Memorial Day Tribute

Today is Memorial Day.  There are no words to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  This video says thank you to them, to those they fought beside, to those who stand in their stead and to those who are at home waiting for them to come home.


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Tribute to our military heroes!

I wanted to create something to post for Memorial Day that blessed and honored our fallen heroes.  One thing lead to another and I found this staring back at me from across the computer.  It struck me in an instant that our military are so much like our Savior.  They are willing to give everything for the rest of us.  Some did!

Others are out there right now and are ready and willing to give everything for our country and others they are protecting.  And their families are heroes too because they are sacrificing so much so that these brave men and women can  be willing to sacrifice all.  This is for each of them.  From everyone at Art of Eloquence, we express our deep appreciation and send our prayers!


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