Did you really want to DO that on Facebook?

A while back, I posted, Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook? so when an obscure Facebook “friend” posted this on my wall, the idea for Did you really want to DO that on Facebook? was birthed.

It happens occasionally on Facebook.  I call it the I’ve Got a Christian Cause so the Ends Justifies the Means Disease.  This is where people send you a friend request and then never interact with you.  They never reply to or “like” any of your posts, never answer when you post on theirs, never post on your wall UNTIL…they begin asking for help with their ministry/business.

I don’t mind if, once in a while, one of my Facebook friends lets me know they are involved with a charity and asks for my help by posting on my wall.  If I can afford to give, the cause is something I believe in and the charity is on the up and up, I’ll help.  If I can’t, maybe I can simply pass along the information.  Just by virtue of it being posted on my wall, allows my Facebook friends to see the need.  However, when someone ONLY posts on my wall for the express purpose of advertising their wares or plugging even a legitimate charity in a way that smacks of spam, I see that as a problem.  Here’s what I mean.

This particular person posted a very long comment about his charity on one of my most popular posts of the day complete with link, hype, tear jerking story and desperate plea.  The only thing that didn’t come standard was a tissue.  Notice how, as a comment on a post that had MANY replies, his request for money was automatically sent as an email to each one of the people who had replied to my completely unrelated post.  How convenient for him, hmmm?

At the time, I was willing to extend grace thinking he might just be an over zealous, kind soul who didn’t understand proper Facebook social networking etiquette so I left his comment there.  However, the very next day I found the exact worded, lengthy comment to my most popular post of THAT day.  I got curious to see if this was a duplicate or if this was his Modus Operandi.  Sure enough, his entire Facebook wall was replete with time stamped indices of HUNDREDs of duplicate copies of this exact comment he had left on other’s posts…all of which were their most popular posts of the day!  There wasn’t one post on any other topic or any evidence that he ever left a different comment when replying to anyone else.    I unfriended him.  I didn’t see any use in pursuing a friendship with someone who had no desire to connect beyond asking for money.

You may ask why I didn’t contact him in order to share my insights about how he might find a more constructive way to share his mission with others.  I’ll tell you why.  I’ve met Mr. I’ve Got a Christian Cause so the Ends Justifies the Means before.  They always sing the same song and it’s a waste of precious time to attempt to show them the error of their words.  They don’t have time to be nice; they are too busy doing good things.  They don’t have time to communicate with each individual; they are doing the Lord’s work.  It doesn’t matter how they communicate; God demands boldness.  If others take offense, so be it; I’m blessed to be a martyr for Christ.

God’s Word is filled with scripture that tells us to speak in grace.  Over 4500 scriptures deal with our mouths, tongues, lips and words alone!  The ends don’t justify the means in sharing your God-given mission or your faith any more than it does when you are trying to gain success or money.

The next time you are tempted to post something bold knowing that some might take offense, think about two things: 1) Does God really want you to say THIS?  and 2) HOW would God want you to say this?   In trying to answer question two, reflect on a few of those 4500 scriptures.

“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29
“-So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Issaiah 55:11
“An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com


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Interview w/a Communicator: Tech Services Provider

Meet Traci Knoppe, tech service provider, internet marketer, entrepreneur, blogger, teacher and public speaker.

Traci has been online since 1996, built her first website in 1997 and started her first online business (web design services) in 1999.  She added internet and affiliate marketer to the mix in 2007. Then in 2009 changed her per-hour web design business model to a Team model when she hired help and offered her web design and tech skills as an outsourcing services provider – which she continues to do today.

Traci is a wealth of information on most techie issues which is a great relief for non techies like me!  She is also a fabulous friend and I know you will enjoy hearing more about her.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a Christian wife, mom, mother-in-law and grandmother who is a homebody that enjoys sewing, reading, my dogs, cats and a good cup of coffee.  I’ve been a work at home entrepreneur since 1998.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Traci Knoppe?
As a confirmed morning person, I’m up early – usually by 6am daily to enjoy some quiet time in prayer; then coffee and checking email, etc.. while I map out my to-do list for the day.

Then I hit the ground running and managing my Team, assigning out work to them and then digging in and doing client work myself.  My day often consists of numerous phone calls and various interruptions which are common to work at home life. :)

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.
In 1988 I was in the process of a divorce and was an independent consultant for Home Interiors, which was a Christian owned and operated business, and lead my local Team Directors.  I met many fine ladies in our Team meetings and one was attending a new big local church and invited me to go with her.  I felt drawn to go and before I knew it, I found myself propelled out of my seat and going down for an altar call.  I know God was calling me, and had been for quite a while, and that day on July 17, 1988 was the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Sharing the good news of Jesus is paramount and what we, as Christians, are called to do.  Being a homebody, I truly don’t get out much – but have used the internet and my personal web site to tell others about Jesus.  Unlike many business owners, I have chosen to be very up front about my faith.  While I don’t ‘preach’ to everyone – I also don’t hide my faith either.

I have done many seemingly simple things to share the love of Jesus with others:  as simple as giving a homeless person a meal, to giving someone a cart at Aldi’s without taking their quarter.  It can be the simplest of things that shows Jesus in you. So don’t think you couldn’t street preach, or because you’re not a ‘Billy Graham’ or whatever – do what you can where you are.  Bloom where you’re planted.  :)

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?
My husband and I have been married 18 years.  Like most long married couples, we seem to have a communication that goes beyond the need for words.  I know when my husband is thinking on things, without even looking at him – I’ll say ‘What?!’.  He says, I’m thinking.  Yes, I know, I can ‘hear’ you thinking.  What about?.  :)

Another funny communication story, but of my daughter and son-in-law.  I recently went with my daughter Heather to look at a baby bassinet at a local resale shop.  It was a great deal and looked like brand new.  So she bought it.  (she’s due with her second child, my third grandchild in February 2012).

However, the bassinet would not fit in her car, so I put it in the back of my van and would deliver it to them the next day at church.

When she arrived home, her husband asked her what shape it was in.  My daughter was puzzled and said – I showed you a picture, it’s a rectangle!  He looked equally as puzzled – as he meant, what condition was it in.  😛

So words do matter:  ask the right questions, get the right answers. 😉

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.
My greatest blessing as a parent is simply having a large family.  It’s not easy training children in today’s world of negative influences; so it does my heart good to repeatedly hear how well behaved my children are.

One such example was my youngest child, wrote a note to her teacher (our 3 youngest attend a small private Christian school) and thanked her for helping her learn to count money.  This was something she struggled with – and once the teacher adjusted her approach in helping my daughter learn – she caught on quickly.  We did not know our daughter had written this note until the night of the school graduation, when in tears, the teacher told my husband about the note and how much it meant to her.

It was a proud parenting moment to know your child will do the good and right thing, even without prompting.  :)

My challenges as a parent are in remaining consistent in my efforts.  I struggle with some health issues, and it’s very easy to get lax in parenting due to my not feeling well or having mental/physical strength to have to address a teachable moment; but I do.  It’s critical and those moments are not always those you can ‘do over’.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.  I live this verse daily; and especially during times in my life of great struggle and life stresses.  Knowing that I am not doing all this alone has brought me immeasurable comfort, hope and strength to keep going when I didn’t think I could.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?
Since I deal with technical things all day; and my clients are generally not technical and do not ‘speak geek’ – I have had to learn how to identify what clients want vs. what they say. I need to be able to ‘translate’ what clients want into a viable action plan.  Not always easy. Again, ask the right questions to get the right answers.  😉

I’ve had clients who want a really cool web site, but they don’t really know what they want specifically.  Communication is essential to get the details we need to try and give them what they want.

I’ve had clients who give you only general concepts – then won’t return emails to answer questions we have on a project.  Again, communication is essential to get the job done.

In the end, effective communication, would have saved us both a ton of time and frustration.  I have many skills – mind reading isn’t one of them. 😉

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?
Primarily email – as I like the written record ‘paper trail’ of communication.  I also do quite a bit on phone or Skype; but prefer to follow-up with a written synopsis of the conversation to make sure we all understood the bullet points of the call.  Again, it’s creating a written paper trail of communication.

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?
I find communicating by phone or Skype to be good, in that you can quickly – with voice expressions, and get to the point quickly.  However, I find that it’s also easy to forget critical elements of a conversation as the conversation continues and veers off to other topics.

So I prefer email as a primary communication source; or if initial contact is by phone – to follow-up with a written synopsis.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?
There’s a time to speak, and a time to be silent – use wisdom and discernment to know which apply.

So many times I’ve spoken when I shouldn’t – and remained silent when I shouldn’t.  I clearly remember many times in my youth when I would ‘argue’ my point, as I knew I was right- only to not be heard and to ultimately alienate someone unintentionally.

Whether sharing the gospel with someone; or trying to settle a disagreement – there comes a point when you’ve shared your heart, said your side and now you need to let God do the rest.

Misunderstandings often occur because stubbornness closes the ears and clouds the mind to reason.  Where words are many, sin is not absent (Proverbs 10:19) – so listen more, talk less. 😉

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?
Business Sites

Personal Blog

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?
I love music, and my favorite song often is whatever fits the moment for me – as I truly believe God uses songs that glorify him to speak his Word into me when I need it.  I often listen to, and share music via my social media streams, from Grooveshark – which is free.  :)

So I leave you with an appropriate song:  Word of God Speak by MercyMe  http://tinysong.com/jWKw


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Interview w/a Communicator: Music Teacher

This week’s Interview with a Communicator is another online friend of mine with a very unique mission.

Cindy is a wife, mom, musician, writer, Christ follower and friend to many. She is also a private music teacher, teaching 25 piano and voice students each week. She has a BA in music from Northwest University and has been involved in ministry and music her whole life. She is passionate about motivating students young and old to be the best they can be .  I’m sure you will be inspired by reading more about her…

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.

I am a very positive person (most of the time) have learned to appreciate my friends and family well.  I love pouring into others and love to embrace and encourage.  I have a quirky sense of humor which can get me into trouble a lot – and I’m a terrible tease.  But most say it is lots of fun and feel inspired to be around my energy and positive take on life.  I’ve been married to the same man for 30 years this September and that’s no easy task!  We have two children – Ashlee is 23 and Shawn 19.  I also have a wonderful son-in-law, Drew who has been a part of our family now for about 3 years.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Cindy Holman?

A typical day would begin with Greg bringing me coffee in bed, where I begin the day with my devotional and looking through some applications on my iPhone to find just the right “quote of the day” for my twitter and facebook status updates.  I then have breakfast with Greg – we are both self-employed and work from home so we can do this every morning.  His office is upstairs and mine is down.  I love having him home – didn’t think I would like it, and although it took a little adjustment – I really love it now.  I use the morning to write and return emails – comment on my many blogs that I follow and prepare music for the afternoon of teaching.  Monday through Thursday this is my pattern.  I have every Friday, Saturday and Sunday off of teaching and do more running around on those days – except for church on Sunday morning.  I love to take walks and listen to music too :)

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.

I accepted the Lord as a small child.  I was four years old and I remember exactly where I was when I asked Jesus into my heart.  I was in my bedroom looking out the window and then went into the kitchen to tell my mother.  I believe that our life should reflect what we believe and that it is the greatest testimony that we posses.  I have always wanted for others to see Jesus in me – whether it was in school, church or in the community.  As a teacher and a friend I believe that being an encourager and a person full of grace and mercy with a lot of love speaks volumes to people – and is much more effective than preaching and teaching.

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?

Greg and I will be married 30 years this September.  We’ve had to continually grow and be willing to learn during the different seasons of life.  We had a set-back a few years ago and it taught us that we need to be willing to change if we wanted our marriage to continue.  We learned how to communicate: what works and what doesn’t.  I learned not to “stuff” how I was feeling and just “go along” because it’s less work.  It’s taken hours and hours of talking and developing a meaningful way to communicate our deepest feelings that we just took for granted.  For years I don’t think Greg really knew how unhappy I was at some things and felt like he was taking me for granted and even shutting me off emotionally.  After being able to learn some tools of communication and releasing the “fear buttons” when speaking up – it was a very healthy new beginning to us as a couple.  I learned to speak up and be clear – Greg learned to really listen and that was very hard for him – it was very hard, though – because married couples learn the “dance” and do it well – even the unhealthy ones.  To unlearn and relearn is difficult – but in a crisis you have to make a choice – and we did.

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.

I think raising teenagers is the biggest challenge that any parent faces.  We went through it with a daughter first, and then a son – four years apart.  They were both unique – girls go through an interesting time in those years and it was a very dark and frustrating time for me.  Our daughter is more like Greg – so he always understood her better than I did.  And I always understood Shawn because he is more like me in personality and disposition.  Releasing them when you’re not sure if they are ready – is another big challenge.  Our daughter moved out when she was 20 and it was the best thing for her and for us.  She grew up a lot when she had to be on her own.  Our son leaves for California in less than a week and I worry that he is not ready and will not be able to handle it – and then I think about how well Ashlee did – and I know he will be fine.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.

I have always love Proverbs 3:5,6 – it’s been my favorite my whole life.  He is the only one who truly guides and leads our steps – all we have to do is trust.  Such freedom in that – such reassurance.  I like to think I can solve things – and try to understand everything that happens – and then something happens to me that is beyond my understanding.  It is then that this scripture comes back to me “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight”  I want my paths to be straight – not crooked or bent with fear and heartache because I tried to stubbornly do it my own way.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?

I teach piano and voice lessons in my home.  I am very intentional about email and facebook communication with my students and parents.  I love to chat with my students and parents during the week – when I find a song I think they might be interested in learning – or posting a song from a recital with them in it.  I provide advance notice through written notes, email, facebook or my website for my music studio when I have things I want them to be aware of – such as holidays or weather changes that will prevent the studio being open for business for that day.  Funny thing – even though I teach most holidays – I still have students missing – even though I always give plenty of good communication – I guess it is something that every teacher deals with.

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?

I have a facebook fan page for my studio called “Cindy’s Music Studio” and I also have a website/blog where I post many of the schedule things with my studio.  I also use text – email and facebook.  It is frustrating when students and parents don’t have a facebook account because it is where I post most everything including pictures and video.

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?

My only challenge is that people are not all on facebook – or a fan of my music page, so I have to print out a note for those people – or call them to make sure they received something that everybody else did because they saw me post it online.  It’s much more time consuming and frustrating.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?

I would be careful who I entrusted with my heart felt and personal information.  I would tell myself, “are you sure they are trust worthy? – will they easily run off expose, accuse and then hide instead of protecting my heart if they are miffed about something? – how well do you really know them? – be very careful about trusting before it is earned”

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?

My blog is http://cindyholman.wordpress.com my fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/cindysmusicstudio and my website/blog is: http://www.facebook.com/cindysmusicstudio

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?

I love the quote: “Feed the body food and drink, it will survive today. Feed the soul art and music , it will live forever.”  That says so much – and because music is such a part of me – passing it on is a huge blessing because I know I am helping to develop and feed their soul with this gift.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us, Cindy!  I’m so glad I got to share you with my readers!


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NEW: Interview w/a Communicator

We have a new feature here on Communication FUNdamentals called Interview with a Communicator.  We all communicate every day of our lives and communication touches every aspect of it.  So…each week, I’m going to bring you a blog interview with someone in a different ministry, business or time of life to share with you.  Each will share the mission God has them on and how effective communication plays an important role.  We begin with a friend I met online.

BeckyJoie Thombs Oakes is a “multiple hat wearer” and a free-lance writer. She spends her time volunteering to work with youth as well as lay-counseling ministries at a local Christian counseling center.  She has three sons.   She lives with her husband, two of her sons and their Yorkshire terrier in Leesburg, FL.  Always uplifting and gracious, she puts a smile on the faces of those all around her.  I know you will enjoy her.  Here we go…


1. Please tell us a little about yourself.

I like to describe myself as a multiple hat wearer. I am first and foremost a wife and therapeutic mom. By that I mean that I help children from abusive and troubled backgrounds. My husband and I have adopted two teenage boys through foster care and have an older son who is in college preparing for a law career. In my spare time, I am a youth worker, middle school Sunday school teacher, lay-counselor, health consultant and a health food business person.  I never have time to be bored. I love helping people. It fuels me.


2. What is a typical day in the life of Becky Joie?

Currently, I homeschool my two boys, ages 15 and 17 but during the day, I run my health businesses from home and do therapeutic respite for whoever the Lord sends my way. This includes dealing with a great deal of behavior management in troubled children so we keep very occupied with outdoors activities and routine household chores. It requires a stable schedule with a tiny bit of flexibility so my day is often planned from 6am until 11pm or later, depending on issues that come up during the day.


3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.

I was raised in a Christian home. My family had an evangelistic ministry performing puppets, music, chalk drawing and preaching. I am told by my parents that I gave my life to the Lord as a 5 year old but I really did not remember it, although I remember being baptized. When I was in the 4th grade, our family settled in a church that was very strong on keeping God’s law but not especially skilled in grace. Through a series of events and time in a restrictive environment,  I became hurt and turned away from the Lord for a brief while in my adulthood. I had been in an abusive marriage where I had my oldest son. My ex-husband was a pastor.  We divorced to due his abuse and unfaithfulness.  Even after we had been separated for a few years, I was still not over it.  I was very angry about this and ran from the Lord for a while. Then, I was invited to a Calvary Chapel home bible study. It was there I felt God’s love and mercy but was also convicted for sin in my life so I re-committed my life to the Lord.  Then I learned that God really loved me, that I was definitely a sinner in need of a Savior. I learned that God was not a bully waiting for me to trip up so He could hit me with a club of punishment but that He really loved me, wanted to forgive me and give me a new life. I gave my heart to Him and turned away from the world. It was one of the toughest things I ever did but I’m so glad I did it. That was about 15 years ago. I’ve served the Lord gratefully ever since. A couple of years after splitting with my ex-husband, I met my husband, Doug, who is a wonderful, godly man.


4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?

As of June 2011, we will have been married for 14 years. We were put together by “Godcident”, we like to say. Paired up in a Christian musical, we became very good friends. We didn’t even know that we liked each other more. Other people had to point it out.  At one point, he tried to tell me that he liked me and said, “I’m so glad we are friends.” I was DEVASTATED. I had begun to realize I liked him as more and thought he was saying he only like me as a friend.  He saw a man kind of following me around and thought I was taken already.  This also did not help. We didn’t communicate about it at all. It took a mutual friend of ours to mend the communication gap. Thank God for friends! I would hate to think I missed out on a wonderful husband because we did not communicate how we felt to each other.


5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.

My type of parenting is a cross between therapeutic parenting and the “Love and Logic” style. I need to be very careful to keep my tone of voice mild and cheerful even when disciplining as tenseness can trigger fears of abuse or anger in the children that I help. I also have to be very cautious with humor as the children are sensitive and might feel ridiculed. With my oldest son, it was different. He was a rascal but he had a great sense of humor. He had a knack for embarrassing me. One time he hid inside an old pulpit at the base of the stairs in an old church building and waited for ladies to come down the stairs. He would jump out and scare them. Screams would echo across the church. That would be when I would find out what he did and want to crawl under a rock. Another time, he told a sharp looking single man that I went to the doctor to get a shot in my rear end. Humiliating! Sometimes working with troubled teens can bring embarrassment as well. When a teen throws a tantrum ( throwing things, yelling, stomping feet, cussing) in public because they don’t get the yogurt they want in the store and they won’t wait to discuss it in private  OR else when one has wild behavior and climbs atop a grocery display and I have to talk to them in a sweet, calm voice, it can be quite unnerving to wonder what people think of our family. I overcome this by telling myself that it does not matter what others think and that I need to parent my children and my temporary charges the way that they need me to parent them because I answer to God and not strangers who don’t know the circumstances. Of course, we use discipline but it looks very different from what others use so there is no way between the behaviors and our discipline style that we are going to look normal to anyone who does not understand these things.  My biggest challenge is parenting against normal logic because this parenting style is unique to parents who do what I do.


6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.

I love Ephesians 3:14-21 which talks about knowing the love of God and being stirred up in Him. I think that is the answer to healing any hurt and motivating all Christian service. Love is the key. That is my prayer—that all who come into my pathway will know God and His love.


7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?

Communication is  24/7 job here. I must communicate in a way that can be received by hurting children. I must teach them how to communicate through words instead of poor actions. I must teach them how to express emotion appropriately. Most important is the modeling of how we communicate with our Lord for every need, every fear, every want, every time we need forgiveness or to tell Him that we love Him. They will see what a true parent is like if they see me trusting God. He is the ultimate parent.  In our home, prayer is a communication about trust/faith as well as communication with God. I am so blessed when one of my kids “gets it” and sees me with a headache. He comes and lays hands on my head and asks God to heal me. Other times, one child will be frustrated with the behavior of another. They will mimic my quiet, under the breath prayer before responding to the child who is irritating them. Then I know I’ve communicated faith and trust well to them.


8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?
I use many forms of communication with my kids, from letters, to songs, to stories and even signs on the wall. Storytelling is very helpful to relay empathy. If they can see how they would feel in a given situation, then they can learn to empathize with others.

With my health business, I use social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I have used blogging but lately I’ve just been too busy for that. Facebook is most effective because you can communicate with many more people and interact much more quickly. You are not just putting your message/product out there but you also get to develop relationships with your customers and provide much better customer service.


9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?

I’m not a phone person really. I like to see people’s faces or see their words in front of me. This could be because I am a visual person and have some auditory processing issues with noise. I prefer in-person or in written and electronic communication. That way I can mull over what is said more before reacting and I won’t miss something important.


10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?

That is a tough one. I think that in my past, I would have communicated more rather than clamming up. I think I would have thought more before reacting. There are so many things we can improve in communication. We are all students with so much to learn.


11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?

Right now, I am in the development stages of the therapeutic parenting fan page.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-Therapeutic-Parenting/193811603983441

My business page for health food is: http://www.beyondorganicinsider.com/becomeaninsider.aspx?enroller=4382 The company will open in October of 2011 but I’m beginning to build the business beforehand because I believe in Jordan Rubin, the creator, and his ideas for health and nutrition .

I also sell Nature’s Sunshine Products. You may contact me via email at rjeremiah2911@embarqmail.com for information on vitamins, supplements and natural health resources.


12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?

I just want to thank you, JoJo, for working so hard to teach people about communication. I feel that what you are doing is one of the most important ministries that the church could have and it’s also a business that could help others in their own personal and professional lives. Communication is not just telling people everything. I’ve heard it said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Thanks so much for sharing with my readers, BeckyJoie!  You are a blessing and inspiration to so many!


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Christian Pizza


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It’s Tax Day and we all need a giggle.  This Friday Funny is brought to you by my dd and her college friend.

My dd emailed this to me the other day from college.  Her friend had ordered pizza to be delivered to the Baptist Collegiate Ministry and it came with this receipt.

They say God is in the details, but I didn’t think He was into pizza delivery!  If you notice, it says, “Your pizza experience managed by Christ.”

Now I’m sure that a Christopher (or Christine) must be the manager of this pizza establishment, but I think it serves to remind us that God is ultimately in control, does it not?


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On taking the 'God Parts' out

Art of Eloquence is fast approaching the completion of its eighth year in business this November.  It’s been a very interesting ride so far.  I’ve learned a great deal about business, about myself and my faith.

When I wrote my first study, Say What You Mean (for Teens), I really wasn’t thinking of this as a business or even a ministry. It was simply an answer to a homeschool friend’s need for a more comfortable way her shy daughter could learn to communicate more effectively.  It was important to me that the approach to overcoming shyness and strengthening communication skills be fun and reflect the teachings that are so prevalent in God’s Word.  I have literally found HUNDREDS of scriptures that pertain to communication and many of them contain lessons I studied in the pursuit of my secular degree.

However, as I began to form Art of Eloquence, I quickly learned that not everyone was happy with the ‘God parts.’  The woman in charge of a nearby YMCA said she would love me to come and teach there if only I’d ‘take the God parts out.’  A public school administrator informed me that she’d love to recommend that my studies be used in the district, if only I’d agree to ‘take the God parts out.’  My Dad shared with me that he felt that I’d get a lot more sales if only I’d ‘take the God parts out.’

Over the last eight years, I can’t count the number of times I’ve been offered contracts, money, sales, an enormous venue in which to display my articles if I’d only agree to ‘take the God parts out.’ I just could never bring myself to do it.  It felt like I’d be turning my back on the Lord after He had done so much for me.  It felt disrespectful, but more than that, it felt wrong.

When I got my degree from a secular university, I felt I had a firm grasp of the concepts I had studied.  After all, I had a degree from one of the top ten universities in the country for Speech Communication.  When I accepted Christ as my savior, I found greater meaning in the lessons He wrote for us in His Word.  It more than enhanced my understanding; it put a necessary perspective on every aspect of human communication.  I found that studying speech communication without mentioning what the Bible has to say about it, is like studying automobiles without mentioning Henry Ford.

As the years went by, I began writing more about being an effective witness for Christ both as an example and when discussing our faith with others.  That’s when I really had some challenges to my approach!  I’ve had people heckle me on internet radio shows and I’ve had some NastyGrams sent to my email.  I’ve had people disrupt my online events, send scathing remarks to online groups and one lady who chastised me during a presentation I was asked to give for a group of Christians.  I found out later that she was a member of one of my Christian Yahoo groups!  She wasn’t aware that I was asked to do this presentation nor was she aware that the presentation was to a group of Christians.  She simply felt it was ‘intolerant’ of me to quote scripture and talk about Jesus when there were people who didn’t believe in Him.  So she stood up in the virtual chatroom so to speak and told me off, left the room and took several people with her.

Many times what I write cannot be divorced from scripture without diminishing the value or losing the integrity of my message.  So, though I’ve been asked many times to ‘take the God parts out, for many reasons, I simply cannot do it and remain true to the voice inside me-the voice God gave me.

I can’t say that I haven’t been tempted.  I wish I could report to you that I’ve never once allowed it to cross my mind that I might have much more of a following or more sales if I did ‘take the God parts out.’  And I know that there must be others out there who struggle with this issue whether they are authors or not.  I’d like  to share a thinking process that I use whenever I am presented with a situation like this.  I hope it will help you.

  • If I were to take the scriptures out of my work, I might be able to reach a wider audience than just the percentage of Christians who feel it important to study communication from a Christian perspective.
  • If I were to reach a wider audience, I might be able to reach unbelievers and they may come to know Christ.
  • How many people, who are that uncomfortable with scripture, would actually be interested in these kinds of articles and studies which were written specifically for Christians?
  • How many of my articles and studies really speak to the unbeliever?
  • Wouldn’t I approach a nonChristian in a completely different way?
  • Isn’t there a reason God directs me to write this way?
  • So…shouldn’t I leave my writing the way I was directed to write it?

Some Christians are directed by God to write in order to reach unbelievers.  Some have missions that speak to the churched.  Each of us has to listen to the Lord to determine our own path and then ask ourselves questions periodically that will allow us to keep to the path the Lord has set before us.

What is your mission?  What questions do you ask yourself in order that you remain on the path God has for you?

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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Have a cause you want to promote?

GTS Logo ThumbnailGrace Talk Soup is our weekly podcast where my co host and I share tips and techniques for more effective communication in various situations life brings us.  Carla and I a serving up God’s Word with side order of Grace and Humor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST.  Our live show has some great fun as the audience participates in much of the show!  Grace Talk Soup also receives HUNDREDS of downloads of our past archived shows a month!

Just in the last few months we have talked about subjects such as Defending the Faith, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, Cultural Differences in Communication and How to Talk to Someone Who is Grieving!  And the feedback has been amazing.

We are holding a constest each week where you could win free air time for your favorite cause, ministry, business or blog!  Just help us promote the show each week by posting our link http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736 and a bit about the show or inviting others to attend then email us to tell us where and how many times you posted gts@artofeloquence.com sharing a bit of information on your cause/busienss. You will be automatically entered in the contest!  The one who posts the most that week, will win free exposure for their cause as we read all about it and post your link in our chatroom on the air during the show!

You can enter as many times as you like each week!  Each week is a new chance to win!  Put our TalkCast badge up on your blog/site and that gets you an entry each week!

Grace Talk Soup has a fan club over on Facebook too!  We’re over 500 members strong!  Come join us and hear about all the latest shows and get inside information and freebies that only our Facebook fans have access to!  As we talk about the issues for the shows, you can post relevent information about your cause or ministry there as well!

Grace Talk Soup’s menu is up on the site for the next several weeks so go check out what’s coming up!  And remember: Life can get a little spicy sometimes. Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!

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You write it! She rights it!

My dearest friend and my co host on Grace Talk Soup, Carla Ives, has been interviewed by Take Root and Write in their Ministry Spotlight!  You’ve just GOT to read this!  She is so funny as she answers the interview questions!   And the interviewer, is another of my dear friends, Joan Rudder Ward!

Here’s a taste:

These are just a few places where your thoughts and ideas translate into words that need to relay important information to your particular audience. These are the moments when your work needs to reflect excellence, as these are opportune times to shine and convey your professionalism, the times where you may not get a second chance at that first impression, times when it’s important to have someone edit your work.

Our ministry spotlight person today is someone that can help you make that good impression.Meet Carla Ives, Editor, who helps your written work be the best that it can be. Carla has a delightful, quick-witted personality and is an easy person to converse with. We talked about her ‘gifting’ of eagle eyes and of that inner ear that can hear and help you convey the heart-message of your written word.

Joan: Carla, tell us what you do and a little background on how you discovered your gift.

Carla: (laughing) Well, I call myself a ‘Purveyor of  Fine Words.’ Fancy way to say that I am in love with language, expression and presentation!  I’m not sure exactly when I discovered this “gift.”  As a child, I read everything I could get my hands on. I practically lived at the library. Good spelling has always been instinctive with me. I won every spelling bee I ever entered. I guess it naturally flowed that I would “learn” to spot things. I’ve been proofing and editing for over 15 years now.  I “formally” turned it into a business two years ago.

It’s a fabulous article about an amazing lady written by an incredibly talented soul! Great article Joan!

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Do you have an unusual testimony or ministry?

Then Grace Talk Soup is looking for YOU!   Do you have a unique testimony?  Did you lead someone to the Lord?  Do you have a ministry or mission in life that would be of interest to my listeners?  Contact me jojo@artofeloquence.com and tell me a bit about it!  I am looking to schedule guests for 2009.

Grace Talk Soup is where you can find me “Boldly Serving Up God’s Word with a Side Order of Grace and Humor” each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST.

I share news of importance to the Christian community as well as  tips on effective communication, especially where it relates to sharing and defending the Christian faith.   My guests share their testminony, ministry and their missions.  I also have Open Discussion shows on various topics of interest to the Christian community where you can come and share your thoughts and experiences.  A great way for you or your teens to hone your communication and public speaking skills!

Some of My Former Guests:

Stephen Kendrick, Co author of The Love Dare and Fireproof!

Pastor Bob Cushman, author of What if You Pray?

Lorrie Flem, publisher of TEACH Magazine

Bette Dowdell, author of How to Be a Christian without being Annoying

FIMM, Hear Foot in Mouth Man speak for the first time!

Capt’n Richie, Coma Survivor!

Cindy Rushton, of Talk A Latte and UHSE shares her testimony on air for the first time!

Cathi-Lyn Dyck, shares her story of the side effects of her abortion and what the Drs don’t tell you!

Bill Phillips, Street Evangelist in the news who was threatened with arrest as he shared the Gospel!

Open Discussion Topics coming up:

March 12th, Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility

Later this year: How Does God Speak to You?, Big Church or Small Church?, What is Grace?, The Language of Leadership, Christian Buzz Words, What is Your Communication Personality?, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, The Bible on Parenting, Marriage…

Come share YOUR unique story!

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