Do you speak Spanish?

This week’s question of the Week: Do you speak Spanish?

This Thursday’s Talk Talk Show on the Communication Comedy Network is about the communication differences in the Spanish culture and language.   My special guest this week is Michelle Rothwell of Dora and Diego Homeschool Spanish.  She and I will discuss the cultural and language differences of those who speak Spanish and why learning Spanish can be exceptionally helpful today!

My dh was born in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish.  He also speaks a little French and Italian.  He says there are some distinct difference in the Mexican culture and the language and I’ll be sharing some of his insights.  Michelle and I will be having some fun with some humorous stories of miscommunication between the Spanish and English speaking world.  Come join us!

Do you speak Spanish?  Or any other language?

You can post your answers here or post this question on YOUR blog and come back here to link your blog post so all of us can read about you and YOUR readers’ answers!

If you would like to share your thoughts or experiences about the Spanish language and culture with my listeners, I would LOVE to have you on the show live on Thursday 8am PST/11am EST!  If you cannot make it live, you can post here and I will share your thoughts on the air with my listeners as I have time.  The show is archived as an audio directly following the live broadcast so you can listen in at your convenience.

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Lions & Tigers & Cliche’s Oh My!

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:

Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life and language.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on.  This is a great time to connect with others but it’s also a fun way to build your writing and communication skills.   Grab your teens!

This week’s question: Can you write a sentence or paragraph using all cliche’s?

I got this idea from a newsletter written by a very creative language guru, The Word Guy!  Rob Kyff is a teacher, writer and a contributor to the ArcaMax Vocabulary Newsletter.  Once a month he writes on misuse and abuse of language in a creative way and this month was no “acception”!

Here’s a quick look at the current crop of overused terms. Call them “Ponzi screams.”

— Energizing the “Basis.” Newscasters have recently been touching all the “bases.” They’re continually updating us on a “daily basis,” “a regular basis,” “an overnight basis” and even a “need-to-know basis.” Basically, I’d say we need to “No!” “basis”!

— And Speaking of “Basically” . . . Has there ever been a more overused word? It’s a common sentence starter that should be a “nonstarter” (another cliche by the way). My first car, a ’57 Chevy, was often a nonstarter.

— In Praise of Athlete’s Feat. Alan Clem of Vermillion, S.D., notes that TV sportscasters invariably refer to the “athleticism” of top performers. Aren’t they all athletic?

Can you write a sentence or paragraph using all cliche’s?

You can post your answers here or post this question on YOUR blog and come back here to link your blog post so all of us can read about you and YOUR readers’ answers!

“More power to you!”  “Don’t delay!”  “What have you got to lose?”  It’s time to “make lemonaid out of lemons” to the “best of your ability”!  “Run like the wind” and “get it down on paper”!  “Time will tell” who is “the cat’s pajamas”!

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Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor Star in "I Love Language"

gts-logo-thumbnailAre you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child’s doctor?  Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company?  Do you know why your small business isn’t going where you feel it should?  Is it possibly because you aren’t communicating skillfully and efficiently?

If it is . . . or if it even might be, you need to join us every Thursday morning on Grace Talk Soup for I Love Language, starring Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor.  Laugh along with these two crazy compadres of Communication FUNdamentals, one spoken and one written, while gaining valuable knowledge and important tips on improving your business, your family and your life, simply by refining your everyday communication skills.

WHEN:     Every Thursday, 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific Time
WHERE:  Talk Shoe, more specifically at
WHY?:      Because you cannot get through ONE DAY of your life without communicating something to someone!

Life is simply too precious to waste one more moment being misunderstood.  Learn how to say it and write it right the first time.  So if you are missing out because of miscommunication or not being taken seriously. . . or whether you simply love words, you will positively adore I Love Language every Thursday, same talk time, same talk channel!  Bring your kids, bring your husband, bring your friends.  Laugh and learn along with us!  We’ll be waiting for you on Grace Talk Soup.  You can join us on the phone, in the chat room or both!

Tomorrow’s topic is: Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility
To call in during the live show:
(724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Remember:  Life can get a little spicy sometimes.  Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and Enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!
Lucy Linguist (
Ethel the Editor (
Starring in “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup:

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Why aren't some words words?

dunce-award-2001Why are some words not words you ever hear used?  In fact, if you use them, you have a good chance of being perceived as unintelligent.

If unbelievable means NOT believable and unimaginable means NOT imaginable, then uncouth means NOT couth.  But couth isn’t a word that is ever used.  The dictionary describes “uncouth” as strange, clumsy, lacking in polish and grace, so “couth” would be the opposite of uncouth.  And if you look in the dictionary, you will find this to be the case.  But nobody ever uses it, well…almost nobody:

“You can get yus’ as couth as you wan’ as long as it doesn’ cos’ me any money!”-Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy

Isn’t it strange that we can be thought inarticulate by using words correctly?  I often teach my students that it is often more important to “speak good” in order to be clear than it is to speak correctly and be thought a fool.ahhhh-2001

If we speak in the tongues of men and of the learned but have confused our listeners we are as a clanging cymbal.  Often we must choose between what is correct and what will gain the desired response and it can be a tricky choice.  Sometimes I choose to reword my entire sentence in order to be grammatically correct without using the confusing word or phrase. Other times I decide to say the incorrect thing so that I will be understood by most of my audience even if it might cause apoplectic fits of indignation from a few.

“From whom did you receive that tidbit of auspicious news?”

Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of Grace Talk Soup where my co host and I will be discussing this issue in some depth.  Until then, this is Lucy Linguist signing off until our next episode of I Love Language!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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