Homeschool Leadership Seminar Coming March 10th!

Homeschool Group Leader Workshop
03/10/2010 12:30 pm PST/3:30pm EST

Join JoJo Tabares author of “Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership” and her co-hosts Kristen Fagala and Denise Hyde authors of “One By One: A Homeschool Group Leader’s Guide to Motivating Your Members” as we discuss how homeschool group leaders can lead more effectively with less stress and get more participation!

  • Why motivation is a huge part of successful leadership
  • What leadership is . . . (relationship)
  • Three burning questions every leader must ask
  • Questions leaders have asked us: how to avoid burnout, how to get people to show up, how to get more volunteers
  • Tips on motivating teens
  • Why we need leadership skills
  • What a leader isn’t
  • 16 Biblical qualities of a leader
  • Why a leader needs: effective communication skills

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 10th, at 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST.  Here’s how to join in the call:

Listen via your computer:
Or call in via phone: (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

Or you can sign up for a free TalkShoe account so you can join the chatroom while you listen in!

Do mark your calendars to attend because space is limited and this session will NOT be available to the general public as an audio afterward!

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January's Mailbag Monday

I cannot believe it is the end of January already and time for Mailbag Monday here at Communication FUNdamentals.  This month we found MANY questions and comments in our mailbag–mostly feedback on all the changes we have had here at Art of and the newsletter.

Say What You Mean Convention

1. Several of you asked how to register for the event and enter the drawings.  The sign up form is now on the home page.  This not only enters you in the six live drawings but allows you to receive What’s New at Art of Eloquence, our monthly newsletter with freebies, special offers and info JUST for our subscribers.

2. A few of you emailed asking about the events at the convention.  I have recorded a welcome audio you can access from the home page that will give you a quick overview of the site and events.  To see all of the events, times and descriptions, click on the Schedule of Events page. We also have an audio of our preview show with my guests Kim Kautzer from WriteShop and Cindy Rushton from Talk A Latte and Mom to Mom Radio who is one of our keynote speakers this year!

3. Many of you emailed in or posted on my Facebook page about how much you are looking forward to this year’s convention and how much fun you had last year.  Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.  Here are a few of the things folks had to say about the convention:

“Sign me up, please. Thanks. I CAN’T WAIT!!!! It sounds so good. I’M DYING to listen to the preview.” -BeckyJoie

“I ‘attended’ this convention last year and it was fantastic! Informative, professional and just plain fun! I highly recommend this to all home educators who desire to learn to communicate for Jesus’ glory =)” -Brenda

“I can’t wait for your audios. They are always outstanding.” -Susan

“Looking forward to the SWYM Convention once again!” -Christine

Newsletter Feedback:

1. So many of you emailed in about how much you like our new format.  Many of the comments we received were like this one:

“SWEET! Love the new format. . . especially ART OF ELEPHANTS.  ROFLOL” -Carla

2. We had another wonderful review this month.  This time by two homeschool moms who run a website and have written a book for homeschool group leaders.  Check it out here.

Then we had some really great questions about our communication studies.

1. Karen asked what the difference is between Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course and Say What You Mean For Teens.   In case you were wondering the same thing…

    Say What You Mean for Teens is a general communication study teaching basic communication skills and why communication is so important for every day life.  In week eight, the student begins preparing to give a speech he will deliver in week 18. The study takes him through this step by step in a fun and creative way while teaching him the skills he needs to deliver such a speech.

    Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course is a full speech course.  Each week your student will prepare for and give a speech on a different creative and fun topic alternating between impromptu and prepared speeches.  This is not your typical speech course where the students have to do a lot of research of the same old topics.  This study puts the emphasis on honing the skills needed to give a great speech while using fun topics such as Cats vs Dogs and 101 Uses of Duct Tape!

    2. Leslie asked when Say What You Mean for Preschoolers would be available again.  Well Leslie you are not alone!  I’ve had someone ask this question at least once a week since we took it down for revising.

      I am actually almost done revising the study as I type this.  It should be out this week!  Since I stopped my weekly podcast, I’ve been working hard on all our new studies you all said you wanted.  In fact, we will have a few more studies out shortly and some more following that.  We will be taking pre orders for some of them so watch our newsletter for details.  We will be offering our newsletter subscribers an opportunity to pre order at a lower rate so if you are not a subscriber, you’ll want to be soon!

      3. Roberto asked if Art of Eloquence had anything that would help him specifically with getting his point across in conversation.

        Well, we are just about to!  I am also currently working on my notes for a new study called Say What You Mean in Conversation and one called Say What You Mean: Persuasion and Public Speaking.  Either of these will help you a great deal.  Keep watch on the newsletter for details on how and when you can pre order these two!

        Thank you all for your fabulous questions and comments this month!  If you have a question or a comment for Art of Eloquence, send it to!

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        Mailbag Mon: College Prep, SWMConvention, AoE Reviews

        I can hardly believe it’s the end of November already!  But it is and, as the last Monday in November dictates here at AoE, it’s time for me to share some of your comments and questions in Mailbag Monday!

        “Oh Wow JoJo – Ashlynne and I are reading her book “The Homeschooler’s Guide to Preparing for College” and it is really helpful information. Ashlynne loves reading it knowing it was written by a young person. Kelsey is helping me give my DD a good foundation too! God Bless your time together richly :)” -Merit K.

        My dd spent two years of her life researching her way into one of the most elite schools in the country.  She didn’t want all her hard work to go to waste and for other homeschoolers to struggle, as she had to, in order to find all of this information for themselves when she already had it all in one convenient place.  She and I are tickled to know it is helping so many homeschoolers prepare for college and to avoid the pitfalls, struggles and expense we had to go through.  Thanks for sharing this and please let us know what Ashlynne goes on to after graduation!

        “When will the preschool book come available?” -Marie J.

        Oh this has been the eternal question here at Art of Eloquence!  I shared a little about this last week on the blog when I announced the changes to Art of Eloquence for 2010.  I am afraid that I don’t have an exact date of re release as yet, but that is one of the first studies we will be working on next year.

        “Is the ‘Say what you mean’ conference an old ad or is it in 2010?  Thanks.” -Carol F.

        Some folks have been confused about the Say What You Mean Convention each year.  For those new to Art of Eloquence, the convention is a free, annual, online event that features various creative and fun activities for all ages designed to educate Christian families on the importance of effective communication in every day life.  Each year has a theme, keynote speakers and various activities.  The SWMC stays up for a full year ministering to Christian families until about January when we begin to make changes to the website for the coming new convention.

        The SWMC is set for February 3rd, 2010.  All the fun is packed into one day this year instead of three so make sure to mark your calendar so you don’t miss the live events!  The theme this year is The Three Flavors of Communication: Formal Speech, Writing and Conversation and will feature keynote speakers Cindy Rushton and Christian comedian Michael Jr!  Communication fun includes various contests with prizes, live seminars and workshops, pre recorded audio seminars, scavenger hunt and prayer chat!

        More details to follow so stay tuned to Communication FUNdamentals blog in December and mark your calendar for December 31st as I podcast my last live show EVER and share a preview of the highlights to come of this amazing free event.  On the show will be myself, my two moderators: Kim Kautzer of Write Shop and Joan Rudder Ward of Girl Nurture as well as perhaps our keynote speakers: Cindy Rushton and ….MICHAEL JR!!!

        “We’ve started the SWYM for kids but have been moving a bit slow through it.  The kids wrote out and did their speeches (1st chapter…I did say slow right?) a week ago and gave them to the family.  They actually did very well.  Today the two younger (almost 6 and 7 1/2) were having a row over something.  We had been talking about how to communicate our “wants” and “feelings” to someone regarding play.  I took them to the bathroom, said “work this out and you can come out” and turned and shut the door.  About 5 minutes later after about 1 minute of yelling at each other, they came out and resumed play without any more hostility or anger.  I was frankly a little amazed.  They must have picked up on something as we role played last week how to get across what we think and feel.  Thanks for your good work!-Laura K.

        Thanks so much Laura for sharing this.  It’s so important that we teach our kids to communicate respectfully with each other, especially at a young age.  So many these days feel justified (even adults) in communicating in a disrespectful way that it is even more important in today’s society.  So much misunderstanding in life can be avoided by teaching our youngsters this skill!  Kuddos to you!!

        Some fabulous reviews of late:

        Say What You Mean The Language of Leadership

        The Play Book

        If you have a question or a comment about Art of Eloquence events or products, please feel free to post a comment here or email me jojo @ artofeloquence. com

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        Homeschool Group Leaders: How to motivate your members

        CCN Logo2My guests this week are Kristen Fagala and Denise Hyde of who are just about to release a new book: One by One: Homeschool Group Leaders Guide to Motivating Your Members. We’ll be talking about why leadership is important, how we can communicate in leadership and tips for motivating homeschool group members!

        Join us tomorrow Thursday, 8am PST/11am EST

        Join us live via your computer:

        Or join us live via phone: (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

        Or listen to the audio available immediately following the broadcast:

        Remember: I will not be podcasting after this year and all audios will come down in 2010 to make room for our new line up of 10-12 full length seminars!  So listen live if you can!

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        Success=Leadership=Communication Skills

        Success=Leadership=Communication Skills
        By JoJo Tabares

        Research shows that successful leaders are effective communicators.  Why?  Because you can lead a horse to water but not if you don’t show him how to get there!

        “You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” -Lee Iacocca

        Want to be a successful corporate leader?  You have to learn to speak effectively with your superiors in order to communicate that you can handle a promotion. Next,  in order to remain successful in a leadership position with the company, you must learn to effectively communicate with your subordinates in order to lead.

        Management in the 21st century isn’t barking out orders.  Today’s managers are leaders and leadership requires motivating their employees and building relationships.  Furthermore, most companies are now considering communication skills as vital factors in the hiring and promotion process.

        Looking to be a successful entrepreneur?  You had better learn to effectively communicate your vision to investors, business associates and, most importantly, to your customers!

        According to a study done by AT&T and Stanford University, “People who enjoy giving speeches earn much more than those who avoid public speaking.”

        If you are looking to make a difference in the world, communication skills are vitally important!  In order to witness to others, promote a ministry, reach others with your vision, you must be able to communicate your vision and persuade others to accept it and join you in your mission.

        “Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6

        Good communication skills enhance your leadership and success in the following ways:

        * Self confidence
        * Leadership Skills
        * Personal Presence
        * Credibility
        * Ability to Persuade/Explain
        * Understanding of Others
        * Interaction and Enjoyment
        * Learning Effectiveness

        “He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.” Proverbs 22:11

        Pick your favorite leader.  Go ask him about how important communication skills are to him!

        JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, including Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership, please visit

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        The Language of Leadership Now Available!

        SWMLL 4001 Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership is finally   here!

        Leadership is all the buzz right now, but leadership is so much more than power or charisma.  Leadership, Godly Leadership, true leadership, is so much more than that!

        Leaders are not just politicians. Leaders are not just heads of companies.

        * Parents need leadership skills.

        *Those in charge of church projects need leadership skills.

        * Any business owner and any employee who desires to get ahead needs leadership skills.

        * Those in the MLM, Direct Sales or Network Marketing business need leadership skills.

        * And those wishing to fulfull The Great Commission need leadership skills.

        The Language of Leadership is an 18 week course where you will gain inspiration.  If you feel, as many great leaders have,  unprepared for the mission He has you on,  The Language of Leadership will teach you…

        * Why we need leadership skills

        * What a leader isn’t

        * 16 Biblical qualities of a leader

        * Why a leader needs effective communication skills

        * What a leader looks like

        * How to package yourself as a leader

        * Powerful leadership words/speech

        * and so much more!

        It’s available as an eBook packed with tips and embedded links for further resources and as an online course available to ANYONE who resides in your home for NO EXTRA CHARGE!

        It makes a fabulous homeschool study, the perfect course for adults of any age no matter what type of leadership they are destined for.  AND it is easily used for Co op classes where you can teach for less because you don’t need a teacher’s handbook, a test manual or even to purchase a different study for each individual student!  Just purchase a small license fee of $10 per 10 extra students!

        Click here to find out more about this long awaited study and online course!

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        Godly Leadership on Tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup Show!

        gts-logo-thumbnail3God’s Kingdom needs Godly leaders!  In order to fulfill this role, a Godly leader needs to understand what a leader really is.  Not only does he need to understand the mission and what is required, but he needs to be able to convey its benefits to others and that he is capable of leading others to that eventuality.

        In my upcoming book, The Language of Leadership, I will explore what a leader looks like, what a leader sounds like, what a leader says, what a leader isn’t, how to convey leadership, what to do to show others you can lead, the 16 Biblical qualities of a leader and how to convey confidence when you’re not quite so confident that what you must do will be well-received.

        A leader is not someone who is simply “in charge” for I have known many a boss who had no idea how to lead those under his authority.  A leader is not someone who is always right, as there are many great leaders who have failed.  A leader is not someone who is merely popular.  How many times in history have great leaders needed strength to overcome the popular thinking of the time?  A leader is not someone who is bossy.  Being in charge does give you the right to demand of your underlings, but only true leadership will bring peace and cooperation and stability to a situation.

        For an overview and tips for leadership, tune into Grace Talk Soup this Thursday 8am PDT/11am EDT!  Bring your teens and please share this link with others!

        Who will benefit from this show?

        * Teens looking to cultivate leadership skills for college, the job market, business or missions.

        * Those looking for career advancement.

        * Those wanting to enhance their abilities to complete God’s missions for their lives.

        To join the call live via your computer:

        To join the call live via phone:
        (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

        Can’t join us live? Listen to the audio:

        Want to win a prize?  Today is the last day to enter our contest!  Help us promote this show by posting it to Twitter, Facebook, your blog, newsletter, website, Yahoo group, etc.  Then email and give us the link or tell us where you posted it and we will enter you in this week’s contest for a chance to win a prize!  For more details, listen to last week’s show: .  Scroll down to Past Episodes and click on the orange Listen button next to last week’s show on how to get a job in today’s tough market.

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