What’s in Jesus’ Name?

Flowery WordsFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”  But that is not exactly true because each word has a slightly different meaning or connotation.  The use of a slightly different word in a situation is often how  misunderstandings begin.

Each word God speaks is carefully crafted. He is purposeful and He always says what He means.  God could have used many terms to describe His son, but notice the hope reflected in the descriptions He uses for our Savior here: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor.  He’s someone we can turn to who will help us sort things out, but He’s much more than that. It says He’s a wonderful counselor.  How many times have we gone to friends or family or a paid professional who has steered us wrong?  Jesus never will!

Jesus is the Mighty God.  There were several gods worshiped in Jesus’ Day as there are now, but He isn’t just any god and He is mighty!

Jesus is our Everlasting Father.  We all have an earthly father, but not all of us are blessed to still have our fathers with us.  Some of our earthly fathers have died.  Some our earthly fathers left us emotionally.  Some of our earthly fathers have suffered an illness and they have left us mentally.  Jesus will never leave us or forsake us! 

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.  He’s not just a prince as in the earthly sense who rules over others wielding his power with a sword for personal gain.  Jesus brings us peace…a peace that surpasses all our earthly understanding.

The precision of God’s Word is is deliberate and in some cases holds even deeper meaning within it.  We can’t be the perfect communicator that God is, but we should do our best to craft our words such that we say what we mean in a way that most effectively communicates our message to our audience.

This year, Art of Eloquence would like to help each of you to say what you mean among your family, friends, business associates and in your ministry.  Start the new year by making sure you are subscribed to this blog and to our newsletter.  The links are on the right and also below this post.


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#1 New Year’s Resolution Requires Effective Communication Skills!

Number ONE New Year’s Resolution: Spend More Time with Family & Friends

Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, and others show that “more than 50% of Americans vow to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family and friends this year.”  What’s the one skill we all need if we are going to spend more time with our friends and relatives?  It’s the very same skill needed to improve relationships: Communication!  Why?  Because you cannot even have a relationship with someone unless you communicate with them in some way.  As I wrote about in a recent article, relationships are all about communication and the potential for misunderstanding and misinterpretation leave a relationship vulnerable.

This year, resolve to learn to become a more effective communicator!  Don’t wait until you and a loved one have a conflict that ruins your relationship.  Hurt feelings can be overcome, but sometimes it goes beyond hurt feelings and the relationship may not be easily repaired.

Relationships with friends and family are too precious to leave up to chance.  Prepare now to be an effective communicator in 2012 and give your relationships the strength that nothing else can!  Check out all the free lessons, articles and information on http://www.ArtofEloquence.com and don’t forget to sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter for your free gift, Communication Activities: Finding Time to Talk to Your Children in a Busy World! 

Much success in 2012!  Let us know how Art of Eloquence can help!

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What does it take to communicate with your computer?

I have a degree in Speech Communication and over 25 years of experience since then.  I have been able to communicate successfully with people of all ages, including those who have vastly different beliefs.  I speak English, a little Spanish, a wee bit of ASL and I’m conversational in whining and Gibberish.  What I cannot communicate with is my computer.

Computers have a language and a logic all their own!  I’ll go into this in more detail later this week, but to give you a background (in order that you might appreciate the conclusions I will draw on Wednesday), I’d like to share with you the Tragic (though comedic) Tale of Techie Trouble with the computer formerly known as Zippy.

Zippy is less than two years old.  We bought him when my previous computer, Methuselah, was given only a few days to live…or was that me after starring in a Lifetime Movie called “Some Like it NOT.”  After rehearsing Methuselah’s death scene, we set up The Zippster and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that my days of Techie Troubles were over.

Unfortunately, I got an offer I couldn’t refuse, and believe me I tried, to do the sequel, “Scream TOO” which began filiming several weeks ago while preparing for our Art of Eloquence Birthday Bash.  What went wrong you ask?

1. My old website had a nervous breakdown and my new website wasn’t programabale quite the way it was supposed to causing delays and fits of frustrated terror.

2. Firefox slowed to a snail’s pace and began hiding the words I typed until, well…it felt like showing them.  By that time, I had tried to backspace and, “I’m so happy today” came out, “Isoppy toy” until I had wanted to type, “I want to throw Zippy out the window!”

3. Blog posts I spent hours preparing disappeared….

4. Windows Movie Maker began to play hide and seek with my videos.

5. Firefox, Windows Movie Maker and Outlook would freeze and shut down unexpectedly.

6. My virus software took a mental vacation.

7. Our coupon code inexlicably didn’t work during the Birthday Bash.

8. Our coupon code inexplicably started to work correctly a few hours AFTER the Birthday Bash was over.

9. Firefox began using too much memory, or so my new virus sotfware told me.

10. I dumped Firefox and spent two or three hours setting up all my passwords and bookmarks in IE.

11. IE began using too much memory according to my new virus software.

And those are only SOME of the techie troubles I’ve had in the last several weeks.  It’s all I can remember because, very soon afterward, my brain had the blue screen of death and I got fitted for my funny white coat with the sleeves that tie in the back!

Why?  Why can’t computers behave like human beings?  Why can’t we just talk to our computer and clear up any misunderstandings we might have?  How is it that I can be doing the very same things to operate it day after day and then, without warning, everything changes?  I thought about that as I was screaming into my non techie, old fashioned pillow and I realized that some of the behavoir of computers IS simlar to human beings, but some just isn’t.

Have you ever been talking to someone for years in a particular way and then one day he lets you know in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t appreciate it?  You’re left wondering, where did THAT come from?  If he didn’t like talking about this or doing that, why not just tell me so three years ago?

The difference is that if you have a misunderstanding (human version of a techie issue), you can always communicate with him and work it out.  You can ask him what’s wrong, what he’d like you to do in the future, and you can apologize and move on.  With computers, you can’t do that.  Oh you try!  Sometimes in words and sometimes threatening an inanimate object with bodily harm!  Either way, he doesn’t answer you and you’re left with the undeniable feeling that you’re in this ALONE!

So here I sit today with these Techie Troubles daring me to make a move.  What’s the right one?  What is the consequence for making the wrong move?  I’ve changed my virus software, updated malware protection, changed browsers, run disk cleanup and defrag…I’ve done everything I can think of short of exorcism to debug my computer which is driving me buggy.   I’ll draw some more conclusions for you about some things I’ve learned while attempting effective communication with my computer…on Wednesday.

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