check out the links for more info on how to join in. Some are live, but the second one (Homeschooler Next Door) has been pre-recorded and will air that day.

CWAHM Radio: Feb 17th 1PM EST (Christian Work at Home Mom Radio)

The Homeschooler Next Door: Airing Feb 17th 3pm
February Seminar: 02/24/2011 11:00 AM EST
Communication: Much More Than Just Speech-Making

Join me for some insights into how effective communication can help YOU in your business, homeschooling and every day life!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: for More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Are you a reluctant wahm?

Many of you may remember that last year my editor and dear friend, Carla Ives, and I were co hosting a weekly podcast on TalkShoe.  Well, Carla had some family issues that required her attention so she had to leave the show and most of her online presence for a while.  Well, you can’t keep a brilliant woman down!  She’s back with a new venture to add to her repertoire!  It’s called The Reluctant Wahm.com and it is brand spankin’ new!

The site is only a few days old and it already has some wonderful articles for work at home moms who are either reluctant to have to work from home (are more used to or prefer working in a corporate environment) or , if it weren’t for the economy, would rather not have to work at all.  It’s a fabulous resource for all work at home moms and homeschooling moms who are working a bit to help dh with the family budget.  Carla is a wealth of information and she has a huge heart to help others.

Well, this morning I was indeed humbled and blessed to find a glowing post on her site about my work and Art of Eloquence.  I just colored my hair today so I don’t know which is more red, my hair or my face!  Though she is a tough and nitpicky editor, she is very generous with her praise and I am truly honored by her words.

Please visit her site and leave a comment welcoming her back to the internet after such a long absence and so many difficult situations in her life, some of which she is still contending with.

Thank you my dear, sweet friend!

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