How JoJoisms Spell Communication

Recently, I wrote an article for my Examiner column, “How Do the Scriptures Spell Communication?” where I shared several  scriptures that began with the letters of the word communication.  It was an enlightening look  at some of the most important lessons on communication that the Bible teaches.

It occurred to me that I could do the same thing with the various communication quotes by mere humans including myself.  So this week, I set out to find both JoJoisms and other communication quotes that fit the bill.  Today I’m going to share with you how I spell communication.  On Wednesday, I’ll share some other quotes that hold great lessons for us.

You may notice that some of these are new.  I am afraid I have been remiss in creating JoJoisms that started with O,U, C and N so I had to write them especially for this article.  In fact, I decided to create them all as Visual JoJoisms as well so I’d have something for you to look at while reading.

C aution: Studying communication skills will result in closer relationships and higher professional success.  Side effects include self-esteem, confidence, personal happiness, longer marriages and winning sould for Christ. -JoJoism#133

O pening your mouth may be a right, but gaining an open ear is a privilege.  -JoJoism#242

M y mouth punneth over. -JoJoism#107

M odern technology now allows us the opportunity to see what we say and hear what we see. -JoJoism#204

U nbelievable power resides just under your nose and above your chin. -JoJoism#243

N ow is NOT the time for indecision…or is it? -JoJoism#132

I ‘ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD. -JoJoism#28

C ancerous words are the cause of many a relationship illness. -JoJoism#244

A rguments are like screaming in a deaf man’s ear.  He doesn’t hear you; he just knows you’re mad. -JoJoism#21

T he most important communication isn’t the speech you’ll give to a crowd. It’s the conversations you’ll share with friends & family. -JoJoism#35

I ’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good… -JoJoism#29 (see JoJoism#28)

O ptimum communication requires ultimate proficiency. -JoJoism#245

N othing worth hearing isn’t worth the time to say it well. -JoJoism#246


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JoJoisms: JoJo on Aging

Finishing off Birthday Bash week!  Today is Friday and you know what that means here at Communication FUNdamentals!  It’s Friday Funnies!

Birthdays always remind us of our age whether it’s our own, our kids’ or the anniversary of an event.  Eight years ago (almost) we began our family business, Art of Eloquence, and eight years ago I was MUCH younger!  lol  When I think of getting older, I think of humor because it helps the process along! ROFL

So today for Friday Funnies, I thought I’d share some of my JoJoisms on aging.  Enjoy!

JoJoism#8 Midlife Crisis is having to reconcile gray hair and pimples.

JoJoism#9 Getting old’s not so bad.  The cold you feel from hypothyroidism is neutralized by the hot flashes from Menopause.

JoJoism#10 Just when your brain is old enough to house some useful information, your mind forgets where it’s stored!

JoJoism#12 Old age is when senility neutralizes a lifetime of knowledge.

JoJoism#17 Age is just a number. So when I reach 50, I’m going to begin DEaging by celebrating my anti 49th birthday.

JoJoism#28 I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.

JoJoism#29 I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…

JoJoism#32 I don’t mind getting older, but aging is a whole ‘nuther story!

JoJoism#33 Don’t think of them as grey hairs; think of them as nature’s highlights!

JoJoism#40 I don’t need to worry about losing an inch as I age. I come preshrunk.

JoJoism#50 In September, I’m going to be a year older.  Of course a minute from now, I’m going to be older too…and so are you young whipper snappers!

JoJoism#51 You know you’re getting older when you get a notice from The Scooter Store and AARP in the mail!

JoJoism#54 Birthdays are why they invented New Math

JoJoism#55 After a while, Old Age is always about 10yrs older than whatever age you are.


JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!



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Do folks mess up your name?

What’s in a name?

I think the thing that is most frustrating in communicating with someone is when you mess up their name.  Folks don’t mind too much of you mess up the town they live in or the name of their car, the school they went to, but their name is personal and I think folks feel like you are messing with them when you mispronounce or misspell their name.

Now my given name is Joanne.  Not very unusual, but I guess the way I pronounce it over the phone with my accent made it sound like something else.  I would often have to say it three times and then get, “Oh hello Jillian!”  UGH!

And don’t get me started on how to spell it!  I’d get Joanne, Jo Anne, Jo Ann, Joann, Johanne, Johanna, Joan and Jillian! LOL  Then I got married and my last name became Tabares.  Took ME six months to learn to pronounce it right!  Tabaras, Tobarus, Tobarez…ROFL

So when I started my business, I began to refer to myself by my nickname I had since I was a wee tot (Yes!  Even smaller than I am now!).  Joanne was my given name, but I gave it back!  Started using JoJo and you know what?  Everyone could pronounce it and EVERYONE could even spell it!  A 20 minute conversation were 15 minutes was spent explaining my first name became an efficient and succinct 5 minute call!

Do you have an unusual name? Do folks mispronounce it or misspell it all the time?  What do you do about it? Leave a comment and share!

JoJo (Alias Joanne, Johanna, Joan, Mom, Mrs. Tabares… and Jillian!)

Art of Elephants Eloquence!

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Getting to know you…

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

How well do you know me?  If you’ve been a Communication FUNdameantals reader for any length of time, you have probably know that my life is pretty funny and that many of my humorous life experiences end up as blog fodder used for weekly giggle breaks by my readers.  I thought it’d be fun to see how well you know me after reading my blog and at the same time have you post so all of YOUR readers can get to know you as well.  It’s the great “Getting to Know You” blog fest this week!  Let’s begin!

JoJo’s Questions:

I’m going to ask a series of questions that can be answered by various posts on my blog.  I’ll post the answers (and the hilarious links to where I shared my loony life stories with you here in a few days.  If you’ve already read them, I’m sure you’ll giggle again for the first time and if you haven’t read them before, you’ll probably want to put your coffee down before you start! lol

1. What’s the name of my old computer and why did I call it that?

2. What was the 9 foot cricket?

3. Who recommends Art of Eloquence studies?

4. What is the Dr. Seuss like poem Lucy and Ethel made up that became our theme song on Grace Talk Soup?

5. Name one of my favorite comedians.

6. What famous college prep book did I find with a BIG TYPO in it?

7. What’s FIMMology 101?

8. What was the silly name my father came up with for my son?

9. What do I call my blog?

10. Where can we read more about YOU?

How well do you know me?
Please post your answers here as a blog comment. Then ask YOUR readers the questions about YOU and come back here to post a link to where we can read all about YOU so we can be…”Getting to know you… getting to know all about you…”  Everybody sing! lol

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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